Thanks nerfing BL and sire of shards. GG

I'm sure we all agree that overlapping damage, any kind of, creates unfair situations in pvp and PvP community has suffered enough from these skills.

KB was one of them.

However, nerfing KB further by reducing it's effective pvp damage on top of dealing with it's overlapping mechanic was too much. Now there is no proper punishing ranged skill to deal with campers.

"You have great power. You're right to be proud. It's unfortunate you have to die now, but I will honor you with 45% of my strength."
worse thing right now is with the new animation cancel they implemented...
Players outside of the us like me with about 290ms cant even play properly without desyncing 80% of the games. Didn't happen as much before.
IGN : Relithh , Stronkberry
keyboardell wrote:
are you all new to pvp? fireball/magma/bl/zerphi/kb all got nerf already. you can read the patch notes it was clearly nerf

FireBall (-35% damge)
Ball Lightning Nerf (-25% damage)

if you are still losing to either fb/bl/magma/kb/zerphi then your build is bad maybe try a new build?

also i don't see anyone using it anymore how is it still op?...all i see is SR tank build/alot of melee now in sarn they are just chasing people around and taking over middle

am i missing something here?

so if they are going to nerf it has to be SR tank with max block..

since everything got nerf what is the current most op build at the moment? is it SR tank or lightning trap? what is it any 1 knows?

who is the #1 pvper at the moment?? must be lapiz? he beat BL user easily with cold snap thats what i just read...but then again bl was nerf so that isn't fair to fight a BL pvper

have you ever fought a strong bl ? i can gear one up half decent and we can see if it needs a nerf
IGN : Relithh , Stronkberry
Last edited by relithh#7305 on Jun 19, 2019, 4:46:59 AM
no one plays bl anymore in new league there is a lot of new melee and caster builds i don't see any bl and also if you hate bl so much why not make one and play it...again it was already nerf a few patches ago did you read the patch notes? if not you can search for it.. it will be there (-25% reduced dmg)

again if you are still losing to it then your build is just bad maybe come up with a new build or just play ball lightning like you said your self and kill everyone if you think it still was nerf its not as broken as before or try the new molten shell and impale those two needs to be nerf asap!
Last edited by keyboardell#1204 on Jun 23, 2019, 1:10:59 PM

Even creator of bl trapper say "Sire BL is opopop" everyday.
IGN : Bondisk, Champion, Vegadisk
PVP Formula Guide Kor,
PVP Formula Guide Eng,
Last edited by aliac123#1166 on Jun 23, 2019, 5:18:06 PM
Creator of bl? U mean u lol? It was an pve build way back my darling. I think you meant you just happened to put bl on a sire and start killing people in PVP and finally realized that it's good for PVP.

Please don't call your self a creator of anything it just a regular pve build that even an casual pveer can make and yea it's good but it was already Nerf if you said you are the creator then I feel bad for you. Why wanting it to be Nerf again?

You probably got beaten by another bl pvper and now you wanting it gone because you're the "creator" that can't even beat another bl user. Sounds alot like it to me in here. Also this post isnt even about bl idk why these bl post keep coming up? Do you a even play in the new league there aren't even any bl user that is remotely strong enough to kill molten shell and impale builds.
keyboardell wrote:
Creator of bl? U mean u lol? It was an pve build way back my darling. I think you meant you just happened to put bl on a sire and start killing people in PVP and finally realized that it's good for PVP.

Please don't call your self a creator of anything it just a regular pve build that even an casual pveer can make and yea it's good but it was already Nerf if you said you are the creator then I feel bad for you. Why wanting it to be Nerf again?

You probably got beaten by another bl pvper and now you wanting it gone because you're the "creator" that can't even beat another bl user. Sounds alot like it to me in here. Also this post isnt even about bl idk why these bl post keep coming up? Do you a even play in the new league there aren't even any bl user that is remotely strong enough to kill molten shell and impale builds.

why do you build opinions on things you don't know?

BL trapper build idea has been invented & developed by Bondisk during the eHLD movement, CoalMN won a tournament using that Build. BL trapper build remains to be one of the biggest problems in PvP since then. because a build has been used in pve doesn't mean that build was known/should be as a viable pvp build. In pve people try everything. You seem very toxic but there is something that you don't know about pvpers here, I was using KB and there was almost no rivalry to KB back then. That's where i left playing pvp. Do you think that's what people seriously invests in PvP does want? Only winning? Feeling at the top? What we want is finding something to overcome and the challenge comes within. Most of us genuinely enjoy problem solving & trial-error & experimentation phase of making a pvp build which can deal with most OP builds. Oh yeah, there are some punks coming and going, using the most obvious disgusting OP build they can find, those who have huge holes in their ego, everybody knows who they are. You won't be remembered with how many wins you got in this small scene, you'll be remembered with what you've contributed and what steps you've taken in every meta. So far you just seem to be a kiddo who doesn't know basic punctuation rules and just sees everything from 2 dimensions which are winning or losing. I don't even know who you are, but nothing is interesting so far, i can tell
"You have great power. You're right to be proud. It's unfortunate you have to die now, but I will honor you with 45% of my strength."
Last edited by Rupenus#5905 on Jun 24, 2019, 10:00:32 AM
Regular pve build before 3.3?

I call a sire bl nerf becuz got beaten by other sire trapper?

IGN : Bondisk, Champion, Vegadisk
PVP Formula Guide Kor,
PVP Formula Guide Eng,
Last edited by aliac123#1166 on Jun 24, 2019, 5:40:53 AM
Rupenus wrote:
keyboardell wrote:
Creator of bl? U mean u lol? It was an pve build way back my darling. I think you meant you just happened to put bl on a sire and start killing people in PVP and finally realized that it's good for PVP.

Please don't call your self a creator of anything it just a regular pve build that even an casual pveer can make and yea it's good but it was already Nerf if you said you are the creator then I feel bad for you. Why wanting it to be Nerf again?

You probably got beaten by another bl pvper and now you wanting it gone because you're the "creator" that can't even beat another bl user. Sounds alot like it to me in here. Also this post isnt even about bl idk why these bl post keep coming up? Do you a even play in the new league there aren't even any bl user that is remotely strong enough to kill molten shell and impale builds.

why do you build opinions on things you don't know?

BL trapper build idea has been invented & developed by Bondisk during the eHLD movement, CoalMN won a tournament using that Build. BL trapper build remains to be one of the biggest problems in PvP since then. because a build has been used in pve doesn't mean that build was known/should be as a viable pvp build. In pve people try everything. You seem very toxic but there is something that you don't know about pvpers here, I was using KB and there was almost no rivalry back then. Do you think that's what people seriously invests in PvP wants? Only winning? Feeling at the top? What we want is finding something to overcome and the challenge comes within. Most of us genuinely enjoy problem solving & trial-error & experimentation phase of making a pvp build which can deal with most OP builds. Oh yeah, there are some punks coming and going, using the most obvious disgusting OP build they can find, those who have huge holes in their ego, everybody knows who they are. You won't be remembered with how many wins you got in this small scene, you'll be remembered with what you've contributed and what steps you've taken in every meta. So far you just seem to be a kiddo who doesn't know basic punctuation rules and just sees everything from 2 dimensions which are winning or losing. I don't even know who you are, but nothing is interesting so far, i can tell

you don't need to know who i am i don't play in standard is boring with mirror rmt gears. I've known there was a ehld tournament was this stream or posted on youtube? do you have the links i would like to watch it and see how op the build you're talking about.

I apologize if i am being toxic but all i was just pointing out was most of the op skill was nerf if it still broken like you guys said then i guess its only in std because i see no such things in league at the moment.
nvm new immortal call is op.
Also found out that impale is the issue.
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Last edited by xweezyfbaby3x#1107 on Jun 24, 2019, 10:17:15 AM

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