Balance in Path of Exile: Legion

Also I'm shocked how ggg think Trickster's defensive mechanic is "reliable" even though it's not reliable at all.

The only thing trickster used to survive is clearing whole packs with insane dps through eternity shroud and that's it. Defensive-wise is far from being op. These mechanic is hardly even that reliable other than getting generic high evasion to survive.

I delve to 800+ every league and have different non meta delving characters that don't use ES CI at all. So far the one I delve this league = worb trickster is the most fragile glass cannon of all my delving main. Ghost Dance hardly provide any form of protection, only my dps do the work.
NoIguanaForZ wrote:
Kharver wrote:
Nice changes GGG!

All the whining about ES and Occ is funny. Will still be plenty viable just not Holy *&@! OP insanity.

That's the thing. I play that for the character I think of as my "main" one, the only one I envisioned trying to get to level 100 and do most of the advanced endgaem stuff with and it ISN'T Holy *&@! OP insanity.

Maybe for "top tier nolifers" as someone so aptly put it a couple page ago, but my experience is "survivable enough to actually be enjoyable." If that's your idea of "OP"...

I played the op occ build last league as a starter. I worked 60 hours a week and cleared all content. It was an absolute joke. Also made a trixter with Soulrend and again total joke.

There will always be over powered builds, GGG just likes to switch them up. Part of this game is figuring out what will be good. Making currency in this game to get ahead has way more to do with knowledge and predicting what will happen in the upcoming league then with luck.

Many builds can clear all content on a budget. Spend more time researching and less time hitting head against wall :D!
ign kharver
INteresting indeed
RIP Spell casters. RIP.
I will miss my trickster, occ, elementalist…….

Hello Melee!
This sentiment was summed up by a member of our design team who recently said "We don't want to take away the feeling of closing your eyes and Exalting an item, scared to see whether you ruined it or not."

So you Wanna brick Aurabots, ES builds(Again) ANNNND try make people play melee... LOL
Last edited by Victini on Jun 4, 2019, 12:21:49 AM
Also, the nerf to acquiring HH, Shroud, and solstice vig was wayyyyyyyyyy much needed. Good luck to us all next league guys.
This sentiment was summed up by a member of our design team who recently said "We don't want to take away the feeling of closing your eyes and Exalting an item, scared to see whether you ruined it or not."

I took a break from the game right after legacy league (before prophecy). I think i'll take a break here as well.
Don't worry guys - Chris will go on a podcast and say "Oh yeah, you know those guys complaining last week? Well, they were wrong" and then give no arguments to back that up, even though he has almost no idea what the team is actually doing (just like about breaking out Legion mobs, which now have health and are even tankier before actually engaging them, because that's what everyone wanted).

Just like trade 5 years ago, problem: solved.
(2-3-2019) Buff underused skills (3.23?!)+ selfcast, stop nerfing defense, build in threshold jewels (3.23?!), implement D3-style looting, add death log + MTX preview, actually rework flasks, stop balancing around the .01%, unnerf Harvest, ADD NEW WAYS TO LEVEL, finally implement Loot 2.0
Last edited by Ashriel on Jun 4, 2019, 12:24:19 AM
Why are you even bothering make up all those text if the patches is literally tomorrow?
How are your maps, exile?
Looks like pretty good changes overall.

I'm not sold on the Warlord's Mark change; I'd have sooner just made the opportunity cost of applying Warlord's Mark higher (e.g. remove it as a jewelry affix) than make it specific to Attacks. I think you'll need to add more sources of life/mana leech that function with spells because the ones that exist outside Warlord's Mark are questionable.

I'm also not sold on the removal of passives behind keystones. Mind Over Matter in particular, given the opportunity cost of investing in mana is already too high in the passive skill tree. I don't think this change should be made without the accompanying passive skill tree changes to offset them.

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