Guild Recruitment: Looking for a chill, mature group?? (New players welcome and Guild Discord.)
I've been looking for a group to play with.
ill take an invite!
I will take an invite please. I am new to PoE, but a long time D3 player and I am enjoying the PoE experience SO much more. I am in Standard ATM and play some on weekday evenings and mostly on the weekend.
Im interested if your still recruiting I’ve been playing 3weeks enjoying the game I’d like to get into a chill guild and progress maybe get some tips on other game related stuff
Looking for a chill guild
Hey, this sounds good. Can I get an invite/discord link please?
Hey, this sounds like a good group - I've played for quite awhile and enjoy mostly league but some standard too. Looking for some easygoing people to play and chat with.
I'm interested if there's still room in the guild!
new player online everyday invite please
hey i would love to join! send me the disc info