Void League Modifiers
Is the potential for mods that make the game more rewarding, but make your items non-transferrable, being considered? I feel like things that would increase monster density or drop more rewarding loot should be offered, not just more challenging mods.
The dissenting opinion on this topic seems to be "No, you'd have too much fun and not come back to regular content." Part of me can imagine that being the case for certain people, but I don't recall a mass exodus after Mayhem/Turmoil or similar Flashback leagues. At the end of the day though, I want to play this game and experience a version of it that actually rewards me for playing it without having extreme luck or treating it like a full-time (or more) job. Lots of us go to work, have families, and can't no-life it like we used to. Currently I see the system being beneficial for streamers and small groups of friends who want their own little SSF economy, which is great - I just feel like this is not the fleshed-out, exciting opportunity it could be due to some fallacious logic. (2-3-2019) Buff underused skills (3.23?!)+ selfcast, stop nerfing defense, build in threshold jewels (3.23?!), implement D3-style looting, add death log + MTX preview, actually rework flasks, stop balancing around the .01%, unnerf Harvest, ADD NEW WAYS TO LEVEL, finally implement Loot 2.0 Last bumped on Nov 12, 2018, 9:53:43 AM
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It'd be nice, and I hope they do, but the reality of it is they probably will not.
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All I want is a legacy league modifier. I don't care if it's voided, I want to play previous leagues.
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This is what I want as well. Why shouldn't we get the option to choose to make it voided or not?
Playing Flashback is really enjoyable, and combining it with the additional difficulty GGG is proposing for private leagues should make for a pretty enjoyable and hectic experience. I just hope down the line they would add in further options in customization, right now my group of friends are strictly playing Group Self Found. *ninja edit " Because people grow tired of it quick. It's fun the first week/two weeks at most. If you play Flashback, at least my opinion is that I get bored quickly. I play a few days and I wait for next league because I've managed to do what I wanted. Everyone that plays challenge leagues wants to play challenge league, if getting voided league means no challenges (rewards) is 100% fine with me. I just want to play with my friends and have a good time with our set of rules. Last edited by Itar0#6446 on Nov 8, 2018, 6:44:35 AM
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I really hope they never implement mods that make the game "easier" as long as PoE is still a game GGG works on. Maybe once wse have PoE2, you can give the community tools like these.
But generally a lot of player don't know what's good for them long term. They'd just run perma perandus. breach, nemesis with 100% quant or whatever they can get and burn out after a couple of week/months entirely. --- Having those "easy/fun" leagues on rare occasion makes them fun and enjoyable, BECAUSE it is so rare. (I personally don't like those leagues, but that's just me) |
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Legacy + Abyss + Harb + Delve = I could be happy for at least 1 year.
IGN: WayTooFrosty -|- Assassin Spectral Throw: /view-thread/1803119
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" This argument also doesn't work. I wouldn't think GGG would take the Blizzard strategy on this one, saying "You think you want this, but you don't, because we know better." It seems that might be their attitude though. I can think of dozens of incredible mods they could add in this category, which wouldn't all even require voiding. Just seems a shame to only include strictly more difficult mods, and almost nothing neutral or creatively beneficial. (2-3-2019) Buff underused skills (3.23?!)+ selfcast, stop nerfing defense, build in threshold jewels (3.23?!), implement D3-style looting, add death log + MTX preview, actually rework flasks, stop balancing around the .01%, unnerf Harvest, ADD NEW WAYS TO LEVEL, finally implement Loot 2.0
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This post outlines pretty well why they will not do that. You may argue that "X thing doesn't apply to me" but that really isn't all that relevant because a) it may apply to you without you being conscious of it and b) the impact could be felt in the broader mass and that's what's important. Personally I was in the boat of "offer all kinds of optional restrictions but no enhancements of any kind" to begin with. |
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" If I'm paying for something, I want to do it how I want it. Not how others want it. If I want to run perma flashback, so what? You don't have to play that way. I bet you at least want the option to run it as well. |
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It's not about what other people want or don't want for your game experience. It's about what makes sense for GGG to implement.
If they introduce a mega-turbo mode that people have the time of their PoE lives in for a month but then permanently burn out and are gone for good it is not in their interest to do it. And as outlined in the reddit post I linked there are other problems with providing enhancements instead of restrictions too. |
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