There's a potentially very dangerous crash issue associated with Cyclone. Basically if confirmed, this means you can effectively try and kill other players, in hardcore also. I have witnessed one death myself that might have been caused by this skill and multiples of close calls. |
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Shifting Cyclone, BRING IT ONNNNNNN!!!!!!!
Hail Thor-show thy might, Let thunder roar and lightning strike! Hurl thy hammer into the fray, And let thine enemies know fear this day!
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There's not enough reward for the risk and cost of cyclone.
Dmg needs to be upped and/or cost decreased (depending on dmg increase) You really need to take into account the fact that 2 hits for 35% weapon dmg is nowhere near 1 hit for 70%. Unless you're going to make cyclone ignore armor, which I'm also fine with. As it stands now, the majority would most likely have it hit 1x per rotation for 2x as much. Aside from the awesome sounds of quick hits. Hell, personally I'd be fine with 1 hit every 3 rotations for 6x as much.(yes, I do think armor is a big problem for all physical dmg skill/builds and needs to be looked at) Last edited by riptid3#6233 on Mar 19, 2013, 12:11:09 PM
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I am sure this question has been asked already, but is cyclone affected by attack speed in ay way?
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" did you even read mark's post? it was the third post in this thread yes more atk speed means more hits per cycle |
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" Shock charges are tough as a duelist. I use wrath + some lightning damage on rings. If you want long shock charges the only way I see is with HS/Frenzy + increased weapon ele + crit damage. However with cyclone + high IAS once your hitting every .1~2 second those extremely short duration shock charges from a crit with just wrath aura mean the next hit will add another charge before it runs out. Minimum duration of charge being .3 seconds(you need to do just over 1% targets max unmodded health in lightning damage tho). Due to every hit being a crit for a crit spin once you've got enough lightning damage to apply these shock charges your physical/cold/crit damage benefit immensely. As for judging the ammount of L damage you need it's about 1/3'rd you need for freezing mobs. If your crits freeze the mobs you want froze with hatred/crit/cyclone you can easily imagine what sort of L damage you need to raise up. Also ontop of all that the very nature of lightning damage means there's a wide damage range. So even with decent lightning damage sometimes you'll roll low. Asfar as I can tell there is 1 roll for cyclone's damage and 1 roll for it's crit. Accuracy is a bit of a mystery. Taken from wiki Shock Shock causes affected targets to take increased damage. This can be stacked up to three times on one target. In this state, monsters or players take 40% more damage per instance of Shock from all sources. Under the effects of 3 stacks of Shock, an enemy would take an additional 120% of the damage that would normally take without any Shock effects, no matter the type or source of the damage. Duration The duration of the Chill, Freeze, and Shock statuses are related to the amount of cold or lightning damage dealt. Bonuses to their duration can also be granted by skills and support gems, passive skills, and item mods. Temporal Chains will also increase the duration of all Status Ailments. The duration for these effects are calculated as follows: Shock: 276ms per 1% max life dealt as lightning Chill: 138ms per 1% max life dealt as cold Freeze: 100ms per 1% max life dealt as cold If the duration based on the damage would be less that 300ms, it's ignored entirely. The only exception is Ignite, which will still take place no matter the amount of fire damage done. All three are capped at considering 1/3 of max life - if you deal more than 1/3 max life as that element, the Status Ailment occurs as though you did exactly 1/3. The maximum unmodified durations are therefore: Shock: 9.2 seconds Chill: 4.6 seconds Freeze: 3.33 seconds |
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The whole Terminus Est, no crit nodes and Cyclone critting all or nothing seems like poor design to me. I think they should patch up the holes and make it all more viable.
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" I agree. I would love actually using Terminus Est. It is by far, my favourite weapon in this game. |
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Cyclone basically deals no damage.
I was hoping to use it as a primary skill for my build, but I think that isn't actually possible because of how armor interacts with large numbers of low damage hits. I am level 44 currently in cruel dual-wielding this fantastic weapons but my clear speed is so slow using cyclone that it makes more sense for me to use frenzy and flicker strike to single-target everything down. The only thing I have found this skill to be good for is killing rares/bosses by combining it with a "Knockback on melee attack" flask mod. I can bounce a monster on the front of the cyclone for the entire duration of it everytime. This, of course, causes such massive desynch that I have to spam /oos while spinning to stop myself from flying into the next three rooms, down a ledge, and into a very large pack of mobs. (Not an exaggeration, by the way, that exact three rooms over and down a ledge totally happened). Anyways, this skill needs buffs. It makes more sense for me to single-target or to leap slam rather than use this skill. |
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" this is alot of good infromation to take in. I will level up my lightning gem and wrath aura and see what comes of it. I may not be able to fully test it however unless I get a 5 link. My crit damage support atm grants me 213% extra crit damagae under crit curse. I will check the wiki to see if shock is a multiplicative damage buff or not. At the moment I have settle on stacking fire and ice as fire always burns for 133% damage, but having shocks boost all my damage sources may prove more benficial. looks like i have some gem grinding ahead of me |
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