[3.5]Old P's Saboteur QF Arc mine (Too strong, League Starter, Uber Elder, delve 1000, Fast Maps, MF

Hm i think about using this as a starter for 3.5 ...

But some questions....
First of all how do you actually survive with that low hp? Like not even 3k is litteraly 1hit if anything hits you isn’t it? And sometimes you do get hit ....

Then how good is lvling without a tremor rod? In the First day(s) of the league it probably is not affordable while lvling....

Furthermore what is the best ascendancy order to take in your opinion?

And Last but not least why do you have another arc+mine support in your QotF?

Thx tho

But some questions....
First of all how do you actually survive with that low hp? Like not even 3k is litteraly 1hit if anything hits you isn’t it? And sometimes you do get hit ....

this is not problem, u have so much evasion and dot u almost never get hit!
and u lose mana first, so u gonna be fine
Last edited by trezorzetto on Nov 23, 2018, 4:59:54 PM
Tempting for a starter but I'm pretty sure I don't have his mechanics to survive bossing at 2k life...that's crazy!
Rossko wrote:
Hm i think about using this as a starter for 3.5 ...

But some questions....
First of all how do you actually survive with that low hp? Like not even 3k is litteraly 1hit if anything hits you isn’t it? And sometimes you do get hit ....

Then how good is lvling without a tremor rod? In the First day(s) of the league it probably is not affordable while lvling....

Furthermore what is the best ascendancy order to take in your opinion?

And Last but not least why do you have another arc+mine support in your QotF?

Thx tho

My defense mechanism is mainly high avoidance, high dodge and high damage.

Avoiding and evading me to a very high number, so most physical damage can be avoided, high damage in my habit of moving and attacking at the same time

Many monsters are killed by me outside the screen.

The boss’s battle requires familiarity and operational ability.

Believe me, this BUILD won't let you down when you are familiar.

Tremor Rod can basically be reached on the first or second day

Although you can also use a good rare magic wand to use

I am still playing the Crown's MAX DIFFICULTY (PL263) and still reach the 75 level.


Priority? Probably Tremor Rod > Curtain Call >= Astramentis When you are at the beginning

Vaal arc is for its added effect, if you use Vaal arc

Then you will become lucky in the next four seconds.
Last edited by poogf02 on Nov 24, 2018, 12:31:36 AM
kentishtown wrote:
Tempting for a starter but I'm pretty sure I don't have his mechanics to survive bossing at 2k life...that's crazy!

Just do it.
Are we expecting arc to be nerfed with 3.5 or does it seem fine for use?

This will be my starter if arc is still good planning on doing 5-6 level runs this week with this build will post back on how it levels.
Can I ask what's the reason for taking MoM? I'm currently trying this build and I feel like MoM messes me up when I dash into packs. Or is it because I don't have much evasion yet? (trying it in ssf so no qotf atm)

Also, how do you sustain RF like in your 1506 delve video under fight gear section?
Last edited by fruity_kuala on Nov 25, 2018, 4:32:34 AM
Noticed the Unnatural Instinct Viridian Jewel on your cheap tree. At 17.3 ex min selling value it's not that cheap .....
You guys seen the new banner skill reveals yet? https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2253788

Thoughts on how the war banner might fit into this build? Give it a bit more oomph against bosses if you just wanna stick with arc mine all the way through instead of switching to GC?
fruity_kuala wrote:
Can I ask what's the reason for taking MoM? I'm currently trying this build and I feel like MoM messes me up when I dash into packs. Or is it because I don't have much evasion yet? (trying it in ssf so no qotf atm)

Also, how do you sustain RF like in your 1506 delve video under fight gear section?

He takes MoM because he can use skill with no mana cost by using lavianga's spirit + RF and also mitigate the RF damage to him so he can sustain RF

If you're playing SSF and dont have a good knowledge about boss mechanic . I recommned that you should not play his build. It maybe very squishy vs boss . there are many miner build that have strong defense that give you a lot of space for mistake to learn fightning machenic .
sorry for my bad English and thank OP for making a very good build for clearing map and delve

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