
Just as a reference: lvl 61 duelist

So far from what I can tell:

1 - Charging creatures WILL stun via knockback ONLY IF you do not kill them before they hit you. If they die while charging you, you do not get stunned. If they do not die and they land a hit... you get stunned. This was prior to me getting Unwavering Stance (where I cannot be stunned). I have yet to have this happen after getting US.

2 - If you are frozen mid cyclone, you continue to cyclone.. but you're a frozen animation.. Probably a minor animation bug. It still shows you hitting people, but you do no damage from what I can tell. I do not know if you unfreeze and desync back to where you were frozen... it rarely happens and the few times it did.. I died.

3 - By far what kills me the most... If you click to cast the skill and your pointer is hovering over an un-passable area.. you simply stand there like an idiot and get pelted by everything. This is normally not a problem.. but in very dense areas like forests and stuff.. it is rather annoying... In the market place where the statues come to life.. I've died several times because I run into the centre of the 4 pillars.. and then cannot cast anything because I'm repeatedly clicking on stumps... REALLY annoying.

4 - Casting cyclone while moving through doors causes massive desync.... ~100% of the time. The same if you cast cyclone in cramped narrow areas or if you cyclone really close to unpassable patches of map (chests, trees, stumps, etc.). You just desync and die.

5 - Since the last patch that changed the minimum distance between cyclones... if I now cast cyclone while clicking on a monster name, I stop cycloning immediately once I reach the monster UNLESS it moves. Only then will I continue to rapidly cyclone the target. This wasn't a problem before the patch where the minimum distance would make you cyclone through the target far enough that at the end.. the skill would recast. Currently, I just cyclone and stop on top of the monster. Maybe change it so that if you hold cyclone down while clicking on a monster name it causes the skill to repeatedly cyclone through the target rather than just stop?
Has anyone tried Cyclone with a ludicrous amount of increased AoE? The support gem, 20% quality, skill tree passives etc.
If yes, what are your results? Is it noticeable? Maybe you've linked it up with concentrated effect as well? Would very much like to try this myself, but previous pages mentioned that increasing the AoE is barely noticeable.
Why cyclone reduce life on hit skill gem?

that skill gem is not suppose to be on hit ? so twice the effect with cyclone per spin , now i have 5 life on hit per hit instead of 12.

and whats the longest 1h sword ? where i can find the info on the range of weapon ?
Last edited by gravisnation#4204 on Mar 22, 2013, 8:48:11 PM
Dechef wrote:
Has anyone tried Cyclone with a ludicrous amount of increased AoE? The support gem, 20% quality, skill tree passives etc.
If yes, what are your results? Is it noticeable? Maybe you've linked it up with concentrated effect as well? Would very much like to try this myself, but previous pages mentioned that increasing the AoE is barely noticeable.

I'm at +65% atm, also have the duelist +2 melee range. It's nice. I kill almost everything in one Cyclone pass at -11% movespeed (though highest map I've done is 68).
Feedback lvl 78 duelist (done up to lvl 68 maps)

Up to 3200 tooltip DPS, cyclone kills things very quickly. Requires a lot of micromanagement and thoughtful, precise play to maximize effectiveness. Cycloning for too short a distance or too long a distance in any situation is bad, you have to get it just right.

The skill continues to be a masterclass in desync management. Survival is completely dependent on recognizing when you're desyncing and not actually cycloning (happens every two minutes on average), at which point you have to hit your /oos autohotkey (skill is nearly unusable without this btw), or if that's on CD you have to flicker. If both are on CD and it's still not fixed you either pray and wait out the flicker CD or you logout.

Enjoying the character. I worry that it's basically being carried by Static Blows though, which I assume will eventually be nerfed, and there's really nothing else Cyclone is great with.

EDIT: I know this will never, ever, happen, but I would kill to have cyclone do an automated /oos on activation, that's off the manual /oos cooldown. Other than the survival issues, regularly cycloning for a different distance than expected is annoying.

Last edited by aimlessgun#1443 on Mar 22, 2013, 11:45:24 PM
aimlessgun wrote:
Feedback lvl 78 duelist (done up to lvl 68 maps)

Up to 3200 tooltip DPS, cyclone kills things very quickly. Requires a lot of micromanagement and thoughtful, precise play to maximize effectiveness. Cycloning for too short a distance or too long a distance in any situation is bad, you have to get it just right.

The skill continues to be a masterclass in desync management. Survival is completely dependent on recognizing when you're desyncing and not actually cycloning (happens every two minutes on average), at which point you have to hit your /oos autohotkey (skill is nearly unusable without this btw), or if that's on CD you have to flicker. If both are on CD and it's still not fixed you either pray and wait out the flicker CD or you logout.

Enjoying the character. I worry that it's basically being carried by Static Blows though, which I assume will eventually be nerfed, and there's really nothing else Cyclone is great with.

EDIT: I know this will never, ever, happen, but I would kill to have cyclone do an automated /oos on activation, that's off the manual /oos cooldown. Other than the survival issues, regularly cycloning for a different distance than expected is annoying.

Mind if I ask what equip/spec you are using to have such a high tool tip DPS? I'm only 56 so far but my cyclone is a whooping 490ish lol. That is with a 4L Cyclone/Weapon elemental/Life leech/Faster attacks. I'm running a elemental weapon dualist BM spec so a lot has been life/regen/resists moving up through marauder/templar so far and will soon be higher but I have no idea how people are getting several thousand haha. Thanks!
IGN - Dapper_The_Strapper
"Stripper with a strap-on"
Last edited by Teflondon1975#0080 on Mar 23, 2013, 1:01:26 AM
I guess he has a nice weapon, like the Marohi Erqi.
Level 69 here, I'm at 1800 dps with frenzy charges.

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New feedback

I died just now T.T lvl 84 90%...
My cyclone is lvl 17, tooltip dps 4900+ life cost 255

How do Lightning thorns work? I only know that those from magic mobs are much more painful. 5000 life, 7 endurance charges and 85% all resist are just..meh, time to get a Kaoms’?

The skill is pretty powerful in terms of dmg, but survivability? I was much safer as a Ground Slammer before, currently cyclone is terrible due to the ‘stop like an idiot' and desync mentioned before, I am just wondering if it is possible to make a targeting UI, so that I can disable it

Atm, the game is soooo unfriendly towards melee tbh, thank god I am not playing in HC
If I can make a ranger or a mage with the same or more HP, armour blablabla, why not just kiting, instead of jumping into the mobs and get raped lol

HC=EK or LA or FP

just a little bit mad..sigh
IGN: MarauderK

AFK since Jun 2013, playing EARTH online atm
yeah, Cyclone is worthless in a few cases, I don't use it against lightning thorn and voidbrearer, I just spam Leap Slam to get rid of them, it's just safer in those cases.
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Last edited by kodr#0209 on Mar 23, 2013, 9:23:02 AM
Question for those that have tried skills like Cleave, Ground slam, Lightning strike at the higher ends of gameplay/gear etc. Is cyclone better than any of those skills in ANY instance? I have not really used those skills much so can't make any personal comparisons but I do know from talking to people IG 1 on 1 that most have tried cyclone, found it @Unsafe@ in HC and went back to other skills.

I was a little disheartened last night when a friend of mine same level and roughly same gear(my 2hand sword is actually a fair bit better) ran some merciless ledge farming with me and both of us could only sit back and laugh as he cleared packs significantly faster and quite a bit more safely :( Anyhow, still enjoy it! lots. After that though, little bit of that fun is gone lol.
IGN - Dapper_The_Strapper
"Stripper with a strap-on"

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