Betrayal as a Core Game Mechanic

''Cartography Scarabs, Divination Scarabs and Sulphite Scarabs have all been reduced in power. Cartography and Divination Scarabs are around 50% less effective, while Sulphite Scarabs are 60-70% less effective depending on tier.''

This is rich. Basically a huge reward nerf but no buff, no improve on mastermind's reward, nada.

Golden GGG, golden !
Cartography Scarabs, Divination Scarabs and Sulphite Scarabs have all been reduced in power. Cartography and Divination Scarabs are around 50% less effective, while Sulphite Scarabs are 60-70% less effective depending on tier.

Last edited by BizzaOSRS on Apr 11, 2023, 7:59:50 AM
Bad Changes.

BIG nerfs without rebalancing bad loot/mechanics. You guys make it way too easy for yourselves. Wish you would see "balance" as more then just nerfing all the time. How many years more need to pass until you understand?

Only ONE thing needs to be truly nerfed, and in a very big way.

Diminishing returns over time. Slowly reduce the drops for farmers, bots, no-life grinders. Increase it for the casuals with short periods of play or limited number of logins per week.

Reduce the party drops *considerably*, because right now that is abused to absolute death to the detriment of solo players (not SSF). Party XP can stay the same, I honestly don't care as I'll never see or even bother with a push to 100 with that assinine non-recoverable death penalty.
Patch Notes 3.15:
Fixed a bug where players believed the game was playable. This has been corrected and made retroactive.
Patch Notes 3.19:
Fixed a bug where players adapted to 3.15. This bug cannot be corrected, so we have implemented a 90% reduction in item access as a punishment.
Bad Changes.

BIG nerfs without rebalancing bad loot/mechanics. You guys make it way too easy for yourselves. Wish you would see "balance" as more then just nerfing all the time. How many years more need to pass until you understand?

Yep, pretty much this. They don't have an understanding of what balance means. They just gut things and then see what else becomes popular, gut that, ad nauseam. FFS it's a single player game lol.
BlaqWolf wrote:
Only ONE thing needs to be truly nerfed, and in a very big way.

Diminishing returns over time. Slowly reduce the drops for farmers, bots, no-life grinders. Increase it for the casuals with short periods of play or limited number of logins per week.

Reduce the party drops *considerably*, because right now that is abused to absolute death to the detriment of solo players (not SSF). Party XP can stay the same, I honestly don't care as I'll never see or even bother with a push to 100 with that assinine non-recoverable death penalty.

yep, socialism is so good. let everyone be equally miserable and not reward effort. how dare they put in more time or be more efficient than others.
Here's a good way to argue. Call anything you don't like "socialism". That way, when they try to refute your claim, you can just accuse them of supporting socialism and that makes anything they say wrong!
So, syndicate encounters will be impossible to lock away in a research lab so that you can do high level content without random intervention encounters popping up to one shot you? OK then... I might be done with POE. Next league looked OK, but I was assuming I did not have to deal with the annoyances of this league again; doubly so since the rewards look to have been cut. I like running red tier content, but not when there is a random chance for the visually cluttered chaos that is a betrayal encounter. If they did not spawn the encounters until you interacted with Jun, it would be completely fine, but there is no way in hell they are going to do it that way since fortification alters the map layout.

Oh well, more time in life for other games.
+1 for not happy with Betrayal going core.

Also not happy with nerf to sulphite scrabs, Delving is fun, let us delve more!

Main problem I have with Betrayal system is that it overwhelms player with clusterfuck of effects, hard fight (compared to map boss of same lvl) and information that you have to process while choosing best option to do with Syndicate members for now even poorer rewards. And Mastermind fight ... hell no, tried once, got DC, never tried it again.

Delve is contrary to that, simple, straightforward, fun, hard and rewarding. Keep that in mind, this is still a game and needs to be fun and relaxing.
Very against Betrayal going into the core game.

Not really a fan of the encounters to begin with but now you are forcing it even farther with the multiple encounters per map that they are in. Generally I leave betrayal on research so I can just ignore it and continue on my way. Now I have to just burn the map? Lame.

Going to agree that the nerfs to the scarabs are ill-concieved.

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