So, I decided to get a loreweave to compare it to the kaom's setup.
I was lucking with linking it so I have a 6l Hopeshredder and a 6L Loreweave now. My scourge Arrow setup goes into Hopeshredder. What could i put into the loreweave? Some people are using RoA but why? Does it have better ST than scourge arrow? I feel like I don't really need a 2nd skill setup other than SA
Posted bybNNy#6290on Dec 19, 2018, 8:32:08 PM
bNNy wrote:
So, I decided to get a loreweave to compare it to the kaom's setup.
I was lucking with linking it so I have a 6l Hopeshredder and a 6L Loreweave now. My scourge Arrow setup goes into Hopeshredder. What could i put into the loreweave? Some people are using RoA but why? Does it have better ST than scourge arrow? I feel like I don't really need a 2nd skill setup other than SA
It has better clearspeed.
Posted byreturnofsnow#5524on Dec 19, 2018, 9:25:00 PM
Okay, though I feel like SA has better clear speed but whatever..
Btw. which of my resist should be the highest because of The Wise Oak?
Posted bybNNy#6290on Dec 19, 2018, 9:44:06 PM
bNNy wrote:
Okay, though I feel like SA has better clear speed but whatever..
Btw. which of my resist should be the highest because of The Wise Oak?
All resists should be exactly the same to benefit from all the wise oak buffs.
You don’t stop playing because you grow old, you grow old because you stop playing.
Posted byJohnnyV76#3764on Dec 19, 2018, 10:16:04 PM
bNNy wrote:
So, I decided to get a loreweave to compare it to the kaom's setup.
I was lucking with linking it so I have a 6l Hopeshredder and a 6L Loreweave now. My scourge Arrow setup goes into Hopeshredder. What could i put into the loreweave? Some people are using RoA but why? Does it have better ST than scourge arrow? I feel like I don't really need a 2nd skill setup other than SA
RoA clears faster than Scourge Arrow and also has no issues shooting through doorways. Having the double 6l setup also allows you to use Mirage Archer with RoA instead of Scourge Arrow so you can slot in another pure damage gem (like I have in my version 2 setup) while still retaining the DPS and utility from Mirage Archer which will overall improve even your single-target DPS. Having the Mirage Archer constantly fire RoA also does a great job of chilling and freezing most mobs on your screen thanks to the large AoE.
Overall running RoA in your 2nd 6L is just a great quality of life improvement if you can take the hit to your life pool from dropping Kaom's.
Posted bySkillshotsOP#4043on Dec 19, 2018, 10:16:19 PM
bNNy wrote:
Okay, though I feel like SA has better clear speed but whatever..
Btw. which of my resist should be the highest because of The Wise Oak?
If you're struggling to balance your resists at least keep Cold as your highest since this build is majority Cold Damage, though ideally you want your resists to be perfectly balanced.
Posted bySkillshotsOP#4043on Dec 19, 2018, 10:17:07 PM
SkillshotsOP wrote:
bNNy wrote:
So, I decided to get a loreweave to compare it to the kaom's setup.
I was lucking with linking it so I have a 6l Hopeshredder and a 6L Loreweave now. My scourge Arrow setup goes into Hopeshredder. What could i put into the loreweave? Some people are using RoA but why? Does it have better ST than scourge arrow? I feel like I don't really need a 2nd skill setup other than SA
RoA clears faster than Scourge Arrow and also has no issues shooting through doorways. Having the double 6l setup also allows you to use Mirage Archer with RoA instead of Scourge Arrow so you can slot in another pure damage gem (like I have in my version 2 setup) while still retaining the DPS and utility from Mirage Archer which will overall improve even your single-target DPS. Having the Mirage Archer constantly fire RoA also does a great job of chilling and freezing most mobs on your screen thanks to the large AoE.
Overall running RoA in your 2nd 6L is just a great quality of life improvement if you can take the hit to your life pool from dropping Kaom's.
So the plan is to use RoA for clear and SA for Single target and bosses?
Posted bybNNy#6290on Dec 20, 2018, 1:32:40 AM
Would you still suggest leveling with Quill Rain after it got gutted? If not, how do we level this thing :)
Posted byQuintessence#4525on Dec 20, 2018, 3:23:52 AM
Quintessence wrote:
Would you still suggest leveling with Quill Rain after it got gutted? If not, how do we level this thing :)
I used quill for the begining switched to the tempest at 32
My go to setup for levling bow builds is.
The tempest
Thiefs torment
Hyrris demise
6l roa
Before u can wear all the stuff just take whatweer u have it should work
Posted byalevil1234#0250on Dec 20, 2018, 4:37:42 AM
Any one know what path to take in the skill tree before the second ascendancy? I can't load the leveling treesa
Posted byitzTitanz#6115on Dec 20, 2018, 7:29:21 AM