{3.10} Speaker for the Dead | The Mass Minion Summoner | League Starter, Leveling Guide 💀

Tokonoha wrote:
Starting on mid-high maps, im getting sometimes oneshoted... i have only 3,8k hp

Well, there's your problem. Getting to 5k EHP (life + energy shield) will be a big quality of life improvement. 6K is what you should shoot for when you do red maps.

How do you get there?
* Belly of the Beast with 37-40% max life
* Ensure you have all the passive nodes that give 6% or 10% max life
* Jewels with +45-50 max life
* Life, life, LIFE! on all non-unique gear

How do you get the currency? Run white and yellow maps real fast, and wait to get a lucky drop you can sell for an exalt or more.

Don't go for perfect rolls. 38-39% on Belly, or +48-49 on the jewels is often discounted by 20% or more.
Hercanic wrote:
@ TypePlus:
ogogo wrote:
TypePlus wrote:
Hoping someone can please tell me where I am going wrong with racking up Virulence stacks!

Those are my gloves for now and basically when I stay ranged as possible the stacks never get above 15 or so in moderate to dense packs. Its only when I stop channelling and charged dash leaps into the pack that they build up - but rarely do i ever see it above 30.

Is it the Faster Proj or is it my playstyle?
well those r my gloves just started this build recently too and having no problems so far my stacks r most of time between 30-40 ..

You are likely only poisoning with Charged Dash and not Ball Lightning, which would be because you're missing one source, like a jewel, with Adds x to y Chaos Damage to Spells.

Be sure to read the Item Requirements section under EVERYTHING YOU NEED if you missed it.

Thanks kindly I did in fact miss that! I appreciate your help :)
So what is the opinion on a chest piece like this

I feel like it's a shame not to use it. I just upgraded to a 6 link on my spectre summoner so that's the old one I upgraded from. Is the extra spectre worth the way lower life than a belly? I'm still leveling ATM so I'm only at 3K health at level 58 in like Act 8 or 9. I do have a decently rolled belly, but it's going to have to be brought up from scratch to get the link colors right and 6 linked.

Also, would this helmet be fairly solid for this build?

It does look pretty close to the suggested one but only rolled 16's on the support gems
Last edited by Balerion_#5850 on Mar 22, 2019, 1:07:28 PM
Hey! love the build, I'm level 90, just missing a few of the higher tier mods and rolls on the gear and the belly but for the most part I'm copying to the T. I got a nice amulet with the Jorgin Spectral wolves craft, and I noticed it was hard (read: practically impossible) to actually kill anything so I started leveling my ball lightning and swapped out charged dash for divine ire... which is working OK at best, and leaves me vulnerable to reflect. What else would you suggest I do to make the most out of this craft, which I think is awesome and could potentially land me a sick 92 minions. Thanks! Once again, build is awesome, guide is great.
Hey, loving the build but i did have one questions what can i do to help keep my zombies alive Iv done elder already but when i go to kill him or the guards my zombies just get melted.

Balerion_ wrote:
Is the extra spectre worth the way lower life than a belly?

If you are already using the sixlink: Are you dying more frequently than you are comfortable with? Then switch to the Belly.

If you are already using the Belly: Are things dying too slowly? Then switch to the sixlink.
Would it be worth replacing Elemental Proliferation with Spell Echo?
what unique armor can replace belly because I find it difficult to have 4B
adiosk8r42 wrote:
Would it be worth replacing Elemental Proliferation with Spell Echo?

Only for annoyingly hard bosses. Along with swapping in Controlled Destruction and Vile Toxin.

With this build, spectres are for clearing trash, and the skeletons are for bosses and rare monsters. Trash mobs should be exploding without Spell Echo. The purpose of Proliferation is to enhance survivability by chilling and freezing packs so they don't hit you.
nhoxbuzz123 wrote:
what unique armor can replace belly because I find it difficult to have 4B

See the Gear section of the Epilog https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2284653#p16069789

It starts with "Do not use Chromatic Orbs on the Belly, as getting so many blue sockets is way too hard. Instead, use the socketing trick at your crafting bench."

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