You need to rework your loot filters ASAP.

PoE's engine is fairly well done in terms of how it handles drops. It isn't a performance issue having them all displayed, especially given that they are only retained in RAM while on that specific map and only while the instance is live (has not been destroyed due to inactivity). The bigger issue is visually, which even I can see being a problem with a super high number of drops.

My problem with the current filter system is this:

1) I can't choose the specifics of what I want to see and hide. I'm stuck with someone else's idea of what I want based on the economy of the current league (I play entirely solo).

2) Using anything other than "Default" results in the item text background rectangles being translucent and often very very tiny, to the point of being unreadable even if I've got my nose to my TV. Visual impairments are unfortunately real and no way to counter this is quite gamebreaking.

3) I have no way to defeat even the "Default" filter's resizing of text. It doesn't seem to make the backgrounds translucent (thank goodness) or else I'd not be able to play at all, but it does still resize text, causing readability problems.

For now I'm stuck living with the current default (which by the way has zero description as to what it does), with no way to counter the problem with the scaling of visuals (text/item text background rectangle).

Letting me customize what I want shown and how it is displayed gives me the ability to work around a permanent disability. My gameplay experience shouldn't be hampered because others couldn't care less about what people like myself want or in many caess, need.

I see the value of the filter system. I've never needed a filter in other games, but then, other games didn't have the excruciatingly high learning curve this one does with its myriad options. Those options are what draw me to the game and why it's quite unbelievable that there isn't at least a set of simple customizeable filters. You know, things like "hide X" with sub-options like "except those with linked chromatic sockets".

Currently I'm building my currencies for future crafting. I'm probably too late into the Synthesis league to get very far, but I'll go where I can with what I have. I'd love to have a set of filters that let me customize them so I only see items with chromatic linked sockets, rares, jewels, gems, currencies. I'd save that as a "currency runs" filter. Being able to disable the text/background resizing would be a super big help right now. Even at only 1080p the text becomes quite small when the current filter(s) detect that the item is getting at or near its end of life with regard to its item level vs. my character level.

As someone with multiple disabilities (sight, deformed arm, deafness; all on the same side), options can make or break a game. Removal of such can kill a game entirely for me, such as when Blizzard eliminated exclusive fullscreen from all platforms in their World of Warcraft game, even in OS X where Metal supports EFS and always will. Losing that caused focus issues as windowed modes allow focus to be stolen by literally anything. Focus stealing changes my mouse acceleration curve back to the OS-wide settings I use, which are too loose for use inside WoW. And the change to that game's base UI to shuffle the most frequently used items from it to my blind side also played a role in losing accessibility as being forced to use addons to get my old UI location back meant dealing with "taint" during combat, causing action bars to become unclickable quite often (I play with a playstation controller in one hand and mouse in the other in WoW due to the deformed arm).

Accessibility matters. PoE could use a bump in that department. :)

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