[3.7] 1H-Impale Cyclone Champion/Slayer - 16M+ Shaper DPS Fullbuffed / 158%-220% Movspeed Speedy Boy

Hi guys, this is my current gear. Any advice how could I improve it? I'm very beginner player, so please don't blame me. Thanks in advance.

Lower end 400dps foils don´t seem to be an upgrade unless I go after something like 430-450dps...not sure about the 1-3white Prismatic though, might be useful?

Kind of torn between Doryani eHP and plain HP nodes on the tree and what to sacrifice to accommodate it...any ideas? Also I assume my ring/amu could be replaced and I would even have room for CWDT Enfeeble/RING WarlordsMark setup with +1 amulet. POB dps without Impale is ~1mil.
ign PhysicalActivity
Last edited by wildjesus#7999 on Jul 13, 2019, 4:32:11 AM
battousaii wrote:
We are shooting for high average damage or high total DPS? Also, why doesn't Ahn's Might get more love? It seems to be incredibly cheap for the DPS it gives. Obviously you lose frenzy charges, but PoB still shows it as really good DPS even if it does have less range than a foil.

Highest total dps.

Ahn's might is still really popular, but it's just a bit slow and you can't get frenzy charges because we don't use blood rage with it. If it's a dps increase, you should still probably dual wield them.

TcccT wrote:
hey guys I would like to tell you guys my build but idk how to add items to this post reply.... i got problem with my flask i need some guidance

Your build is fine and your flasks are fine too. If you want to improve, the first place to start would be with a maim chest with at least 140 or more max life.

Also put your scaeva in your main hand - you should have a lot more dps.

LeumasKrap wrote:
Wanted to ask, if i am doing the dps slayer build, should i do the soul tether + glorious vanity?

It's up to you what you want to do. But yes it's objectively the better build.
smallrobi wrote:

Hi guys, this is my current gear. Any advice how could I improve it? I'm very beginner player, so please don't blame me. Thanks in advance.

Your flasks are terrible - use the recommended setup. The main issue is that you're losing every frenzy charge every time you use Rotgut - even if you're getting it back, it's still bad against bosses when you can't generate frenzy charges (but you can carry frenzy charges over from mobs before you enter arenas if you use another normal quicksilver flask).

Get a maim chest with more life (ideally 150+ if you can afford it).

Get much more life on your gear.

Get rings/amulets with physical damage to attacks, critical strike multiplier and/or critical strike chance.

Get a good watcher's eye jewel.

Get better foils (400pdps+).
guys does it matter if i can swords with elemental damage on my weapons or just stick to pure physical or both as long as the physical is high enough?
Sharpz wrote:
guys does it matter if i can swords with elemental damage on my weapons or just stick to pure physical or both as long as the physical is high enough?

Ignore any elemental damage on swords because of brutality. Just go for the weapon with highest physical dps for your budget.
I feel dumb asking this, but how does everyone deal with uber lab? I have 5500 HP and 1400 ES, 4 life flasks and a lion's roar and every trap just destroys me. i've tried like 15 times and just can't complete it. I have run uber lab hundreds of times with other builds in different leagues and, even with weak witch characters, have never had this much problem with it. I haven't yelled at my screen in this game in years, but it's really pissing me off.
WR47H wrote:
I feel dumb asking this, but how does everyone deal with uber lab? I have 5500 HP and 1400 ES, 4 life flasks and a lion's roar and every trap just destroys me. i've tried like 15 times and just can't complete it. I have run uber lab hundreds of times with other builds in different leagues and, even with weak witch characters, have never had this much problem with it. I haven't yelled at my screen in this game in years, but it's really pissing me off.

Try using 3 insta-heal flasks, removing Vaal Pact for the uber lab run, and adding that 3 flask charges when unused pantheon in case you're in a pinch and without charges. And leap slamming around like crazy.
[1.1.0] Invasion/Ambush - Exiled Fiery Dragons (self-found / newbie friendly / invasion tested)
GoranH wrote:

Try using 3 insta-heal flasks, removing Vaal Pact for the uber lab run, and adding that 3 flask charges when unused pantheon in case you're in a pinch and without charges. And leap slamming around like crazy.

Totally forgot about vaal pact. Thanks for that!


It's possible corrupt a enchantment glove and have two attributes? Enchantment + corrupt mode?
Last edited by Shampoo_br#5536 on Jul 14, 2019, 5:57:06 PM

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