💰💰💰 [EU/SC] [Discord✅] <Eazy> LF Pro/Elite players only! 💰💰💰

IGN: NetflixAndFuck
IGN: NetflixAndFuck
1)Did you read ALL the requirements?
Yes, I meet them all

2)Which league did you start playing?

3)What country are you from? (Not what realm you play)
I am from Slovakia, however currently live in Ireland

4)What do you like in the game (are you a labrunner,mapper,delver etc.)
Mapping+Bossing (mostly Sirus and UE)

5)How long does it take you to get from act1-10 in a fresh league?
5-7 hours .. depends on a build

6)How much currency do you make in a league?
around 300-400ex

7)Why would you like to join?
Mostly two reasons. Main one is I would like to improve my knowledge when it comes to highend crafting and figured good guild might be perfect solution to learn and to stay up to date with new trends, share knowledge etc
Second reason is social aspect of being in a guild.. e.g. doing beast einhar rotations or making sure to unlock uber lap on day one etc...

8)Link some Items/currency to prove your worth (~Headhunter/mirror etc.)

I had more good items and HH over the past years but from time to time I give good gear from my characters to my friend on standard to play with (as i dont care about std only about leagues)
1)Did you read ALL the requirements?

2)Which league did you start playing?
Closed Beta

3)What country are you from? (Not what realm you play)

4)What do you like in the game (are you a labrunner,mapper,delver etc.)
Push maps and farm new content

5)How long does it take you to get from act1-10 in a fresh league?
~5-7 hours, depend on build

6)How much currency do you make in a league?
atleast 1 mirror in first two weeks

7)Why would you like to join?
I was in really small guild before and most of my friends stopped playing or they are doing it casual.
Without them game feels a bit empty for me and im starting to get bored after few weeks of playing alone.
This league i want to change it and push new league to its limits with this guild.

8)Link some Items/currency to prove your worth (~Headhunter/mirror etc.)
IGN: NetflixAndFuck
IGN: NetflixAndFuck
IGN: NetflixAndFuck
IGN: NetflixAndFuck
1)Did you read ALL the requirements?

2)Which league did you start playing?
Legacy, 1500hrs since.

3)What country are you from? (Not what realm you play)

4)What do you like in the game (are you a labrunner,mapper,delver etc.)
Blasting maps and slaying bosses

5)How long does it take you to get from act1-10 in a fresh league?

6)How much currency do you make in a league?
Really depends on the league, couple leagues have let me down and lost my interest but REALLY hyped about Ritual. But hundreds.

7)Why would you like to join?
Im a passionate poe player, but my irl friends arent really in to the game so I would like to take the next step to get a guild to hang out have a laguh and share knowledge with. I put in 12 hours a day at league starts.

8)Link some Items/currency to prove your worth (~Headhunter/mirror etc.)
I have a bad habit of vaaling and deleting characters when im done with league, dont really care about standard.
IGN: NetflixAndFuck

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