[3.8] DoomHerald | All Content | Millions+ DPS MirageArcher | 7k+ Life | 600+ Delves | 5-Link only

Are there any anointments that would benefit the build?
Hello there,

Decided to try out your build and looking forward to crushing some end game with it :)

I'm still on early stages, just hit 40 and upgraded bow to fated one, but even before that it was fun and entertaining experience ( altho pretty much anything facerolls this early :D).. I don't like switching builds or using different stuff for lvling so im using end build from the beggining :)
Little tip for those whose just starting.. There's chest (Simple robe, but not tabula..another oen that can be worn from l1) it has l5 ele prolif and so it enables pretty much end build from as early as u can get heralds up :)
Quick question --> U've mentioned that in 3.8 circle of guilt gets BiS award..would you mind sharing which mods are best to have on them?

Thank you
DjPapaz wrote:
Quick question --> U've mentioned that in 3.8 circle of guilt gets BiS award..would you mind sharing which mods are best to have on them?

Thank you

PoB should have some examples.

Increased Buff Effect of Herald of Purity + increased physical damage while affected by Herald of Purity would be ideal.

Getting good implicits on top of that tends to get really pricy:

But crit multi, +% life and flat phys or increased Ele Damage for Attacks are probs the best ones.

Before you buy one check if it is acutally better then the Mark of the Elder combo to avoid buying one that isn't an upgrade.
Maybe i'm doing something wrong or have misunderstood something, but i can't find the skill tree. I've been looking for an hour. I find the links to pastebin, but from there i don't understand what to do. How can i find the skill tree?
Iunaara wrote:
Maybe i'm doing something wrong or have misunderstood something, but i can't find the skill tree. I've been looking for an hour. I find the links to pastebin, but from there i don't understand what to do. How can i find the skill tree?
Do you have Path of Building dowloaded and installed? Is it updated to the current version?

Then inside POB there's button top left side "Import / Export Build" and after that bottom right of the box "Import from Pastebin".

After that there are 3 buttons under import that should be self-explanatory, "Tree", "Skills" and "Items".

Most of the time if it doesn't work, it's because POB has outdated version (if it doesn't update automatically there's "check for update" button on the bottom left), or the link was copied wrongly (check for any extra punctuation marks etc. that shouldn't be there).
I'm having a lot of fun with the build so far, but could anyone help me out with my character? I'm not super experienced with using POB. I'm just wondering what the best upgrade would be for my Scion at this time. I feel like my damage is lacking, especially comparing my POB to the linked ones.

I have a budget of about 15ex for upgrades at this time.

If anyone has any advice or if I'm missing something glaring let me know, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks!
mbpiac6 wrote:
I'm having a lot of fun with the build so far, but could anyone help me out with my character? I'm not super experienced with using POB. I'm just wondering what the best upgrade would be for my Scion at this time. I feel like my damage is lacking, especially comparing my POB to the linked ones.

I have a budget of about 15ex for upgrades at this time.

If anyone has any advice or if I'm missing something glaring let me know, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks!

Your Gear looks pretty solid overall! :)

I think you are missing out on the 10% ele pen boot enchant with the corruption you have. Your Curse slot is also still open. Either Assassins Mark on a Ring or Elemental Weakness on your gloves would do a lot for you.

Some minor things like 28% quality craft on your bow is something to keep in mind when doing betrayal.

Other then that you are missing Crit Multiplier badly; it will do a lot for your DPS in the long run. Going for Heartseeker with the next couple of levels is propably a solid choice.

Here is a PoB you could follow for now if you wanted.


If you want a lot more DPS it gets really pricy however. That is where the circle of guilts and the really expensive jewels come into play. Though 2Mio Shaper DPS is far from bad me thinks. :)
Last edited by Cyrix1337#4098 on Oct 14, 2019, 8:26:41 AM
Could do the 30% quality beastcraft instead of 28% from betrayal. But the 30% one corrupts your item so cant change anything after that.
Ok, am I a complete tool or what's happening...
Trying to paste the pob code, it gives me this

Why is there a gap in the tree?
The pob is up to date...
What am I doing wrong? Pls help.
Last edited by HentaTenta#3359 on Oct 15, 2019, 7:50:01 AM

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