[3.5] Hopeshredder Scourge Arrow | Fast beefy Mapper | Deathless Uber Elder (5M+ Shaper DPS)
What should be my next upgrade? 2 abyss slot in tombfist or Watcher's Eye with wrath? Could you guys look my character? It's SkyterTheVortex
Another tips for my build is appreciated. And thanks SkillshotsOP for this fun build guide. All my resists are 75(89). Wise Oak loves it =D. Last edited by pedrocoelho#3309 on Oct 16, 2018, 3:32:58 PM
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scratch that
Last edited by DamageIncorporated#7815 on Oct 17, 2018, 1:20:10 AM
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" Sorry for the late response, was busy with work all day again. Your gear is actually pretty damn solid at this point, if you ask me you should work on corruptions now, like a +1 Frenzy Tombfist and a Yoke with WED if you can afford to lose the attributes, or a Kaom's Heart with a corruption of your choice (increased damage, reduced damage taken from crits, +1 max res are all great options). You even have the Wrath Mark of the Elder so your gear is in a great spot. |
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" 2 Socket Tombfist for sure, then the Wrath Watcher's Eye, then finally the 2 socket Bubonic Trails would be your best upgrade path. |
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Hey Skillshots, could you check out my gear and recommend next upgrade?
I know its probably Bubonic, but I can't seem to find good Unset ring to slot Wrath in it. I'm short on gem slots, thats why I'm using 1 abyssal Bubonic atm. Cheers, great build btw, killed uber elder at lvl 88. |
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Who i'm doing wrong? why my dps in PoB around 1m+? check my profile, pls (character: LastHope_Darwin)
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Can I ask for some, information I suppose, I dont know enough about everything in this game yet, but I do know that scourge arrow/Rain of arrows has quickly replaced tornado shot as my favourite bow skill.
Now, there are several streamers out there that I watch that are using this particular skill, one is using lightpoacher and shroud etc, one is dex stacking, another is using chin sol (and someone said in a twitch chat that no bow can ever out dps chin sol). I guess what I'm asking is, which of these variations would best suit me, I am not the most mechanically savy person so I will fail sometimes (alot of times maybe). and I do enjoy having a nice health pool. What in reality is the difference between all of these builds at its core? |
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" If I were you I'd ditch the Assassin's Mark CoH setup in your helmet to make room for gem slots so you can use 2 socket Bubonics, and if you really have to have it just try to get an Assassin's Mark ring. After that, you should work on corruptions (such as +1 Frenzy Tombfists or WED Yoke of Suffering) since the rest of your gear seems solid. |
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" I think you may not have ticked all the right things because with the same config as my PoB your thorn arrows DPS is over 2m, but in any case you have to remember that there's a lot of things that PoB isn't factoring about the build like Mirage Archer and the extra pod enchant, on top of this you are running Unnatural instinct which PoB doesn't calculate properly when used with Might of the Meek jewels (btw you should be taking the spell damage nodes instead of the attack speed nodes for Unnatural Instinct). Your DPS isn't low and you're not doing anything wrong, just simply that PoB doesn't calculate everything about this build. |
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" The difference between my build and Chin Sol/Dex stack bow builds is that it trades some of that raw damage for movement speed and overleech. I guess you could say this version is more of a jack of all trades while more mainstream Scourge Arrow builds are more DPS oriented. If you don't trust your mechanics very much I'd say go with my build and spec for more life (this build can easily hit 8k life and potentially even 9k with good gear) since the movement speed makes it easy to kite and the overleech makes taking heavy hits less punishing, but if you want something that has some very serious boss deleting capability, Chin Sol or Dex stack bows would do better. |
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