Nostash November HC - Zizaran and friends!

Would love to try if there is still room.
Thank you
Hi, can i join your League? I hope for a invite. :)
I would like to join if there are open spots. Can start right away. Thanks!
I would also be down to join.
I am totally in. where do i have to sign?
Any room for others to join? :D
Would love an invite
Super keen to join if there is any room left!
Will you guys expand the amount of people in this race and how soon if so? Would like to join since it looks really good.
Can I join you guys? Thank in advance
Are spots ever cycling open (i.e. inactive people removed) or is this pretty much locked up for 2 weeks? Invite if they are cycling.
Phrecia: 92 Scavenger
P2: 85 Infern; 77 Warbr; 75 Demon
PoE character archive: view-thread/963707
SC: 95 97 96 100 95 96 97 98 95 97
HC: 96 (dead)

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