Dear GGG, FFA PVP is very much needed

Please I will give GGG all of my money if they did a open arena where players from town could enter and FFA. Or even form partys in town and kinda like cutthroat group vs group fight eachother. Gawd I cant wait for cutthroat!
I Stream PvP
THE STORY OF MY Descent into the Abysmal Afterlife( HC to SC, too Stronk!)
PK massacre,
GrindcoreTHRALL wrote:
Please I will give GGG all of my money if they did a open arena where players from town could enter and FFA. !

+ 1

Er... Well maybe not all my money but i would more than gladly pay 100-200 bucks for someone at GGG to make this happen.

I know it couldn't be hard. Probably fun to make it.

what would be a good number for the ffa like 5? It cant be too high or the matchmaking will never launch like 3v3s do now.
I Stream PvP
THE STORY OF MY Descent into the Abysmal Afterlife( HC to SC, too Stronk!)
PK massacre,
GrindcoreTHRALL wrote:
what would be a good number for the ffa like 5? It cant be too high or the matchmaking will never launch like 3v3s do now.

Honestly, id prefer it as an extra area on the map, maybe ACT 1. Just a zone for pvp with a safe area.

Where people can come and go anytime.

I think anyone should be able to make the game, even alone. Since its FFA people can come and go as they please.

Vooodu wrote:

Honestly, id prefer it as an extra area on the map, maybe ACT 1. Just a zone for pvp with a safe area.

Where people can come and go anytime.

I think anyone should be able to make the game, even alone. Since its FFA people can come and go as they please.

I dont know if that would work. Maybe if they made it a zone that u enter from town as a separate instance which had a safezone within the area. I think this would be cool. It could have waypoints or portals to other various safe spots accross the area. This would allow people to enter at different side of the maps and come at each other, which imo would fix some of the safespot guarding aspects d2 often fell victim to. I like the idea of being able to go into town and access stash as a part of the pvp zone. this allows for balancing gear and countering cheese builds.

Global agenda had a little skirmish arena almost exactly like this that u just entered from a global town area into one giant arena with safe area on opposing sides that were separated from the main dueling area by a teleport.
I Stream PvP
THE STORY OF MY Descent into the Abysmal Afterlife( HC to SC, too Stronk!)
PK massacre,
Last edited by GrindcoreTHRALL#3263 on Mar 19, 2013, 6:19:34 PM
Bump to awesome idea! Wouldnt mind joining some 10player area where everyone fights anyone.

But i should be like timer - 5min. And after you kill person you get 1point score.
Person who died - respawns somewhere safe(or temporary invulnerable)
Also the map should be much much biger, wider and not obscured with narrow pillars or walls..

It would be so much fun.
I dislike rarity so much im almost quitting poe2. GGG.
webas wrote:

But i should be like timer - 5min. And after you kill person you get 1point score.
Person who died - respawns somewhere safe(or temporary invulnerable)
Also the map should be much much biger, wider and not obscured with narrow pillars or walls..

Well, to be honest my ideas is basically like a throw back to old skool D2 pvp.

Kind of like dueling in act 1.

A safe zone with a stash for tweaking and way to fill flasks/heal. And then a wide oepn area to go ape shit in.

Just a place to throw down. No score board or anything.

A place like that can go full free for all / anything goes style. Or it can be used for practice duels or private style duels. Which could also open up tournements and leagues, or what ever.

Free bump at great idea..Lets try to get this stickied.

I was wondering what was missing in the pvp, that I wanted. This is the reason why D2 lasted so long(and is actually still going) is because of this form of pvp. Keep the 1v1s and 3v3s, make that ranked play, and add this mode in. I say make it 8 to 10 people, and teams if you want them. I personally LOVED facing teams solo, gives you a good challenge. I would constantly do 1v2's and 1v3's.

Lets keep this post alive, this is a great idea, and shouldn't be too hard for the developers. I feel like this is what will make PvP boom.
Coming from many years of D2, I approve this message.

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