Guild Recruitment: Looking for a chill, mature group?? (New players welcome and Guild Discord.)


Looking for a mature guild to kick it with while slaying fools in Wraeclast :D
Send me an invite please!
Hey new player looking for a guild, trying to make more friends on PoE.
Hey, my handle is Arj. Looking for a new clan. Was wondering if i could hang out in discord and do some maps for a couple days before i quit current guild. IGN - Arjunaji
Played solo for most part.
applying from EU London, looking for a voice active discord guild
Yo, i d join for sure :). msg me.

From Vietnam, somewhat new to the game, would be awesome if I could join a beginner guild, metamorph league :)
IGN: katyperrywithbow
Can add me @tornpube?
Hi there!

I just started playing PoE in August on PS4, but finally bit the bullet and installed Bootcamp on my Mac to play PoE -- couldn't wait for the Mac version to come out.

Sucks starting from scratch again (already had 4 characters at end game and beginning mapping), but I just couldn't deal with the constant connection and graphics issues with the PS4. Not only did the WIRED connection fail constantly, but anything too fast on screen (flicker strike build, anyone?) just gave me so much grief.

Here on the much, much better version of the game now. Still learning all the differences of the game on PC as well as adjusting my play style to keyboard an mouse (haven't played diablo or other ARPGs in a while), but it's going well.

Please add me, if you will :) I'll usually always be online with my first character, Flickenslay.

28 year old mature gaming prodigy LF a guild to join (:
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