[3.8] FrozenSentinel's Lightning Fast Budget Magic Finder - 500% Movespeed & 110% Item Quantity

peace996 wrote:
What other quiver would you recommend instead of the Rigwald's Quills since its almost 10 ex currently and that is a absurd price ?
Any ideas would be great

Look to use a rare shaped quiver with utility stuff like Onslaught/+1 etc till you can afford to get a Rigwalds. The divination cards for it drop some-what frequently in the Lair map so you can always look to off set the cost by farming a few yourself.
CocknitiveAdvanced wrote:
So far im quite enjoying this build, yet i have some survival problems.
Im @ lvl 77 Stuckt mapping, really have problems with map bosses and instadeathes.

After buying into the first items im pretty broke now, i would really appreciate any help, on what to go for next.
What would hevae the biggest impact, dmg wise i think quality gems first.

As most of my deathes come from long fights where i have problems keepint flasks up. Any suggestions ?

Look to get more life, you've pathed right past & very close to obvious life nodes an then gone right past them. Nodes like "Herbalism" and "Golem's Blood", you've also specced more points than needed into the frenzy charge area to the right of Shadow.

Look to get life on your rare pieces of gear too, you have none at all on your ring/amulet.
peace996 wrote:
What other quiver would you recommend instead of the Rigwald's Quills since its almost 10 ex currently and that is a absurd price ?
Any ideas would be great

If you don't want to go with a rare shaped quiver as Anherus suggests you can look into these: Voidfletcher, Hyrri's Bite or Maloney's Nightfall. According to PoB all of these are more DPS but of course, you don't get the fork. I'm testing out Voidfletcher for better single target and it is looking pretty good. Anyway, farming lair is not too bad for the cards anyway.

Speaking of Voidfletcher I setup a weapon swap with a death's opus and the Voidfletcher and it deletes low-tier map bosses if you get it right. I set it up with barrage but it doesn't lead to the same mobility so I going to try out other skills with it. Just tested this out for 2 maps so YMMV.
Any other quiver with forking corruption. Or Voidfletch.

I am not sure what im doing wrong I keep dying for some reason from life drain can anyone help ?

Im really struggling with the legions in burial chambers, Im not sure if I have enough damage or life but I get one shot almost every legioun. Are my jewels fine or is there something Im missing.
Can i farm farm t15-16 with this build? I ready drop some quant/mf for it - what need to do? is it make sense?
Last edited by VzorX#7173 on Jun 24, 2019, 1:51:43 AM
is the tankier version updated yet? to 3.7 and having changes made to it?
Why i deal 0 damage? cant even complete t5 map
So to be clear, I can run this build just normal without the gear recommendations? Or is it only playable with some soft caps?

I ask because, I am highly interested in this kind of builds. I played a Coldshot hunter for a long time and seeing this TS build makes me jealous.
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