3.6 EK Trickster CI build -- is one viable?

sham_pain wrote:

yes, Divine Ire would just be a way to proc the linked curse, it's not optimal though and I would later use a shaper ring with the assassins mark roll!
Bane is another new skill which lets you apply any linked curse in an area (and do some chaos damage). Check out the first row of this post by GGG, it has all the new gems https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2451448

oh i must have missed the bane gem then, i'm gonna check it out!
Hmm, will Assassin or Trickster be better?
Odissius wrote:
Hmm, will Assassin or Trickster be better?

Trickster has some more survivability with the new changes, especially Ghost shroud. assassin would work too though.

So far I'm lvl 41 and the build is progressing through the early game pretty well.
My next char will definitely be built around chaos damage and curse (Occultist), I noticed that Bane already does good of damage without any chaos specific nodes and only 1 curse supported.
I'm building a Winter Orb Trickster CI build. POB puts it at about 700K DPs, 8.9k ES and 68-70k Evasion potted or 87% Evade.

Basically getting hit refills 70% of the lost ES instantly off the stacks.

Also the build has ridiculous mobility and AS/CS, what it lacks in boss damage it makes up for in spades in speed, survivability and clear.
I dont see any mana gain back and i find it kind of hard keeping up with the mobs with just a mana flask, am i missing something?
psisensi wrote:
I dont see any mana gain back and i find it kind of hard keeping up with the mobs with just a mana flask, am i missing something?

you don't benefit from mana or life leech, since EK is a spell and not an attack even though it does physical damage. for me, it works just fine with one mana flask for now! I took "Arcane Will" on the passive tree as well and will probably keep it for endgame, it also gives some ES based on max mana.

I give you my POB link with the current gear and levels, maybe it helps! I play SSF, so my ES is not great atm, but I clear through mobs very quickly :)

https://pastebin.com/cJsFNgBX (max damage configuration)
Thx for the post sham_pain I like EK too much so I'm desperate to find/create a working build.
I started as an eldritch battery EK trickster, it's going okay so far, i don't think the damage is going to make it past T10 though.
Cheers dudes and nudes,
how are the EK-Tricksters going?
wanna share my build as well.
suggestions are welcomed ;D
Last edited by DropFaceSafari on Mar 16, 2019, 7:37:36 PM

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