[3.7] 1H-Impale Cyclone Champion/Slayer - 16M+ Shaper DPS Fullbuffed / 158%-220% Movspeed Speedy Boy
heres a yellow phoenix
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GTVNL1rY700 Last edited by streetRossi#3727 on Jun 15, 2019, 4:00:04 PM
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Hey friend. Mind checking out my gear and point me in the direction of next upgrades?
I'm thinking it's going to be better foils but i'm not sure. Also considering going the soul tether / glorious vanity route. Have you looked into it much? |
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how do you calculate the pride dmg and impact dmg in pob?
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Does someone have a recommendation for fossils to use to craft the pdps foils?
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" Guys, take a look at this, this is pretty insane for this build. Gain: +25% life, and free one node for Bane of legends, at minor cost. |
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" I went with alteration cause it's generally easier to start with, but if you are into fossil farming then you can might aswell craft them. " Heya, looking pretty good so far. Next steps would be Helmet enchant, Boots enchant, Steel/Diamond Rings, better eye jewel in Belt, Watcher's Eye with Pride +2 additional hits with Impale That should keep you farming for a while :D " Your english is fine m8, not worse then mine at least :'D -Your liferolls are quite low -You're missing the Granite / Lion's Roar flask -6 link missing with infused channel (8% less physical damage taken) Are you leap slamming occasionally to keep fortify and endurance charges up - which increases the duration of your Immortal Call if it triggers? " You have 2 low range weapons, that's why we prefer foils, they have 3 weapon range more then swords :D Also in maps you can use Pulverise and toggle Blood and Sand to Sand to get more Area. Also you could spec into Brinkmanship if you want even more Area. " I'd suggest slayer tanky version, You just need to grab the swords and those give you a very very good base to tear through content. I've been running t16 quite comfortably on 320-330pDps foils alrdy. If you grab some 390+, yea that'll do a lot. I'll try to make a high end tree on monday after my exams, you can check into that later on, but it'll probably be close to the tanky slayer version. " -Better pDps foils -Enchants on Helmet + Boots -level for more jewel slots + jewels -watchers eye with pride +2 additional impale " pride is always 20%, just read the geminfo ^^ Impact link is in the guide " jagged fossil spam is pretty efficient I have heard :D But can't confirm entirely. Streamlink: https://www.twitch.tv/szynima
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChwoAYZn8wbwAwE1260cMdw My Builds 1H-Impale Cyclone Champion/Slayer: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2514647 |
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So just a question. I made a cyclone build, with two-handed weapons. Pure crit. But I don't know if using impale is better or not.
https://pastebin.com/dFmEnCh4 this one is without impale. https://pastebin.com/iFKczpmp this is with impale. Could you take a look if you find any improvements? this is my first build ever. thanks anyway :D |
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Hey :D
Can someone please explain how to multicraft goods weapons for this build? I would start with a jewelled foil ilvl83, spam until i get tier 1 increased phys damage and then? Thanks! |
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" Thanks for the offer! :) I just gotta keep spamming the alterations and see if I can get something decent to build on, altho im always low on currency to craft with. Never understood how people get so much currency as they do! |
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So I'm very happily running as a champion, kinda hyrbid between your DPS and Tanky trees. I'm probably going to run Fortify on the 6L once I get it, and I was going to replace that slot in Leap Slam with Blood Magic.
Is there anything you would recommend to replace fortify in the leap slam setup besides that? I can't find anything else that would really do much, so the QoL Blood magic seems like the move. Champion Bladestorm Super Tank - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2785401 Last edited by GonzoHarratec#5923 on Jun 15, 2019, 5:31:01 PM
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