ASCENSION: A home for standard and temp league players for more than 3 YEARS!

IGN: SkinnyPlaysMSWitch

Getting a late start on Delve, but I have played every season going as far back as Legacy. - Impale Barrage Champion Build
All invites should be up to date.
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
ign: thiccbumsdontrun

Looking forward to joining!
ign: aurora fidelis

just started mid september on delve
I'd like to join if that's alright
ign: Dysx
i would like to join the guild :D
ign: toxicrain_schm
Looking forward to joining your guild :D

IGN: Venuer
Interested in joining

IGN: Lillian_Eberhardt

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