<Intelligent Evil>3.9 Hype/SF/HC/International/Leveling parties+ Active Discord

f0rtem wrote:
Natian wrote:
Hi Intelligent Evil Group,

is Discord a must have or can i join your guild without this requirement?
I´m actually in a big guild...
I read often that u must use Discord or Teamspeak...and this is not good for me. If i have nor pleasue for this over a few days, maybe weeks they kick me. And that is not fun. I play every day and would write every in guild chat...i dont know why Discord is so terrible for me.
I think to talk with my PC ... maybe this

Have a nice day and a good leaguestart!!

best wishes
Daniel (Natian)

Sorry for my bad english. I´m german.

Hey Natian. Of course you can join our guild without joining our discord server. Send me your IGN in DM's and I'll make sure I add you to the guild.

IGN: Natian
But i have a lot of chars and play sometimes Stupid_Ice_Bitch or other.
Or it dosn´t matter whith which char i´m playing now?
Synthesis update: We had a great league start, over 20 people has reached level 70+, highest level 87 (only 2nd day in a league). Hope we will keep on growing, stay active and helpful to each other!
Hi, are you guys still recruiting members?
mikoyzzz wrote:
Hi, are you guys still recruiting members?

Yes we are still recruiting.
Right now we running low on guild space so we looking to invite super active players.
20 March 2019 UPDATE: So apparently our guild is super lucky we got 3 headhunters in past 24 hours.

Shananigans(Mike)Yesterday at 6:41 PM
shaper stronghold OP

golaso9 (matt)Today at 6:59 AM

f0rtem🦉Today at 4:13 PM
Do we have GGG employ in the fucking guild? Fucking shit dude

Now one of our member hunting for headhunter make sure to check him out on twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/tectonicslam
We got more slots, and kicked inactive people from the guild.

Looking for active members. If you are active player and interested in joining please join our discord.
Hello there.

So am i to understand this correct:
You'll accept anyone, and there's a public link to the discord, meaning literally anyone can join it?

There's nothing private about the guild? Their own discord, for members only or something?
invite pls. ign: RequiemForADream_
LoA89 wrote:
Hello there.

So am i to understand this correct:
You'll accept anyone, and there's a public link to the discord, meaning literally anyone can join it?

There's nothing private about the guild? Their own discord, for members only or something?

It's not a cult to be super private. There is a lot of moderation in our community if you ask that.

And yea it is kind of like that. Everyone that wants to join is welcome to do that as long as they follow the rules.
May I join? I've only been playing for a week or so testing out builds before the new league. I love the game!

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