[3.7] 1H-Impale Cyclone Champion/Slayer - 16M+ Shaper DPS Fullbuffed / 158%-220% Movspeed Speedy Boy

Just import the paradoxica with ctrl+C ingame and paste it in pob with the create custom item option. This way it works.
Okay, looking for some more advice on my crafting endeavor. After a couple of failed annuls and more alts I've ended up with these two. The first one I know I want to craft, and the second I am not sure about. See below:

How would you proceed with multimodding this one?

And is this one worth multimodding? If so, how should I proceed for best results?

which is more dps: starkonja's without enchant or random helm with 40% cyclone enchant?
dfda91 wrote:
thanks for an awesome guide mate ;) ill try this but before start i have a simple question: wich class is better for Boss killer? i mean uber elder / uber lab / etc..

For mapping i have a ED/Contagion and works very well so i only want to do hard bosses.

Dont have maim armor but have Loreweave 6l with good roll stats (i saw few posts before that its okay hybrid dps/tank, ill use it. Wich ascendancy will benefit more of this armor¿

TL;DR: Champion or Slayer (both tank) for boss killing? Using Loreweave armour.


ELCartucho73 wrote:
which is more dps: starkonja's without enchant or random helm with 40% cyclone enchant?

Use PoB to find out... (it should be the 40% cyclone enchant but you should be using PoB to find out the answer to questions like this)
dfda91 wrote:
dfda91 wrote:
thanks for an awesome guide mate ;) ill try this but before start i have a simple question: wich class is better for Boss killer? i mean uber elder / uber lab / etc..

For mapping i have a ED/Contagion and works very well so i only want to do hard bosses.

Dont have maim armor but have Loreweave 6l with good roll stats (i saw few posts before that its okay hybrid dps/tank, ill use it. Wich ascendancy will benefit more of this armor¿

TL;DR: Champion or Slayer (both tank) for boss killing? Using Loreweave armour.



Slayer has far more damage, little less defense then champ - but really only minor.
Streamlink: https://www.twitch.tv/szynima
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChwoAYZn8wbwAwE1260cMdw

My Builds
1H-Impale Cyclone Champion/Slayer: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2514647
MAlandM wrote:
bwtinier wrote:
I'm kinda confused... I was following exactly what the page 1 suggests but now I learned many from the comments and i'm not sure what if i keep going with:

- double 370 pdps foils
- daresso's salute
- soul tether/jewel
- bronn's lithe

or if i just change to:

- 150 pdps paradoxica + prismatic eclipse
- temporal chains neck (idk why ppl use that, do we have dual curse or something?)
- rare belt (change ascendancy nodes)
- rare chest with lv 1 maim

I know it's many to ask in a single post but I'd appreciate a lot someone help!

You don't use paradoxica with a prismatic eclipse. It's one or the other with a good foil in your main hand.

Use PoB to calculate if a Paradoxica is more damage than two 370pdps foils (I'm going to guess even a paradoxica with pdps as low as 150 will still be an upgrade, but you should aim for 170+ pdps).

The prismatic eclipse with 3 white sockets is for more area.

Daresso's salute and Bronn's lithe have both always sucked and have been league starter choices. For endgame we replace both with good rares.

For the amulet, most just go for a damage/life/resists amulet but a curse amulet is good as well. We don't run dual curse because punishment rarely ever procs since its on CWDT. I run my maim curse (assassins Mark) on one of my rings.

A chest with level 1 maim is best in slot (also with - 15 mama cost to socketed attack skills and increased critical strike chance of attacks, but the latter mod is especially expensive and hard to find on a maim chest).

Soul tether is the tankier option, and the rare belt (specifically a stygian vise) is the higher dps option.

How does the setup with the Maim and -Manacost Chest work?

I assume people then no longer have -Manacost on the rings? But how do you sustain Leap Slam? Link it to Blood Magic? What other support do you loose for Blood Magic then?

I'm very at the beginning and want to decide in which items I should start to invest.
I am a Champion and prefer to go a tanky route. (I play together with my gf who is a slayer, and we try to buff/supplement each other, if this makes any difference)
Finally dipped my toe into the multimodding meta (had been happily doing everything with cheap swords till now)

Hit this after a Lot of alts so used it. Waiting for Leo in research to try for a lucky slam, then I can beastctaft it. Crit multi probably makes it less sellable, but its for my use so don't care

I then hit dictator's plus a trash roll and successfully annulled to a 1 mod rare within another 40 alts. Need to make a bit of currency to finish it off though!
EaterOfBabies wrote:
Okay, looking for some more advice on my crafting endeavor. After a couple of failed annuls and more alts I've ended up with these two. The first one I know I want to craft, and the second I am not sure about. See below:

How would you proceed with multimodding this one?

And is this one worth multimodding? If so, how should I proceed for best results?

First is good, it will save you an ex in crafting costs. Multi crafting mod, flat phys, % phys then either crit chance/quality (or stat+quality) or crit multi. Quality ups the weapon dps so helps selling, but if you are taking overwhelm crit multi should be more damage.

Second is ok, but that's a lower multi roll than you can craft, and forces you into the multi route unless you annul it off. Will be less damage than the first too, unless you can get a lucky slam for hybrid damage on top.
bwtinier wrote:

Sorry, I didn't see these information before, I'll get back Impale and Close Combat. About the boots i mean i got too low life, it's like 3.7k, is it normal to be so low? I know my gear is bad but... i'm used to have like 4.5k at glass cannon builds and way more on tanky ones.

Your chest could have up to 100+ more life on it, which would give you about 300 more life. The -15 mana cost mod isn't necessary on the chest - prioritise life (if you can get another ring with - mana cost). You're also missing a lot of life nodes on the tree but that's to be expected at level 83.

A couple more things though:

- Your soul tether can have up to 40 intelligence. Find one with at least 38 int, they're pretty cheap.

- Blades of cunning is really good and really should be taken over something like Brinksmanship or Acuity.

- Get Golem's blood asap.

- Get that jewel socket above gladiator's perserverance asap. Just put in any 7% increased maximumum life jewel if you can't afford a good one.

- Possibly unspec forceful skewering for now and get more life if you need to - after all, if you're dying all the time you won't be levelling to get more passives.

- You need more int on your gear to get rid a node like Hard Knocks.

- A 20/20 cyclone is better than a 21/0 cyclone gem imo. The level 21 only gives a bit more damage but 20/20 is 10% more AoE
Last edited by MAlandM#7779 on Jul 7, 2019, 5:52:41 AM

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