The Place To Be | SC Synthesis 20% More monster life | Private economy & trade system
THE LEAGUE AS STARTED THE 27TH OF MARCH AND WILL LAST FOR 2 MONTHS, YOU CAN JOIN AT ANY TIME. ALREADY 56 MEMBERS IN TWO DAYS TY SO MUCH GOGO :D FEEL FREE TO JOIN OUR DISCORD IF YOU WISH: IF YOU HAVE ANY MORE QUESTIONS YOU CAN ASK IN THIS THREAD OR CONTACT ME INGAME @HeraldOfEgany YOU CAN FIND ME ON TWITCH ALSO I WILL BE STREAMING THE LEAGUE EVERYDAY: This is my first private league, and hopefully not the last ! In this thread i will try to explain you everything about this league, why i made it, what my goal is, and most importantly how does a private league works as many people don't know. PLEASE READ EVERYTHING TO MAKE SURE YOU HAVE ALL THE INFOS YOU NEED ! *********************************************************************** SPECIAL THANKS TO THE PLAYERS WHO HELPED CROWDFUNDING THIS LEAGUE - ERMAKAMRE | 15 Points | - EMOLISTIC | 13 Points | - SMAJAARON | 20 Points | - DEM_HUNTER | 4 Points | - PAULIEBEE | 122 Points | - KOKALAVAKA | 50 Points | - 5ANDYMAN | 235 Points | - LOLCOHOL | 20 Points | - BLACKSTYLLE | 6 Points | - PATHOFLING | 10 Points | - LOMOSHOT | 20 Points | - WOODPLEASE | 45 Points | - INCREPT | 15 Points | - GENOSHAN | 15 Points | *********************************************************************** I. PRIVATE LEAGUE IN GENERAL 1. What is a private league? - A private league is exactly the same thing as a classic league in therms of content(synthesis here). - The difference is that you can add some global modifiers to the game (monster life, monster damage, etc..). - It also allows you to have a private community/economy and a private trade system. 2. What can i do in a private league? - You can do all the content of the game just like classic synthesis league. - You can do all of your challenges in order to get the MTX rewards of the apparented league. - You can still trade items via the official PoE Trade site and select your private league to see all the available items there. 3. Can I quit a private league and where does my character/stuff go? - Yes, You can quit a private league whenever you want. - All of your gear/currency will migrate to the apparented league. - You will keep all of your challenges and you will be able to continue them in a classic league. 4. How long does a private league last? - It can last any amount of time between 10 days to 2 months at maximum. 5. How many players can join a private league? - The number is pretty high, it can go up to 1000 or 2000 players i believe. II. MY PRIVATE LEAGUE "THE PLACE TO BE" 1. Why did I create this private league? The game was just not challenging enough to me anymore, i felt like i needed something new, and maybe you will find yourself in some of my answers: - In a classic league, most of the time you will just trade everything you have into chaos/exalted orbs and buy all the gear you need for your character and have an overpowered character in no time. In my opinion this is not a healthy playstyle and kills the durability/fun of the game. - I like to have a sense of progression to my characters, whenever i create a new one. Here you will not be able to just instantly buy all the gear you need, you will have to craft some for yourself, or trade with other players who just like you, had to make some effort to find/create some good gear. - I really like the SSF idea, but it is in my opinion a bit too limited and takes way too much time investment to get some things that you want sometimes, of course you need to earn it, but sometimes it is just almost impossible to get it. So this league will be in my opinion the good middle point between SSF and a Classic Trade League. You will have to work hard to create/find/trade your gear, while still having the possibility to get pretty much everything you want since a lot of people will play, there will be a lot more items. - Creating a private league also allowed me to add a global modifier to the game to make it a little bit more challenging, i will get back to this later in this thread. THIS IS WHY THIS LEAGUE IS THE PLACE YOU WANT TO BE :) 2. What is this private league "The Place To Be" about exactly? The main goal of this league is obviously having FUN and discovering a new way to play the game. About the global modifiers: - I added "20% more monster life" i will explain you my reasoning for that: - I feel like the game wasn't challenging enough most of the time, i think the damage of monsters is usually well balanced so i found out that adding more life to monsters could be an interesting way to make the game more challenging (especially on bosses). While you will still be able to kill Normal&Magic packs of monsters pretty much instantly, you will really see a difference in end game bosses, the fights will be slightly longer and you will be able to see more of the mechanics of the fights. It won't be about just one shotting everything and crushing all the content anymore. About the goal of this league: - I want people to work with each other in order to accomplish all the challenges to get 36 or 40 challenges, of course you can play the game however you want. - This league is about discovering a new way to play the game, you will have to work hard to earn your gear, lots of thing will make a lot more sense to you. You will finally use your GCP's to give some quality to your gems, you will finally use your sextant instead of selling them in order to acquire more gear, you will use all of your divination cards to try and get good items, you will use all your essences/fossils to try and craft some good gear! - This league is also a place of sharing and a place to talk about builds/idea with each other, i really encourage you to play in little group of players, share some knowledge, share your daily mission to get more sulphite/beasts. Share your maps to work towards atlas completion work together to get all your challenges done! 3. How long will this private league last? - I want to make it last as long as possible (2months) it will start with 20 days which will be increased later on to get to 2 months. - If everything is working well and if people enjoy this league i will make a new one right at the start of the 3.7 league! 4. How many players will this private league contain? - I want this league to have as many players as possible, i hope to be at least 15 active players at the start of the league, and hopefully make it bigger and bigger as it progresses there is no limit! 5. Can i talk somewhere with the players from this private league? - Yes, you can talk with everyone in this private league by joining the global chat #12345. - I also created a guild for anyone who wants to join, you don't have to join the guild if you don't want to. Though i highly recommend you to join the guild as it will allow us to see everyone that is connected in a very easy way and you will also be able talk with everyone in guild chat. There will also be a guild chest there. - I will create a discord server aswell for those who want to talk there! 6. Basic rules & Trade rules Once you joined the league, you will be able to select our private league on the official PoE Trade website. So i highly recommand you to open all of your stashtabs so people can see what you have for trade/sale. I will list here some simple rules to follow so that everyone can have a good time on the league and then some trade rules to make the league more enjoyable and so that it doesn't become a selfish league. About basic rules: - Be nice to each other - No scammerino we are all here because we want to - Try to share your daily mission for niko and einhar in global/guild chat - Try to help each other for labyrinth's and challenges - Try to share labyrinth trials - Be comprehensive not everyone is playing as much as you do, or know the game as much as you do :) About trading rules: - Map trading is 1 for 1 of the same tier OR 2 for 1 if one tier under, of course i cannot check all the trades but for the good of the league try to respect those rules as much as possible please. - Currency trading: I highly encourage you to use most of your currency into crafting your own items and using sextants,gcp's,cards.. etc to have a better experience. Though you are still allowed to trade currency with other players and you can track the current rate of currency in synthesis league if it helps you. Of course you can trade at any rate you want, but try to make it fair for everyone. - Therefore i highly encourage item trading over currency trading, so that everyone can use their currency to craft their own gear, for unique items the best would be to trade them for another item, but if the other part don't have anything you need you can still sell for currency. 7. Do i have to pay to join your private league? - No, the league is free to join, as long as there is space of course. - I will try my best to fund a part myself, but it is in the end a crowdfunded league. - Keep in mind that if everyone would participate it would cost under 1$ per person. - You can share any amount of points even only 1 point :) - If for any reason the league doesn't start you will get all of your points back don't worry about that. - If you participate into crowdfunding the league you are protected by GGG and you cannot be kicked from the league. 8. How can i join your private league? - If you are still interested in joining my private league here is a link to apply: - You can also contact me in game if you have any questions @HaroldOfEgany and i can invite you after. Last edited by GG_TWiF#6971 on Mar 31, 2019, 3:56:18 AM Last bumped on Mar 31, 2019, 1:44:03 AM
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Stop using bold so much and stop spamming global
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" I'm just trying to share something good here, posting one message every hour isn't spaming. Last edited by GG_TWiF#6971 on Mar 26, 2019, 4:48:42 AM
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Stop spamming global. I wonder how many responses to this post that are not interest in your league it will take you to realize that nobody wants to play it.
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" It seems like you are wrong. Last edited by GG_TWiF#6971 on Mar 26, 2019, 4:49:31 AM
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Already 14 players in one day awesome guys keep going :D
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sounds pretty interesting
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we are 27 today !! keep going guys, let's make it great :)
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let me in! :P
Btw would the league appear on trade from drop-down league menu? Also global chat for the league? Last edited by omgree#6588 on Mar 26, 2019, 6:52:58 PM
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" yes, the league will appear once it starts on the official poe trade site. global chat #12345 |
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