[3.7] Cyclone CwC Blade Vortex CI Trickster

So i was following this thread for some time and i want to thank you for all the effort you put into this, i am curently lvl 46 and so far it's pretty fun to play.
I discovered something pretty fun when i was cruising around. I kinda wanted to see what happends when i cast my movement skill, in this case it was Frostblink, and hell it worked while swirling around. I'm having a blast blinking into mob spawns since then :D

Also i see no point in not leveling Cyclone to lvl 20 since it remains at 2 mana cost
PN: Haegar_der_Schreckliche
Last edited by DerPizzadieb on Jun 7, 2019, 11:47:07 PM
DerPizzadieb wrote:
So i was following this thread for some time and i want to thank you for all the effort you put into this, i am curently lvl 46 and so far it's pretty fun to play.
I discovered something pretty fun when i was cruising around. I kinda wanted to see what happends when i cast my movement skill, in this case it was Frostblink, and hell it worked while swirling around. I'm having a blast blinking into mob spawns since then :D

Also i see no point in not leveling Cyclone to lvl 20 since it remains at 2 mana cost

I'm actually enjoying using Flicker Strike + Fortify + faster Attacks for the 20% movement speed buff as well. It's a nice bonus.
Which gem setups from 16 on plz for effeicent leveling?^^
thedeathbeam I can see that you are not following your own guide. What is the reason for that ? Is this build good enough or not ? This is very strange and I begin to have doubts.

Why did you start with Damage and Energy Shield and not with Physical and Chaos Damage and Life as it is shown here https://pastebin.com/N6rBj9sV ?
Last edited by fizo1 on Jun 8, 2019, 4:47:37 AM
DerPizzadieb wrote:
So i was following this thread for some time and i want to thank you for all the effort you put into this, i am curently lvl 46 and so far it's pretty fun to play.
I discovered something pretty fun when i was cruising around. I kinda wanted to see what happends when i cast my movement skill, in this case it was Frostblink, and hell it worked while swirling around. I'm having a blast blinking into mob spawns since then :D

Also i see no point in not leveling Cyclone to lvl 20 since it remains at 2 mana cost

Oh, it stays at 2 mana? Interesting, I thought it goes up. Yeah, no point in not leveling it then :d

fizo1 wrote:
thedeathbeam I can see that you are not following your own guide. What is the reason for that ? Is this build good enough or not ? This is very strange and I begin to have doubts.

Why did you start with Damage and Energy Shield and not with Physical and Chaos Damage and Life as it is shown here https://pastebin.com/N6rBj9sV ?

Hello. That is outdated version of the guide, I updated the PoB multiple times since and I am following the newest version (you are using the original phys->lightning version there, but since then the build is now doing phys->cold->fire conversion, and also has more energy shield).

ILIAS wrote:
Which gem setups from 16 on plz for effeicent leveling?^^

I am just sticking to lvl 16 setup for now. At level 38 you can migrate to CwC setup if you want to.
My builds:
Scourge Arrow Poison Prolif Pathfinder - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2551841
My site:
Last edited by thedeathbeam on Jun 8, 2019, 6:20:34 AM
Hi, sry I dont get the point of ele conversion :(

Damage on this build is scaled by converting majority of physical damage to elemental damage and then converting that elemental damage to another type of elemental damage, and from that we get huge chaos damage bonus thanks to non-chaos as chaos conversion mechanics.

Why this double ele conversion at all?

non-chaos as chaos conversion also works with phys dmg?
ILIAS wrote:
Hi, sry I dont get the point of ele conversion :(

Damage on this build is scaled by converting majority of physical damage to elemental damage and then converting that elemental damage to another type of elemental damage, and from that we get huge chaos damage bonus thanks to non-chaos as chaos conversion mechanics.

Why this double ele conversion at all?

non-chaos as chaos conversion also works with phys dmg?

Hello. Yeah, basically what is happening is that when we convert, the non-chaos as extra chaos gets applied for each type of damage we were originally dealing, e.g phys->cold->fire means that if we have 8% non-chaos as extra chaos, we get 8% of phys as extra chaos, 8% of cold as extra chaos and 8% of fire as extra chaos, what makes this mechanic kind of broken for scaling damage.
My builds:
Scourge Arrow Poison Prolif Pathfinder - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2551841
My site:
Small updates:

- Added preview GIF at the top of the guide
- Improved gearing section (added section about Hrimsorrow gloves)
My builds:
Scourge Arrow Poison Prolif Pathfinder - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2551841
My site:
Thank you very much for answering all the questions in this thread sir
Please post the latest POB link, i can't find it.

The one that starts with Energy shield.

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