Balance in Path of Exile: Legion

Wow that warlord nerf man! Wtf! Fuckoff!
coyd wrote:
Thanks GGG for f*cking up my planed soulrend/bane trickster.. More free time for me I guess.

Yeah right, like you won't play it... cry a river
3.15 was a joke. 3.19 was a disaster. Archnemesis/Ruthless/Crucible(Archnemesis 4.0?) - worst ideas. Ruthless is a joke, a waste of resources. PoE2(exilecon version) was super disappointing.
So it's all about playing acts 1 - 2 now? xD
Souleus wrote:
misu2315 wrote:
Do only people which play standard reply to this thread?
One ascendancy is ruined so what? You start from nothing every few months is it that hard to pick a new one?
I understand the pain from people that play standard and their chars are ruined but what's the big deal when a new league comes out?
And it's always the same.
GGG nerfs a thing that was very powerful
-Everyone that plays that thing will be mad
GGG instead buffs the other things that are not so powerful as that, leaving the original very powerful thing, not so good anymore.
-Everyone that plays that thing will be mad

Anyways maybe i'm wrong but i have exam right now i have to go, good luck everyone!

It's not really the same. Imagine 2 scenarios:

1) I'm enjoying clearing my 5 uber elders per day with worb. GGG buffs melee so they can clear 6 uber elders per day. I can switch, or live with my 5.

2) I'm enjoying clearing my 5 uber elders per day with worb. GGG nerfs worb so that I can't kill uber elder any more.

See the difference? This is what makes people with heavy character investements cry.

Never make investmenets in meta for the long term, emphasis on long term. The only monster I have on std is a good ol RF build and that's really not getting nerfed in a while, if ever.
I hope the 2 melee totems get a buff to!!! Warchief and protecter
Worb - expected
ES - well, yes, kind of
Bane / Soulrend - uhm, why? Nvm, did not play at all

But why the heck RAPE elementalist to death? And the warlords mark change in conjunction with all the Mana removal in tree ... this really sucks, so indeed casters are killed in favour of pushing the "new melee meta".

... no comment, this is stupid, but okay, we expect them to do stupid stuff from time to time.
Salt is real lol.

I am more of a caster player. Get real guys, casters were broken, the game was easier and easier, casters were just too good compared to others, if the gap is lowered between others, its good, why you cry, you can still play casters build, just it won't be a lot better than melee.

Essence drain isn't nerfed and for Legion it's broken, it will rape most melee builds. Trickster nerf is not that big of a deal.
3.15 was a joke. 3.19 was a disaster. Archnemesis/Ruthless/Crucible(Archnemesis 4.0?) - worst ideas. Ruthless is a joke, a waste of resources. PoE2(exilecon version) was super disappointing.
Hype for Legion effectively killed.
RIP Soulrend. I was really looking forward to trying you out and grabbing that sweet pink MTX, but I guess not. . .

You had 3 months to try the skill... and you can still buy the MTX.
P.S. i love the changes. No more Weeb Orb and Storm "Braindead" Brand builds.

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