[3.8] FrozenSentinel's Lightning Fast Budget Magic Finder - 500% Movespeed & 110% Item Quantity

aefoa wrote:
dehogynem wrote:
Im lvl77 with with build. I have no idea how you deal that amount of damage. Blight encounters are basically impossible to do, not just bosses but regular blue monsters too.
i have 50% critical strike chance, and trying to pump up my crit multiplier for extra dmg.
I have to use hatred for extra dmg, cant use grace..

Of course u're not dealing enough dmg at lvl 77. Need to have lvl 92 at least to get optimal number of jewel sockets for searching eye jewels with elem dmg.
I suggest switching to Lightning arrow/ Ice Shot until you are lvl 92+. And might think of dropping Divination Distillate flask setup for Dying sun + Diamond Flask + Atziri's Promise.

As of my experience, TS has lost it's fame of clearspeed this league as it requiers multiple shots be fired to clear packs due to Fork bug being removed (Rigwald's). And since this MF build values IIQ and MS over dps, best to use is LA/Ice shot. Ice shot has greatest AOE clear but lacks single target dmg (can skip lot's of rares on a map) when LA has less reliable huge AOE 1-shot kills but clears packs with rares much more reliable.

I prefer Ice shot cause u can run more and shoot less and actually let your Mirage Archer do the work for you. Also, Ice shot deals main dmg on packs from it's cone aoe which converts all phys to cold = best for phys reflect maps, it scales well with +50% aoe from ascendancy. I don't bother missing some rare mobs cause u don;t invest a lot in t4 burials and clear maps with 300% MS within ~40-45 sec including looting.

Hi friend!

Would you mind posting your pob details of your ice shot build? Can it run t16 on full mf gear?
Build's Ice Shot variation showcase: https://youtu.be/EznA767wjYk
40 sec run, can go even faster, not used to play fullscreen.

Big thanks to FrozenSentinel, awesome build.
Art of the gladiator doesn't negate the 25% movespeed reduction on Qotf.
This build made me hate this game and life.
Hi, i don't know what i'm doing wrong..
1st im using Blood Rage - second Soul Catcher flask and Divination Distillate.
Than when i hit a mob my life rises to 100% and deactivate the buff from Divination
ColdxDay wrote:
Hi, i don't know what i'm doing wrong..
1st im using Blood Rage - second Soul Catcher flask and Divination Distillate.
Than when i hit a mob my life rises to 100% and deactivate the buff from Divination

It's not about life, it's about mana.

The order of activation should be: (in succession)
1- Soul Catcher: stops u from regenerating mana for the duration
2- Blood rage: spends mana
3- Divination distillate: stays active for its full duration cause mana doesn't regen ;)

Also u can use blink arrow to utilize mana instead of blood rage.

I usually activate the other flasks in step 1 with Soul catcher

Hope this helps
Last edited by Roolstar#1176 on Oct 6, 2019, 12:02:31 PM
ColdxDay wrote:
Hi, i don't know what i'm doing wrong..
1st im using Blood Rage - second Soul Catcher flask and Divination Distillate.
Than when i hit a mob my life rises to 100% and deactivate the buff from Divination
So, first up, your characters are set to private, so we can't see what your setup is to troubleshoot.

Life isn't how we keep DD up. We link all skills with Blood Magic except for blood rage. Then we trigger Soul Catcher - now we cannot gain mana. Then hit blood rage. Mana is now less than full and cannot be replenished. Then we hit DD, and it will continue for it's full duration because mana cannot be filled until soul catcher goes down - which it never will, because this build kills mobs faster than we can use charges on soul catcher.

Are you triggering things in the wrong order? Or linking blood rage to blood magic?
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.
Glockass1 wrote:
This build made me hate this game and life.

lol why dude?
dehogynem wrote:
Im lvl77 with with build. I have no idea how you deal that amount of damage. Blight encounters are basically impossible to do, not just bosses but regular blue monsters too.
i have 50% critical strike chance, and trying to pump up my crit multiplier for extra dmg.
I have to use hatred for extra dmg, cant use grace..

Ty for the Hatred idea dude, insane dmg boost, I found it very worth for the bit of mvt speed I lose for it.
bankai1009 wrote:

Hi friend!

Would you mind posting your pob details of your ice shot build? Can it run t16 on full mf gear?

The build's pretty much the same as the original one, made some insignifigant changes. https://pastebin.com/ayL5Vg5y

For t16 you'd have to drop Divination Distillate flask setup and instead get Dying Sun, Atziri's Promise. Alaso, Ice shot is great for clearing trash mobs but has problems with single target - will have to focus on almost every rare mob on t16 which will lead to a significant slower clearing of the map.
EDIT: tried it at t16, and yeah, trash mobs die off screen and only rares are alive.

For everyone who's using Blood magic for Divination Distillate setup and struggling with DPS - Don't use this gem! Instead, use Lavianga's Spirit unique mana flask to use the skills on low mana.
Last edited by aefoa#3559 on Oct 6, 2019, 1:25:13 PM

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