[3.20] Level with VAAL FLICKER STRIKE from LV28 - LEAGUE START

RoboSox wrote:
Heya, I've been reading over your guide in preparation with the upcoming changes. I have the items to covert 99% of physical to cold damage, and I was wondering if that would help damage in this build? Since I have the items anyway, I wasn't sure what I could do with them with the recent slayer changes. Again, I love your guide, and thank you again!

"This build" is a lv28-60-ish build. after that is up to you. You can convert phys to ele in the endgame but depends on the build ur gonna do.
danicas wrote:
Hollyphantom wrote:
EinUchiha wrote:
HOLY CRAP, Slayer's Ascendancy Balance is huge. Look like now we only need 2 unique for flicker strike to work and perhaps we don't even need multistrike right?
People can say whatever they want about melee got nerfed but this league I'm gonna flicker the shit out of the atlas.

yeaaaa updating this guide tomorrow probably.

How is the damage for boss killing?

If ur referring to my dual rebuke flicker, I never calculated it before, cuz slayer and flicker support gems were unsupported by POB. but i think it was like 2 mil dps
Hi i am looking at a new league starter and not wanting to play my same go to over again... How does the build work as far as Delve goes?
Hi i am looking at a new league starter and not wanting to play my same go to over again... How does the build work as far as Delve goes?

cant really flicker in delve but u can switch to another melee skill easily without changing anything else.
now you dont need no longer to convert the damage right ?
So now that the Red Trail + Golden Rule combo takes care of Frenzy Charge sustain and opens Slayer up to run pretty much any weapon they want, is Dreamfeather an attractive option again? Or is something like Starforge/Rebuke of the Vaal going to be the weapon you would want to chase after (although I'm guessing that Starforge will be more difficult to get with the Shaper changes in 3.9)?

Mostly wondering if the passive tree changes too dramatically if you wanted to try for evasion stacking Dreamfeather.
Last edited by Llilyth on Dec 12, 2019, 11:17:40 AM
MrAnderson007 wrote:
now you dont need no longer to convert the damage right ?

for bleed flicker? yea as long as u build it right
Llilyth wrote:
So now that the Red Trail + Golden Rule combo takes care of Frenzy Charge sustain and opens Slayer up to run pretty much any weapon they want, is Dreamfeather an attractive option again? Or is something like Starforge/Rebuke of the Vaal going to be the weapon you would want to chase after (although I'm guessing that Starforge will be more difficult to get with the Shaper changes in 3.9)?

Mostly wondering if the passive tree changes too dramatically if you wanted to try for evasion stacking Dreamfeather.

rebuke is just way better than dreamfeather. but its also more expensive and rare at league start.

just dont make the mistake of getting bleed duration. it will make bleed last longer than leech, and you'll die
What ascendancy tree do you recommend with the 3.9 changes?
Junky56 wrote:
What ascendancy tree do you recommend with the 3.9 changes?

endless - brutal - overwhelm - heads

Is probably going to be the most common choice in 3.9, but this totally depends on what specific build ur doing in the endgame. Again, this guide is about early leveling, so i have no clue what endgame ur planning

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