[3.9][HC/SC] Soulrend Trickster - Fast mapper with great defenses (League starter/All content)

With the 2nd build variation, when using wands, how do you leech life? or is it just using flasks?
XenJerec wrote:
With the 2nd build variation, when using wands, how do you leech life? or is it just using flasks?

Short answer: No life leech, just a seething or bubbling life flask.

Long answer: There's no life leech in the build. Only ES leech. The total ES number probably won't be very high, but it's sufficient for most cases as we leech it back, we recharge it and Ghost Dance gives us 5% of your Evasion rating back as ES. You could get "0.6 leech to life and mana if you have killed recently" on your boots as enchantment, but that means that most likely it won't be active on boss fights. Last but not least, we are a ranged EV/ES build. Meaning that we shouldn't facetank and always position ourselves away from danger while casting Soulrend.

mual12345 wrote:

Upgraded my first ring and also my gloves. Still looking for a better ring for the Essense Worm. But if I replace my essense worm ring, does this means i will socket my Malevolence gem into my Diadem? If so, I wouldnt be able to insert the current 4 linked gems into my helmet.
Anyhow, slightly improved on damage as well as life! Once Essense worm is replace, should have 4.9-5K HP!

Yes aura's like Zelatory/Malevolence/Grace/Discipline/Haste/etc can go in to your Diadem with less reservation to your mana pool, then if you take sovereignty on the tree you should be able to run 2 aura's comfortably, I run 3 as I have a lvl 3 Enlighten. There are few other nodes on tree to get upto 4 aura's running with the Diadem, I think Jolo's char is setup this way.
Trulls_Rohk wrote:
mual12345 wrote:

Upgraded my first ring and also my gloves. Still looking for a better ring for the Essense Worm. But if I replace my essense worm ring, does this means i will socket my Malevolence gem into my Diadem? If so, I wouldnt be able to insert the current 4 linked gems into my helmet.
Anyhow, slightly improved on damage as well as life! Once Essense worm is replace, should have 4.9-5K HP!

Yes aura's like Zelatory/Malevolence/Grace/Discipline/Haste/etc can go in to your Diadem with less reservation to your mana pool, then if you take sovereignty on the tree you should be able to run 2 aura's comfortably, I run 3 as I have a lvl 3 Enlighten. There are few other nodes on tree to get upto 4 aura's running with the Diadem, I think Jolo's char is setup this way.

Does this mean that we will be switching to wand setup once we have the diadem so that we can free up the 4 link used for the shield charge so that we can use the bane 4-link setup? Any tips for searching the correct mods / stats like how you posted before when you're suggesting for gear upgrades?

So far so good, I would like to improve more on my damage ;)
Last edited by mual12345 on May 19, 2019, 9:56:51 AM
mual12345 wrote:
Does this mean that we will be switching to wand setup once we have the diadem so that we can free up the 4 link used for the shield charge so that we can use the bane 4-link setup?

Not sure I follow your question. Are you asking how to get 3-4 blues in a 4-link for Bane if they're all Dex items?

To keep your current gem set-up, you could certainly buy a set of ES gloves or boots to hold the Bane 4L. The other option is to go off color in any of your current 4L ES gear. Using Vorici (Jeweler's Orbs) for this in the bench is, on average, quite a bit faster and cheaper than Chromis. Depending on luck and whether you want 3 or 4 blues, it should take less than 5 minutes and cost somewhere between 20 and 200 Jeweler's. That's 2 to 20c equivalent, so might be cheaper than a new piece of gear at this point in the league. (If you use Chromis it will likely take several thousand (orbs and clicks...enough to give you carpal tunnel.)

Whether to keep Shield Charge is a really personal thing. I like Phase Run so I use that on pretty much all my toons. Then you can use Flame Dash to get in and Phase Run to get out. Abyssal gems that give a chance for phasing on kill are also quite cheap at this point and another nice defensive boost. 8% total chance, which you can get on one gem, will give you a high probability to trigger phasing for 4 seconds with every pack you kill. You can use this as another way to move from pack to pack, or to get out quickly if you get surprised.

As I've played more, I find it really helps to use similar movement and utility flask set-ups/habits on every character. (I die a lot less often...) There are a ton of options, which means flexibility. But too many different options also means more likelihood of hitting the wrong key in an oh shit moment. Getting used to something that works and sticking with it is important at my age. :-)

If you're more focused on max damage, I haven't compared mace/dagger to wand. I think a wand is more in this build, but no idea what % difference with comparable cost gear. Upgrading the Cerberus Limb to a good rare is probably the single quickest thing you could do at this point, regardless of whether you switch to a wand.
Last edited by GreyLensman on May 19, 2019, 11:58:24 AM
Trulls_Rohk wrote:
Yes aura's like Zealotry/Malevolence/Grace/Discipline/Haste/etc can go in to your Diadem with less reservation to your mana pool, then if you take sovereignty on the tree you should be able to run 2 aura's comfortably, I run 3 as I have a lvl 3 Enlighten. There are few other nodes on tree to get upto 4 aura's running with the Diadem, I think Jolo's char is setup this way.

I was just looking at this. Diadem gives you 20%, Sovereignty gives you 14% on 4 nodes, and Charisma gives you 12% on 3 nodes. Of course you also have to factor in nodes to get there, which can vary.

34% will save enough to allow 150% base reservation. 32% doesn't quite make 150% base but is more than enough for 135%. If you go with both clusters for 46% (all of these assume Diadem), you can just squeeze 185% base. As pointed out, Empower affects this quite a lot; any level of Empower increases the mana reserved by 25%. With Empower, you need both clusters to do 135% base and can't quite do 150% unless you have some other means to get an extra %. Two nodes will you get 4% in the Influence cluster - that should be the cheapest way to do it with passives.

Hope this helps anyone else trying to figure this out.

Last edited by GreyLensman on May 19, 2019, 2:24:39 PM
So I went CI. Honestly it doesn't feel like its doing more damage... Basically the same... Wondering if I should switch back...

Gear as CI:

Gear as MoM+EB:

Last edited by Farbod on May 19, 2019, 1:02:04 PM
mual12345 wrote:
Does this mean that we will be switching to wand setup once we have the diadem so that we can free up the 4 link used for the shield charge so that we can use the bane 4-link setup?

Not sure I follow your question. Are you asking how to get 3-4 blues in a 4-link for Bane if they're all Dex items?

To keep your current gem set-up, you could certainly buy a set of ES gloves or boots to hold the Bane 4L. The other option is to go off color in any of your current 4L ES gear. Using Vorici (Jeweler's Orbs) for this in the bench is, on average, quite a bit faster and cheaper than Chromis. Depending on luck and whether you want 3 or 4 blues, it should take less than 5 minutes and cost somewhere between 20 and 200 Jeweler's. That's 2 to 20c equivalent, so might be cheaper than a new piece of gear at this point in the league. (If you use Chromis it will likely take several thousand (orbs and clicks...enough to give you carpal tunnel.)

Whether to keep Shield Charge is a really personal thing. I like Phase Run so I use that on pretty much all my toons. Then you can use Flame Dash to get in and Phase Run to get out. Abyssal gems that give a chance for phasing on kill are also quite cheap at this point and another nice defensive boost. 8% total chance, which you can get on one gem, will give you a high probability to trigger phasing for 4 seconds with every pack you kill. You can use this as another way to move from pack to pack, or to get out quickly if you get surprised.

As I've played more, I find it really helps to use similar movement and utility flask set-ups/habits on every character. (I die a lot less often...) There are a ton of options, which means flexibility. But too many different options also means more likelihood of hitting the wrong key in an oh shit moment. Getting used to something that works and sticking with it is important at my age. :-)

If you're more focused on max damage, I haven't compared mace/dagger to wand. I think a wand is more in this build, but no idea what % difference with comparable cost gear. Upgrading the Cerberus Limb to a good rare is probably the single quickest thing you could do at this point, regardless of whether you switch to a wand.

Yea, something like that.
Basically, I can choose to drop shield charge and use Flame Dash instead. And like you set, its good to get familiar/similar movement on every character. I do find this helps to reduce death. I used to keep spamming shield charge and I completely forgot about flame dash and I could have avoided that death.
And yes, I would like to have more damage to kill the boss / clear map faster.
Can you kindly link up a poe.trade link as you did on the previous post upon replying on my thread for searching a better rare wand? I'm planning to really make a big investment in this character. I wanted to try to beat Elder /Shaper in this league.

And I'm currently referring to Engineering Eternity video about the boss fight (Elder/ Shaper).

Much appreciated!
Last edited by mual12345 on May 20, 2019, 5:44:45 AM
mual12345 wrote:
Can you kindly link up a poe.trade link as you did on the previous post upon replying on my thread for searching a better rare wand? I'm planning to really make a big investment in this character. I wanted to try to beat Elder /Shaper in this league.

Learning to set filters in trade is a key skill and won't take you that long. Also, the "best" filters are dependent on things like what you can craft from your bench and whether you are willing to consider some meta-crafting. You also need to be able to change them on the fly to get a full picture of what is available.

The first page of the guide is a good place to see which filters you will want to start with. And for max DPS with any chaos build, including this one, this post is really a must read: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2485596

Farbod wrote:
So I went CI. Honestly it doesn't feel like its doing more damage... Basically the same... Wondering if I should switch back...

Just curious why you went CI for more damage. I normally think of it as a defensive choice. You can do the dual-wield thing with any variety of EH. Although I suppose node location might have an impact - I haven't looked.

I would guess DW is not doing that much more damage: probably in the range of 10% - certainly not 50-100%. The couple of times I tried DW in other builds, I ended up preferring a shield for the extra defense. But maybe someone else has better advice from experience...

FWIW, I like CI on Occultist because of the ascendancies. With this guy I'm doing MoM+EB for the first time and really liking how tanky that feels with the build. It's still not a face-tank build, but you can stand still without dying longer than any other toon I've tried.

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