[3.6] Divine Ire *BOOM HEADSHOT* Lightning Based LL Trickster. Uber Elder Viable! 2-4M DPS+

As Strike pointed out - some definite changes happened to the tree.

Once things slow down a bit I will see if we can't adjust the tree and still be as amazing as we were.
StrikeS30 wrote:
This dude was going to be my league starter, was enjoying just levelling this guy up now, but there's now a flat 44% reduced ES from tree with the recent update. No points gained back. They just nerfed it right out of the actual nodes on the tree around the trickster.

Combine 44% less ES, with no 8% Phys reduction from Infused channeling, longer time frame to gain Ghost Shrouds (which may not be that bad) 6% less cast speed, and 10% less spell dodge with Escape Artist. As well as no immortal call..

This could get pretty squishy, pretty fast, unless you're geared to the boobs.

Seen you still went with the build. How is it holding up?
Im using divine ire again this league but a different build. Not yet in to min/maxing or anything but I liked this one way better. How's your ES?

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