[3.10] Ngamahu's Flame Cyclone Berserker (RETIRED)

I'm retiring this build as of 3.10. The build is fine but with the hp buffs I feel like anything non crit/non impale feels shitty to play. Even with EO, the top end dps caps out at max 3 mil. That used to be more than enough for all content a few patches ago. Now, it feels a lot worse when bossing, since content is a lot more challenging.

Please feel free to use the template and ask questions. If you need help, I'll try and answer.

3.10 changes:

-> Cluster notables (Delirium jewels): Enduring Focus, Hex Breaker, Vital Focus, Rapid infusion. (In order of importance to get)

Note: Please post all your questions in this thread or come by the stream, don't pm me in game. Make sure your profile is PUBLIC before asking for help so your character is visible. If you have issues with the trees and you're loading them into the poe website, don't. Import them into Path of Building. Please check out the FAQ section before asking questions.

I don't claim my guides to be original or super efficient. I write guides to share characters I'm fond of.

Gameplay on youtube, or if I stream.


Fast map clearer.
Good single target.
Easy to get going, but scalable with currency.

Can't do ele reflect maps.
Not very tanky.


This build focuses on Ngamahu's Flame:

It has an in-build molten burst skill (like molten strike) that you support with 6 support gems.

[You DON'T need it 6 linked.]

Most Ngamahu's Flame builds focus on scaling the projectile dmg from molten burst and just use cyclone as a ball delivery system as it hits lots of times, but I just wanted to play a cyclone build with the balls as auxillary dmg so I focused on scaling cyclone and not fully invest into the balls.

I picked Berserker, well because I first started playing this as a Berserker back in 2.6. I wanted to switch over to a Chieftain, but I couldn't give up Berserker's movement speed bonuses, speed and I couldn't find a real use of the neck slot (Xoph's Blood) we free up by going Chieftain, since a rare ammy doesn't do much for non crit builds.

Not Jugg since I wanted dmg.


Final Tree


Kill all


Crave the Slaughter > Rite of Ruin > Aspect of Carnage > Pain Reaver

Getting the rage two pointers early helps with levelling.


Lunaris and Ralakesh.

Current Gear


Gear slot analysis:


Core Item. Look for the highest dps roll.

Good corruptions: Culling Strike, +2 Weapon Range

Budget option: None. Core item.


Movement speed, dex. Noice.

BIS - Cyclone attack speed.

I prefer Blood rage attack speed enchant cause it gives global attack speed (faster leap slap), for a 3% loss of ats.

Budget option: Any rares with life and resists.


Ignore my current chest.

Craft/Buy a Warlord's Astral plate and fossil craft with Pristine + Serrated, till you get the -15 mana cost roll, a fat life roll and life recovery.

Budget option: Any rare chest, Belly of the Beast, Tabula Rasa.


Lots of life, resists. Attack speed and phys to attacks are a bonus. I prefer Spiked, but Gripped would also be okay.

Bonus: +2 Weapon range from warlord gloves.


Lots of life, resists, as much movement speed as you can get.

BIS - 16% increased Attack and Cast if you've killed recently.

I'd get the 10% penetration one, but since its mostly a clearing build I prefer the attack speed. Also more attack speed = more hits = more balls.


BIS for this build. Life, strength, dmg.

Imo pathing to Avatar of fire is super inefficient. You really want to get this asap after you get your Ngamahu's Flame.

Anoint Tenacity.

Budget option: Anything with life, res, dex, int.


Look for WED roll, after you cap your resists and get life.

Bonus : % max life from hunter belts.


Life, resists, int.

Opal and Steels are similar in dmg. WED and flat phys to attacks are a bonus.

Budget option: Anything with life, res, int.

Bonus: Flammability on hit from Warlord rings.


Main clearing setup.

For Bosses, swap out the quicksilver and stibnite for these.

You need to have your uncapped fire res as the highest for Wise Oak, if you're not using Dying sun.


If you have one. Insane dmg boost from one item.

Gem Links

Weapon (doesn't need links, just socket):


I prefer combustion over Ele Focus, helps to clear better, for very slight dmg loss.

Swap for bosses.

Remaining links (put them wherever you get the right colors):



3.9 Crimson temple + Hydra

3.7 videos:

3.6 videos with Daresso's:

Old videos with Belly:


I'm dying too much, don't have enough damage, can't do T16s deathless.

Check your CDWT gem levels. Check the PoB. The ones linked to CDWT are kept at low levels intentionally so they proc more often.

Are you level 90 (at least)? Do you have 6k EHP? Do you have at least 18/20 gems? Are you following the tree? If not, then do those.

If yes, then make sure your profile is public and let me know, I'll try and take a look. More often than not, it's because your character is lvl 83 with shit gear, improvised passive choices, missing uber lab and 18/0 gems.

Some things I can think of, in order of importance:

-> Get Explody Chest.
-> Make sure you have fortify up.
-> Pop lion's roar, then molten shell before killing them.
-> Make sure you have atleast 3-4k armour. Use an astral plate over Carcass Jack.
-> Place your totem and take cover.


Added guide?
Added Levelling trees
Edited some gear section descriptions.
Added Daresso's entry.
Added videos.
Added a budget, non Xoph's Blood pastebin and tree.
Added videos with Daresso's.
Removed Xoph's version pob, will see later.
Updated gems.
Update chest and pob.
Changed ascendancy order. Think aspect of carnage is better grabbed in merc.
Dropped VP. Got more life nodes.
Uber Elder video.
Changed flasks, chest for more defense.
Check FAQ for tips on surviving.
Updated for 3.10
I make build guides for fun.

YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/cent664
Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/cent664
Last edited by cent664#3461 on May 4, 2020, 9:38:36 AM
Last bumped on May 8, 2020, 3:34:09 AM
Some items in this post are currently unavailable.
Looks great. I'll give it a try next league.
I realize people would like to see some gameplay. I could record some shaper, guardian runs, but I want to do it with the Vaal Ancestral Warchief (so its complete) and I don't have it yet.

It's coming over from delve when league ends cause the prices for those in standard are ridiculous. So please be patient, I'll be posting those Dec 5-6.
I make build guides for fun.

YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/cent664
Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/cent664
A small ask, if you could add Passive Tree and to PoB every 20 or so points for people so they know which points to spend first, that would be helpful.

Added levelling trees.
I make build guides for fun.

YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/cent664
Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/cent664
Added videos. Gl with Betrayal.
I make build guides for fun.

YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/cent664
Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/cent664
Im new to this game and trying this build but I've questions.

Firstly, im lvl 40 and doing very little damage although im kinda tanky. But its not a good thing because i can't stop the transportations in this league. I think its because i haven't got any core legendary items yet like weapon.

Secondly, why we have all the support gems but it doesnt require links between them? whats the purpose on that?

Thank you for the build.
Firstly, im lvl 40 and doing very little damage although im kinda tanky. But its not a good thing because i can't stop the transportations in this league. I think its because i haven't got any core legendary items yet like weapon.

Yes before you get the weapon, damage is low, that's why I recommend getting Crave the Slaughter and Rite of Ruin as your first two ascendancy nodes. The rage should help with the damage. Try getting the weapon damage nodes, maybe they'll help.

Secondly, why we have all the support gems but it doesnt require links between them? whats the purpose on that?

So normally, you have a skill via a gem that needs to be linked with support gems to be supported. Ngamahu's Flame has a build in skill called Molten burst (you can press 'C' and look for it on the skill bar once you have the weapon equipped) which triggers on hit. Since Molten Burst is built in, not via a gem, simply socketing gems in the weapon acts as links to the skill, giving us a 7L skill. (Molten Burst + 6 support gems)
I make build guides for fun.

YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/cent664
Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/cent664
fatfat664 wrote:
Firstly, im lvl 40 and doing very little damage although im kinda tanky. But its not a good thing because i can't stop the transportations in this league. I think its because i haven't got any core legendary items yet like weapon.

Yes before you get the weapon, damage is low, that's why I recommend getting Crave the Slaughter and Rite of Ruin as your first two ascendancy nodes. The rage should help with the damage. Try getting the weapon damage nodes, maybe they'll help.

Secondly, why we have all the support gems but it doesnt require links between them? whats the purpose on that?

So normally, you have a skill via a gem that needs to be linked with support gems to be supported. Ngamahu's Flame has a build in skill called Molten burst (you can press 'C' and look for it on the skill bar once you have the weapon equipped) which triggers on hit. Since Molten Burst is built in, not via a gem, simply socketing gems in the weapon acts as links to the skill, giving us a 7L skill. (Molten Burst + 6 support gems)

Thank you!

Do you have any recommendations on how to get the weapon?
Do you have any recommendations on how to get the weapon?

It's not possible afaik to deterministically farm the weapon, so you either get lucky and manage to get is a drop (not realistic), or you buy it from someone. if you're unaware you can buy it via poe.trade.
I make build guides for fun.

YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/cent664
Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/cent664

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