Molten Strike pvp penalty is not sufficient
According to patchnotes MS has 20% less damage in pvp.
This is not enough. The damage feels ok-ish on low budget setup only. Since 2.0 we've got +3 projectiles enchant, various +1, +2 projectiles weapons, Dying Sun, damn ascendancies, threshold jewel, Ancestral Call etc. The damage is way too high The skill hits 5-20 times per T. The damage is 2-10 times higher than considered by pvp penalty. Attack time should be divided by total projectiles amount. Ancestral Call needs an additional pvp penalty. Last bumped on Oct 23, 2018, 3:16:55 AM
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until the time those balls hit to ground there is a time equal to a whole eternity and a day, use it to avoid them.
"You have great power. You're right to be proud. It's unfortunate you have to die now, but I will honor you with 45% of my strength."
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I didn't ask for an advice, but I see your point.
"Volatile Dead orbs have limited duration, just run away and wait" | |
you are just over-exaggerating my point with your new example to prove yourself right. Molten Strike is totalle evadable and we all know how VD chases enemies like. Come on.
Molten hit's hard, even when cyclone was at it's prime, molten was dealing actually more damage than cyclone. This wasn't much of an obscure knowledge back then. Yet, i don't think it deserves another wave of nerfs, it's really... really hard to hit people with molten strike balls if they are not melee. and if we want to talk about nerfs, hello.... we have lacerate here. "You have great power. You're right to be proud. It's unfortunate you have to die now, but I will honor you with 45% of my strength." Last edited by Rupenus#5905 on Oct 21, 2018, 7:16:32 PM
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IGN : Bondisk, Champion, Vegadisk PVP Formula Guide Kor, PVP Formula Guide Eng, Last edited by aliac123#1166 on Oct 22, 2018, 1:53:47 PM
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this is why unnecessary nerfs are done into this game.
Sigh, the feed back forums getting alot of toxic information lately. People wana defend a build they play hence want everything else nerf ( im not directing at the original poster) but in general, have you considered the builds they cant do anything to ? My concern is that GGG is listening to more feedbacks, than testing internally makes it really sad. u can just avoid MS easily. IGN : Relithh , Stronkberry Last edited by relithh#7305 on Oct 23, 2018, 12:48:18 AM
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Ancestral Call definitely does not need a nerf, move a few steps away from the molten striker and you are now being hit by only 1 set of projectiles. Making melee become more melee by forcing them to play with 0 range is just a bad idea
ign: nck Last edited by nck#1807 on Oct 23, 2018, 1:30:59 AM
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" You talk without really knowing all the stuff. In the case of molten strike, ancestrall call is only too strong when at close combats. This is why on molten it does not really look that strong overall since there are a lot of ways to avoid those balls like rupenus said. However there are skills, melee skills, that have mid distance powers and there ancestral call is possibly broken. Ancestral call can shotgun. Right now most of those skills able to abuse AC have big disavantages but who knows in future what kind of offscreen melee skill GGG might create that will have none of them. AC in a perfect pvp setting should get a nerf, right now it is just shadowed by some other bigger broken shit. " you are right, melee duels should be played with projectiles or at 3 screen away from each other. True melee is played with a bow or a gun (sarcasm). Whatever you mean there, I can tell you what you want to play is not melee. Poe Pvp experience Last edited by Head_Less#6633 on Oct 23, 2018, 2:41:48 AM
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" I agree with OP, in a healthy poe pvp Molten would need a nerf. The skill abuse pen, projectiles and conversion. It also have shotgun effect with AC. OP is not wrong in his examination of the skill but like Rupenus mentioned, it is far from being the most broken skill around overall and also have big weakness. It is not toxic to mention truth about skills, Just I feel in that case OP is concentrated on a skill that is way lower in priority in needing nerf hammer. However I want to add that a build staking avoid mechanism and abusing molten strike would have potential to be really really strong in this meta of no minimap names. We just need someone to stack all of this and not be a glass canon to prove it. Very hard to do but someone with a lot of funds like you could manage. " There are a lot of that in the forum yes. Poe Pvp experience Last edited by Head_Less#6633 on Oct 23, 2018, 2:55:40 AM
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" While this might be true i cant say i have seen any of this " I can agree with this for sure but as pvp is right now, melee being able to target something 1/4 or even 1/3 a screen from their character is not crazy op " Sure 2 melees with 1/4 screen of range could make their matches less interesting than 2 people sitting on top of eachother, but atleast would give them more of a chance against range without needing insane mobility ign: nck