Being an adult sucks

鬼殺し wrote:
Getting older, on the other hand, fucking sucks.

Well, yeah, but it beats the alternative, maybe.

On the plus side, I really didn't realize things were on a downward slope until I got into a car wreck at about 29. The time it took to heal was really irritating. I am really not looking forward to when things really start breaking down.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
FarmerTed wrote:
I am really not looking forward to when things really start breaking down.

It doesn't have to be this way. Eat healthily, work out regularly and get enough sleep and you'll be fine. Unless your RNG sucks and you get cancer and die.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Xavderion wrote:
FarmerTed wrote:
I am really not looking forward to when things really start breaking down.

It doesn't have to be this way. Eat healthily, work out regularly and get enough sleep and you'll be fine. Unless your RNG sucks and you get cancer and die.

You can slow it, but no one outruns father time. I figure I will be in my seventies by the time things really start hurting, but I know its coming. Well, unless RNG sucks.
Xavderion wrote:
FarmerTed wrote:
I am really not looking forward to when things really start breaking down.

It doesn't have to be this way. Eat healthily, work out regularly and get enough sleep and you'll be fine. Unless your RNG sucks and you get cancer and die.

Good advice. But spiritual is missing. You could throw me a gutter penniless I know god is with.
Git R Dun!
It's funny though, that those who are spiritual (distinct from religious, though they can go together) often have child-like qualities -

鬼殺し wrote:
Being an adult rocks. It's largely a mental/emotional state of freedom, like a butterfly emerging from a confusing, angry pupil stage (yes, erd, that one was intentional).

That you knew I'd notice right away and commented - thank you Charan, for the belly laugh.

So true.

This is real, apparently, and doesn't it look just like a brooding pupil?

I enjoy the sense of historical perspective gained from getting older. It makes me smile to see, more frequently, common objects I grew up with in museum and archival displays. The last one was a "Technology Museum", complete with a Sony Walkman, reel to reel projector, and a Commodore 64.

I'm still not wise, but occasionally I feel a bit wise, and it feels really good.

So long as I'm not senile, and not suffering from some debiliating diesase, I figure it's all good.

Still, I_NO, it sucks when adults tell you to grow up, act your age, put expectations on you, and so forth. Beyond sucks. Makes you want to yeet into the void, I imagine.

Said with fully wry laugh. I know I'm too old to legit say that, but damn it's a good one.

And don't make a mess

"Being an adult sucks." I_NO

And this gotta be the wisest thing I've heard in a long while.
Well spoken, simple, to the point, so true.

Why d'ya think adults still play games? I_KNOW
(And that was a rhetorical question.)
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