[3.7] 1H-Impale Cyclone Champion/Slayer - 16M+ Shaper DPS Fullbuffed / 158%-220% Movspeed Speedy Boy

Wertron wrote:
Sup guys!

Need some crafting advice pls :)

What mods should I get?

[SUF] Multi Mod
[PRE] Flat Phys
[SUF] Acc. Rating + % Quality

and What about last Prefix mod?

Wertron wrote:
Wertron wrote:
Sup guys!

Need some crafting advice pls :)

What mods should I get?

[SUF] Multi Mod
[PRE] Flat Phys
[SUF] Acc. Rating + % Quality

and What about last Prefix mod?


crit chance or mult
Wertron wrote:
Wertron wrote:
Sup guys!

Need some crafting advice pls :)

What mods should I get?

[SUF] Multi Mod
[PRE] Flat Phys
[SUF] Acc. Rating + % Quality

and What about last Prefix mod?


I'd go with hits can't be evaded as a preffix ;) Allows you to dump all the accuracy stuff and in general very good mod to have ;)
Pitou6 wrote:
Wertron wrote:
Wertron wrote:
Sup guys!

Need some crafting advice pls :)

What mods should I get?

[SUF] Multi Mod
[PRE] Flat Phys
[SUF] Acc. Rating + % Quality

and What about last Prefix mod?


crit chance or mult

Brother you are aware that both Crit chance and Crit mult iare suffixes right? Also if playing slayer, crit craft on weapon is completely useless ;)
DjPapaz wrote:

Brother you are aware that both Crit chance and Crit mult iare suffixes right? Also if playing slayer, crit craft on weapon is completely useless ;)

sorry, i am noob ) But you use this stats on your weapon ?
and in the pob i see that these stats give good damage.
and the author of the build uses them. Can you recommend something better?
Hi guys,

why is nobody using the "shock enemies for x sec when you Focus" mod on rings? It should be a very reliable burst damage for 4 secs, even on bosses or am i missing something?
Last edited by TheDoomsdayDevice#4613 on Jul 24, 2019, 10:51:19 AM
DjPapaz wrote:
Wertron wrote:
Wertron wrote:
Sup guys!

Need some crafting advice pls :)

What mods should I get?

[SUF] Multi Mod
[PRE] Flat Phys
[SUF] Acc. Rating + % Quality

and What about last Prefix mod?


I'd go with hits can't be evaded as a preffix ;) Allows you to dump all the accuracy stuff and in general very good mod to have ;)

Thx. think this is what I'll go for.. as for as I can see, there arent any other useful crafts to pick from, since they are elemental or chaos based, which we can't use in this build :)

About glorious vanity - what radius it need to have? Large medium small?Coz i got one with large(need 4 more lvls before i can use it but want to be prepared)
CVgMaDBgOD wrote:
About glorious vanity - what radius it need to have? Large medium small?Coz i got one with large(need 4 more lvls before i can use it but want to be prepared)

No worries, timeless jewels always have large radius.
I need some advice regarding optimizing my tree or equips. I'm dying to 1 shots from the last phase of uber elder. I feel like I need more life and maybe leech.


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