
Now that purity has been nerfed, can't it receive the fire,lightning,cold tags so it receives some benefits from +level items? It's at most +6 additional all res.
Since the beginning of time, man has yearned to destroy the sun.
Damon_Tor wrote:
So now that this aura has been split into three different auras, can we have a vendor recepe to trade in the old "purity of elements" aura for one of the new ones, while retaining the same level?


Level X Purity of Elements + Any Strength Support Gem = Level X Purity of Fire


actually id rather have a vendor recipe to combine purity of elements with a purity of fire/cold/lightning and get the benefit of both. for instance a purity of elements with + x max fire resist. RNG could be a part of this in combination with ridiculous orb recipe.
[quote="Mark_GGG"]damage modifiers don't can currently can't apply to degen.[/quote]
"Getting all life nods on passive tree should give additional survival, not the mandatory basic survival."
alt0172 wrote:

Shouldn't there were 2 steps in calculation?

1) Someone cast aura with increased effect, which gives buff to everyone in its radius

2) If someone under aura effect have inner force, then aura effect is increased again

Why this is important?
Because of possible rounding (up or down) at step 1.

4max resist from lvl 20 aura

with 38 increased aura effect (influence cluster + sovereignty node):
4*1.38 = 5.52

Will aura in this case grant 5% to max resist, 5.52% or 6%?

And after IF calculation (buff*1.21): 6 (if resist values are rounded down), 6.6792 (if resist value can be float) or 7 (if resist values are rounded to nearest integer)

Finally levelled my purity of lightning to 18 lvl and tested in with +2 lightskills wand
Aura itself:
20 lvl
+39 res
+4 max res

I got 38% increased aura effect and 21% effect of buffs

1) Estimated effect if there were 2 steps and rounding to nearest int:
39 * 1.38 = 53.82 rounded to 54
54 * 1.21 = 65.34 rounded to 65

4 * 1.38 = 5.52 rounded to 6
6 * 1.21 = 7.26 rounded to 7

total effect should be 65/7

2) Estimated effect if there were 2steps but no rounding (it's the same as "1 step but multiplicative calculation"):
39 * 1.38 * 1.21 = 65.1222
4 * 1.38 * 1.21 = 6.6792

3) Estimated effect if there is 1 step and additive calculation:
39 * ( 1 + (0.38+0.21) ) = 39 * 1.59 = 62.01
4 * ( 1 + (0.38+0.21) ) = 4 * 1.59 = 6.36

Estimated effect on someone w/o inner force (it will help to figure how rounding works):
39 * 1.38 = 53.82
4 * 1.38 = 5.52

That was theory.
Now practice:

effect on me (i.e. someone with inner force):

effect on my friend (he has no inner force):

That means:
1) "increased effect of auras you cast" and "increase effect of buffs on you" are ADDITIVE
2) All non-integral values are ROUNDED DOWN
Last edited by alt0172 on Dec 7, 2013, 8:38:51 AM
alt0172 wrote:


Thanks for running those calculations, I'd been wondering if it was multiplicative or additive. I would assume Matua Tupuna would stack additively as well?
How does the rounding work?
1. Is the ingame mechanic non-rounding but only the display part rounded?
2. If not, does it round from 6.5 to 7? (so a .5 would be super effectiv?)
Rounds down.
Today(Jan-2014), if u put a lvl20 purity of Fire on a +1 +2 fire weapon linked with maxed empower +3 (total: 26 lvl Purity) you will receive: +5% max resistance?
In other words, there is a cap on +max resistance or there is no point in having more than lvl23 Purity of a single element?
IGN: Sapogeros (MF-Spork) - FwtiaKaiLabra (Scion-RF)
Last edited by Pavlarian on Jan 22, 2014, 5:59:42 AM
Pavlarian wrote:
is a cap on +max resistance?
You can actually have over 100% Resistance, it just doesn't do anything beyond 100% :P
My build is a Ranger, tending to Crit a bit, currently Invasion Level 38. However my concerns relates to all builds that approach full res WITHOUT Purity.

Here's a novel idea....

If I'm pretty close to reaching my resistance maximum values, but not quite, maybe I need less than the full Purity effect, can I get a discount on the Mana Cost ?

If I only need half the Purity effect, can I pay only half or 60% or the Mana cost, or similar.

To help you get the picture:

At level 38, I can get Purity of Elements leveled to 4, radius 9%, res added 15%

My Res today is 54/56/71. Purity would give me 69/71/75(86)
The amount of Purity added is 15/15/4 = 34 or a possible 45
The Mana Reserve is 40%.
A linear calculated discount would be .40 * (34/45) = .40 * .75 = .302 = 30.2 %

So I'd get 10% (approx) less reserve.

A calculation based on the sum of all applied additional res could be:
linear/cubic/square/logarithmic to meet the computational needs of GGG

The same idea would apply for Single Purities (Fire/Cold/Lightening)

One could also base the calculation such that if one of the 3 elements in Purity of Elements required the full amount of applicable additional Resistance, then the full reserve would apply.

This would provide a discount to those who have full spectrum Hi Res, but want (deserve) to get full res without paying the (unfair?) full reserve.

anything that reduces the reserve would be applied first, and the discount would be calculated on the amount of reserve after all other discounts are applied.


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