Glass (film)

Thoughts? I was thinking about going to go see it b/c I really liked the movie Split. Now i'm not so sure.
Last bumped on Mar 31, 2019, 10:03:12 AM
Everyone has an opinion. Watch what you like, not what others like or don't like.

I guess Glass filmmakers didn't pay up to critics as other filmmakers do.

It's really up to you if you decide to give money or not.

I'll watch whole trilogy once it is available.
Spreading salt since 2006
If you really enjoyed Split, you will enjoy Glass. Yes it does have a twist ending that's gotten quite a few knickers in a bunch, but I thought it was a pretty good movie.

I liked both Unbreakable and Split, I liked Glass quite well. I'm considering seeing it again. The critics certainly took a dump all over it but don't let that deter you.

I realise I'm a bit late to this thread, just got back on for the first time in a while.

IGN: Lady_Serena
I saw Glass. It wasn't great. The metacritic/RT scores were about right imo. The first 3/4s of the movie was really boring.

They spent so much time with that psychiatrist trying to convince them they don't have superpowers. Um ... wtf .. the audience knows 100% they have super powers so why devote at least 1/2 the movie to this bullshit wtf????
Last edited by coatofarms on Jan 29, 2019, 4:12:48 PM
I thought that the psych bit was a little out of place honestly, but I didn't think overall the movie was awful. Different strokes I suppose!

If I had to guess, I'd say it was to build up the ending as far as the secret society goes with trying to cover it up. That's the one thing that did bother me, you don't see anything about this in the other two movies so it almost seems out of left field.

IGN: Lady_Serena
I like plot twists coming from left field lol. I didn't see that plot twist either lol. I did like the ending though. The last 1/4 of the movie was solid.

It just really pissed me off that so much of the movie was devoted to watching the psychiatrist attempt to convince Mr. Glass, Bruce Willis and Crumb that they weren't really super-heroes. We all know that the three of them are super-heroes, so it felt like a huge waste of time to have to watch this. It was even more maddening to watch Bruce Willis and Patricia fall for the scam. Like, Bruce Willis knows his bones can't break and Patricia knows The Beast can climb up walls like Spider-Man!! Why fall for the scam?
Last edited by coatofarms on Jan 29, 2019, 4:42:45 PM
The ending made me sad, but I get why it was handled this way and honestly the success in doing so does speak to how good I found that.

Though a lot of people are making fun of the puddle...

It seemed to me that the secret society basically went to various cities and did this to others like them, attempting to suppress the super heroes within I guess? then if that fails, kill them to preserve society? I think that bit was kind of weak. Killing them as a fail safe, sure, but assuming that they did continue to think that the psychiatrist was correct, what good would it do when she left town I'd wonder? Do they really think that these heroes would live out their lives believing it had all been in their heads? I doubt it. Like I said, it's the one that factor that kind of agitated me about it.

But I enjoyed the rest. James McAvoy was incredible especially! And you can really tell Bruce enjoys playing David Dunn.

IGN: Lady_Serena
It’s a film that sometimes plays more as a rambling ted Talk than as a straightforward thriller. But, in this case, I admired Shyamalan’s overreach, even as the auteur laid meta-textual twist atop twist in the movie’s giddily loopy ending.

- David Sims, The Atlantic

Possibly the best backhanded compliment I've heard in forever.

鬼殺し wrote:
LOL erd attracted a bot. How cute. Funny how I knew it was a bot just by the fact that I didn't recognise the name. We need fresh meat in here...

Huh? Damn. What did I miss Charan?

鬼殺し wrote:
erdelyii wrote:
鬼殺し wrote:
LOL erd attracted a bot. How cute. Funny how I knew it was a bot just by the fact that I didn't recognise the name. We need fresh meat in here...

Huh? Damn. What did I miss Charan?

A bot responded to you. It was pretty stealthy. It even talked about films. But then linked quietly to an app or something...for illicitly watching films. LOL.

That's bizarre, Charan. I didn't think bots replied to individuals. What was the film the bot mentioned?

I'm kind of touched, but not if it's a flashy, soulless bot. Only a Frankenstein's creature kind of bot, y'know?

As for fresh meat, hmm. For debating with? Or civilised discussion?

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