[3.7] 1H-Impale Cyclone Champion/Slayer - 16M+ Shaper DPS Fullbuffed / 158%-220% Movspeed Speedy Boy

How much mana does cyclone and leap slam generally cost you gents while fully linked? I'm trying to set up gear before playing the build. Thank you to anyone who responds. You're my hero.
lvl_5_Ninja wrote:
How much mana does cyclone and leap slam generally cost you gents while fully linked? I'm trying to set up gear before playing the build. Thank you to anyone who responds. You're my hero.

That depends on the Support Gems you use. Just take the Base Value and each Mana Multiplier to calculate it by yourself.

I remember my Cyclone (+ Meele Physical Damage Support + Impale Support + Infused Channeling Support + Brutality Support + Close Combat Support) was 9 Mana. If you use a Body Armour with Level 1 Maim Supoprt, it is 10 Mana. You should take Rings with -# Total Mana cost to make this value 0.
For some reason that thought went right over my head. Thank you very much Tiffi
d3viant6 wrote:
Reitermaniac_730 wrote:
Is it worth to take the Fortify Cluster around "Rampart" if I only have Fortify on my Leap Slam?

And if not, is it worth to take out Melee Phys DMG for Fortify in my Cyclone 6L?

Also I see many Champions on poe.ninja that play with the Fortify Ascendency instead of Conqueror & Worthy Foe. Is that a good Alternative?

Sry for the Questions but I'm still a noob, but I try to learn :)

I switched to fortify in 6L and never looked back, with buff it's much nicer alternative, zero maintenance, you can use curse on hit / vulnerability with leap (assmark will still work 90% of the time). I use FORT for champ leveling but QUICKLY switched, you can import my toon and dissect as you wish :-)

Thanks for the tips but I cannot see your full Skilltree because I am not using a PC and cannot "swipe" the tree to left or right. I only see the middle part of it :/

Yesterday I killed Shaper guardians, but i died really quickly.^^

I only have 3600 life, but have life stats on every piece of gear except Body Armour (Bronns), Belt (Soul Tether) and Gloves. Dont know how i can put my gear in here, so anybody can look it up :/
Guys how to use the pastebin link?
Just a simple man looking for adventure
OberstGruber wrote:
Quick question:

How big is the damage boost from watchers eye with impale while using pride mod?

Planung to buy one but path of building can't calculate the impale damage.


It's 13.33% more damage at max stacks (impales last 5 hits, 10% dmg per hit = 50% more damage, with watcher it lasts 7 hits so 70% more damage, 1.7/1.5 = 1.133).
11.76% more damage if you are champion with master of metal (1.9/1.7=1.1176)
In practice it will sometimes be more than this, since impale damage is recorded before any damage mitigation is applied, unlike your other damage, but this is hard to calculate.

Last edited by fapmonkey2#3420 on Jul 22, 2019, 8:48:35 AM
So I discovered, that I only can import my Char to PoB, when i'm using a PC with only a ps4 or smartphone it doasn't work :/

I will write my gear here down, hope that anybody can help me out with my life-issues.

Thats my currently skilltree:

I'm a Champion at Level 88. i have 4 Jewel slots in tree, one on the left marauder area -> transcendent flesh
One on the right at acrobatics -> glorious vanity (doryani 7808)
The two other jewel:-> viridian jewel, 6% Attackspeed with swords, 4% Attackspeed, + max Mana
-> viridian jewel, 12 crit-multi, 14% crit-chance, 12% inc. Weapon-DMG, 3% attackspeed

Flasks: Lions Roar, Basalt, Silver, Diamond, Quicksilver
Quicksilverflas have inc movementspeed while flask is active. The ozher have immunities.

Helmet: Starkonjas Head without Cyclone-Enchant
Body Armour: Bronn's Lithe 5L
Belt: Soul Tether
Gloves: spiked gloves-> 17% Attackspeed, 5-8 flat phys, 40% lightning resi, 37% cold resi, increased Armour

Boots: two-toned Boots (armour/ES)-> 87 life, +7 mana, 40% lightning resi, 35% cold resi, 27% fire resi

ring1: Shaped saphire ring-> assasins mark, multimod, life, -manacosts, lightning resi, flat phys

Ring2: steel ring-> t1 flat phys, multimod,life, -manacosts, fire resi, lightning resi

Amulett: lapisamulett-> 27% cold resi, 32% fire resi, ..% lightning resi (this is jist for capping my resistances. I have a shaped lapisamulett in my stash with t1 flat phys, but i cannot multimod it brcause of my resistances :/

Weapon1: jewelled foil-> 154% inc. Phys, multimod, attack speed, flat phys, critchance + quality (377 dps with formula -> aps x(min dmg+ max dmg)/2

Weapon2: jewelled foil-> 153%inc phys, 27%crit chance, multimod, attackspeed + quality, flat phys (365 dps)

Some stats i dont know exactly cause i'm at work at the moment.

Maybe somebody can afford some time to look over my stats :)

Last edited by Reitermaniac_730#2478 on Jul 22, 2019, 10:22:15 AM
Sup guys!

Need some crafting advice pls :)

What mods should I get?

[SUF] Multi Mod
[PRE] Flat Phys
[SUF] Acc. Rating + % Quality

and What about last Prefix mod?
I am not able to sustain T16 maps and i die to random mobs often. Also died on shaper twice. Can someone tell me whats lacking in my build or changes I need to do? I feel heavily invested and dont want to mess up my uber elder i just managed to spawn.

Dying every 2/3rd T16 map is breaking my confidence to clear uber elder.


Thanks for the guide though
Really hate Maven as a boss and its mechanics! pls give us something cool like Elder/Shaper
Thanks OP. I really enjoyed the build. Had Uber Elder on Farm, could full clear legions, and never ran into content that was difficult for this build to tackle.

I've done everything I wanted with this build and am moving on now and selling my gear. If anyone is interested, let me know.


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