[3.5] Hopeshredder Scourge Arrow | Fast beefy Mapper | Deathless Uber Elder (5M+ Shaper DPS)

NotHiggy wrote:
Is there going to be a leveling guide in POB later on?

Probably not since it would just look the same as my skill tree progression in the guide.
Jellybee85 wrote:

So I got these just now, should I drop Frost bomb and put a curse in the sockets? If so, which do you recommend

No, keep frost bomb as it's basically a Frostbite curse that has full effectiveness on bosses.
Biberbiber wrote:
Would Tombfists with ele Weakness
Or a ring with Ass mark Not a great choice for the Build?
Ty for the Answer
Merry Christmas Boys!!

Both are really good options if you want them, but not needed.
Balantakos wrote:
Hello, thanks for the Guide.

So..i dont like scourge arrow as a skill at all..dont know why.

But i was looking for a Rain of arrows hopeshreder build...
Can we use RoA skill instead of scourge with your guide?
Or a lot of stuff have to be changed for that?

Thank you!

If you could provide a POB rain of arrows version, i would be grateful.


RoA and Scourge Arrow are very interchangable, if you want to use pure RoA you can do that, only differences I'd say would be to pick up that area damage node on the top-right of the Scion tree and don't use Yoke of Suffering since your shocks will be very weak with RoA as opposed to Scourge Arrow which makes Yoke pretty mediocre. I'd pick up either a rare amulet with Crit Multi and WED or use a Pandemonius instead.
Last edited by SkillshotsOP on Dec 24, 2018, 5:34:36 PM
Also, it would be cool if you pointed out which gear upgrades should have the highest priority with variant2 of your build.

AFAIK i think it its:
Unnatural Instinct -> Farrul's chest

Farrul's Fur and a decent Aspect of the Cat affix on your gear would be highest priority, then the Unnatural Instinct, then Abyss jewels with life.
Ulkio wrote:
Hey, I've never played a bow build and wanted to give it a try. I also never played Scion, and I'd also like to try it !
Would this build be a good "bow" starter ? I mean, is the gameplay enjoyable for someone who had never played with bow skills ?
Thanks !

This builds roughest spot is in early leveling so I honestly don't recommend it as your first bow build.
Ulkio wrote:
Hey, I've never played a bow build and wanted to give it a try. I also never played Scion, and I'd also like to try it !
Would this build be a good "bow" starter ? I mean, is the gameplay enjoyable for someone who had never played with bow skills ?
Thanks !

It's certainly enjoyable, but takes time and some gear awareness to start clicking. Scions are generally not great starters, as it takes them longer to unlock their ascendancy potential.

If you've got some currency though, go for it.

I'd recommend using the setup Skillshot used, i played it for a while, but switching to Scourge Arrow sometime in the 40s (with flat ele gems instead of full life). Rain of Arrows starts dropping off in scaling badly around that point, and Scourge starts soaring ahead for both clear and single.
i was checking POB and the INT required is 159 and you only have 140 at your build. you even have lvl31 wrath. I have to get int at my abyss jewel to supplement the remaining int in my build requirement. how did you do yours? im running the ver1 of the build.
Hi there, I was wondering if replacing Scourge Arrow by Rain of Arrows (it's one of my favorite bow skill) was an option without breaking the build/ruining the dps of your setup. Thanks for replying!
Last edited by Yusheex on Dec 25, 2018, 2:59:19 AM
Yusheex wrote:
Hi there, I was wondering if replacing Scourge Arrow by Rain of Arrows (it's one of my favorite bow skill) was an option without breaking the build/ruining the dps of your setup. Thanks for replying!

I think he recently answered this but I am playing the version 2 build, so I overall I have a ton of damage but the only time I even touch Scourge arrow is in high tier bosses. Rain of Arrows on the full build one-shots every mob except tanky yellow mobs even in t16 unless. Such a relaxing game play with mirage archer also.

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