💰💰💰 [SC] [Discord✅] <Eazy> LF Pro/Elite players only! 💰💰💰

IGN: NetflixAndFuck
1)Did you read ALL the requirements?Yes sir!
2)Which league did you start playing? On this acct Prophecy
3)What country are you from? (Not what realm you play)Philippines
4)What Realm do you prefer?Singapore/Japan but can do cali fine
5)What do you like in the game (are you a labrunner,mapper,delver etc.)Mapping/Crafting are what i wanna do, as well as uber elder farming
6)How long does it take you to get from act1-10 in a fresh league? 6-8hrs
7)How much currency do you make in a league? min. 100ex
8)Why would you like to join? GEt tips on making more currency and strategies in league, party farming and market flipping with ppl
1)Did you read ALL the requirements?
No, unfortunately I skipped a few leagues, of some I didn't like the mechanics, ones I enjoyed I easily made 100 exalts(or more), last league I played was Betrayal, I farmed uber elder early, made tons of cash.

2)Which league did you start playing?
Casually tried during the vaal league, left when the friend I was with left, then my first legit experience was in torment, dodged a few played a few, I didn't have a ok grasp on the economy until prophecy/essence league though.

3)What country are you from? (Not what realm you play)

4)What Realm do you prefer?
Any eu realm works, I'm on frankfurt right now

5)What do you like in the game (are you a labrunner,mapper,delver etc.)
Done high tier mapping, boss killing, uber lab farming, not done delving (no clue why and i also missed that league, which i regret)

6)How long does it take you to get from act1-10 in a fresh league?
3-8 hours, depends on forced breaks, knowledge of what I'm doing, which I often don't, since I try new things often (this league is probably no exception given some of my old fav builds got ruined), and I also have a past of taking a few leagues breaks sometimes. Tend to try to do the levelling in one fell swoop.

7)How much currency do you make in a league?
depends on if I like the league, if i like the theorycrafting and how my builds, perform, last league I played (betrayal) which I easily went above 150 exalts possibly more, but before that I never really knew well, and I still feel like I could be doing so much better which is why I'm applying here.

8)Why would you like to join?
As probably easily understandable from the answer to the previous question, I'm looking to develop into a currency farming machine, and for that I need to be in a like-minded environment.

9)Link some Items/currency to prove your worth (~Headhunter/mirror etc.)
Although I could have on a few occasions I really never aim to get some big items, my stashes are filled with 10-40 exalts worth items, not really worth mentioning, I make chars and as soon as I have enough currency I gear them decently is all.

IGN: NetflixAndFuck
IGN: NetflixAndFuck
before i answer the question I must say that i dont meet the location requirement. i live in canada and i use the washington server, however I often play on london or paris at around 100 ping. no issue there. my play time is similar to one of eu.
1)Did you read ALL the requirements?
2)Which league did you start playing?
3)What country are you from? (Not what realm you play) canada
4)What Realm do you prefer?washington no probleme with london paris
5)What do you like in the game (are you a labrunner,mapper,delver etc.) map at 99%
6)How long does it take you to get from act1-10 in a fresh league? 5 hours

7)How much currency do you make in a league? 100 ex
8)Why would you like to join? have people to talk about the game while playing
9)Link some Items/currency to prove your worth I also have most of the gear for a Mf windripper with bow fire add arrow(~Headhunter/mirror etc.)

Last edited by NastypeonYT on Dec 1, 2019, 2:17:19 PM
IGN: NetflixAndFuck
1)Did you read ALL the requirements?
Yes I did.
2)Which league did you start playing?
I played in the beta but I started playing a lot in prophecy.
3)What country are you from? (Not what realm you play)
4)What Realm do you prefer?
5)What do you like in the game (are you a labrunner,mapper,delver etc.)
I'm mostly a mapper but I usually make most of my currency from crafting.
6)How long does it take you to get from act1-10 in a fresh league?
depending on breaks it takes me around 8 hours.
7)How much currency do you make in a league?
It really depends on how fun the league is, if I'm having fun then around a mirror in currency+gear.
8)Why would you like to join?
I would like to join to have some people that I could talk to and play with that are on similar skill level in poe to mine.
9)Link some Items/currency to prove your worth (~Headhunter/mirror etc.)

2 headhunters on characters that I have gear on, more rotting somewhere in standard lol.
IGN: NetflixAndFuck

Can i join your guild?
ıgn tomaank

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