Glass (film)

鬼殺し wrote:
I feel the two can be the same thing!

And they don't, typically. Which is why certainly no one from Support noticed it. But 1 post, account created today, no characters...obscure link...yeah, wasn't exactly hard to tell.

Yes, ideally they can :)

How strange. So you reported it?

Fair enough, thanks for being so protective, Charan. I guess it if wants to come back it can. I'm still curious, and not sure what manner of being it is, despite. Probably just my imagination playing tricks on me, seeing patterns and meaning not because they are there but because I'm wanting there to be. It's so easy to link things that are just co-incidence.

So yes, glad for your sensible reason or I might float away into the ether.

Back on topic -

I agree Shamalayam can do something great just ...
that comment about the TED talk really put me off.

So, you offer yourself to Science, go see it, and report back!

Film Grab

Looking for a still for my lost bot...
I don't really think it was a bot. Let's just leave it at that.

Some great galleries in here.

Ed: The Prometheus one reminds me how beautiful the film is, and of Covenant.

In Covenent, the exteriors of the Enginner city evoke Bocklin's isle of the Dead (which Geiger paid homage to in this artwork. The cypresses, especially.

here is a gallery of concept art

and a still

Been too long since I saw a good sci fi film. Planning to see Battle Angel Alita, and (even more excited to see) Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets.

I loved the fifth element, so yeah, I am not expecting ridley scott. A couple of people I've proposed we go see Battle Angel refuse, because of her eyes.

So, this thread might sink gently into the sediment, and that's ok, but I'll pop in a review or two, most likely, in time :)

Enjoy the still gallery, and do feel welcome, 5(|-|014|280+

Last edited by erdelyii on Feb 2, 2019, 6:28:19 AM
No you'd honestly have to pay me to watch a movie. So old school entertainment TBH

id rather pay a streamer like mathil $15 for 2hrs than hollywood gabage
Git R Dun!
Last edited by Aim_Deep on Feb 6, 2019, 11:31:10 PM
mikkelkasper wrote:
I think Glass is one of the best movies this half of the many people have not watch the previous two and i feel that is where they getting lost..Split was on another level..Glass is even better..Mature and great cast..if you listen to critics you will never watch a single movie..that is what they are paid to do.

It does look well-shot and the actors are having a lot of fun with their parts.

I enjoy reading movie reviews - they are an art form in themselves. Some people's are a masterpiece in tone and capturing the movie, in just a few lines.

I do tend to look at reviews for a general idea on movies, and tend to believe the ones that seem to come from an honest, unpretentious take on the film. So many reviewers are too concerned with their narrow reviewer image, and that's a shame.

Definitely I've read too many reviews of something and haven't then seen the movie - paralysis and loss of interest.

It's funny when critics are plain wrong. Easiest example of one I completely disagree with.

It's like when I was at a library a while back, wanting to re-read IT after seeing the film on the big screen. The librarian was a stylish young man, and as a librarian you'd expect he's read a lot of books. He said, placing my hold, "That is my favourite book". He said it simply, and with a smile. Nice.

So I watched the trailer for Glass. The escape scenes look like a lot of fun! The therapy scenes - ah dear, no. Just ... yeah. Not a movie I'm gonna watch, because it looks like it is being serious about how it's presenting the shrink and the setting, and the audience is supposed to share the in-joke with the trio that they aren't crazy at all. Which is subversive, but to me only if the psychiatric narrative is realistic in the first place!

I might be wrong, and it's all a giant joke, but, as it's Hollywood, I doubt it's that imaginative, weird, or rebellious.

^ One that did it well [Shutter Island]

Don't mind me, especially your first post mikkelkasper. Though with the courage of your convictions I don't think you'll faint with a little disagreeing :)

Aim_Deep wrote:
No you'd honestly have to pay me to watch a movie. So old school entertainment TBH

id rather pay a streamer like mathil $15 for 2hrs than hollywood gabage

I would too, if it's Hollywood garbage. Waste of precious time. I think it's funny when people say "Oh my god playing videogames, so bad for you", but they are happily watching hours of TV. Interactive media's great. I think movies and TV can be interactive, too.

For me, the fact it's an older art form is a huge part of the appeal.

Last edited by erdelyii on Feb 7, 2019, 7:34:10 AM
erdelyii wrote:

I just had a glass of red wine for you. Please do the same for me =)
Thanks mate
totalbackline wrote:
erdelyii wrote:

I just had a glass of red wine for you. Please do the same for me =)
Thanks mate

Haha -- ok. I am 100% relaxed though, in case it's that I ... ah whatever mate :)

Irish Coffee do?
Sounds great! Let's pretend we had an Expresso Martini together as well.
totalbackline wrote:
Sounds great! Let's pretend we had an Expresso Martini together as well.

Why not. But that's all for now, I have to drive home

to celluloid and daydreams :)

If you're driving that thing we're having a couple more =)

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