3.4.3 Patch Notes
Worst patch ever.
2000 sulphite for a small trip at depth 270? Now i have to chain T16 maps for 1 hour just to be able to Delve for like 20 minutes... This is not right. Honestly, after seeing the new costs for Delve - feels like looking for another game to play. This is too much. Gating fun behind boredom - may be go out there and find just fun without boredom. GGG like to punish its players. And I've been dwelling like crazy via Quarry for weeks - havent seen Kruger or whatever that lich's name is - ever! Does it exist, and what for challenges we need to find it 4 times and kill it differently? I cant even find it once.... And now cant Delve at all. Thanks for killing this league, GGG. Let's see if next one will be killable as well. |
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" Lmao, people were expecting much higher gain and lesser delve cost ratio. GGG misused the words and trick us into believe they're making the ratio better but in fact it becomes much worse. Stop acting as if you're a prophet or something. Last edited by mic01851165#0058 on Sep 20, 2018, 11:27:58 PM
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Why does every game go "Oh, we made something really fun? Better put a stop to it!"
RIP Delve. Was fun while it lasted. Last edited by BenSucks#1503 on Sep 20, 2018, 11:31:03 PM
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This patch killed the league for me due to the massive sulfite cost increases.
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" Lol how can you say GGG misused words?? "You now find a lot more Sulphite in maps (especially higher maps) but the cost of travel within deep Delves has been increased proportionally also" Taken DIRECTLY from these patch notes, and was in the manifesto that came out last week. Those of us that can actually read have been in this forum thread saying this was very bad. "Don't Tread on Me"
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Who cares what they said or how they said it?
The fact is Delves are now much more gated, and no one in the community is happy about it. Because 4 to 5 guys abuse the ladder now we all get fucked? I knew adding a ladder would ruin things.... sure its fun to gage progress but now GGG is so focused on keeping the ladder 'fair' that they basicly ruined Delves for the casual to semi casual playerbase. Running a few maps to Delve was fine... but now mapping for hours for minutes of Delving? It's not fun or rewarding. Im sure this change will at the very least be reverted... but what irks me is the thinking behind it. I hope it isnt the case, but I think GGG caught some of that Riot AIDS where you only balance the game for pro play and ignore 98% of the player base. Last edited by porouge#1489 on Sep 20, 2018, 11:42:31 PM
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Yeap this completely ruined it for me, i enjoyed delve, do some maps for an hour to fill my 2.5k voltaxic sulphite, then delve for a while.
I've been doing tons of maps but i cant get any above tier13 to drop this league, so saying to just go tier16, when i cant sustain them even when crafting them to high quality is... meh. Seems like this was balanced around the 1%, which i am clearly not :( Now i can travel 2 times, with my 10k... thanks. Ill wait for next patch, or next expansion ;b Last edited by wickdsickk#1139 on Sep 20, 2018, 11:46:38 PM
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" Except this proportion didn't add up to none t14+ maps which is a joke. Before, even if you run low level maps you feel rewarded in some way cuz ratio is the same. Now it heavily biased toward high quant , 8 mod t16 maps. So yes, the word they use is misleading/ fraud. And let's be honest, the dev even came out and apologize they did the math wrong and want to make the delving experience better by fixing the supphite "problems" So WHY then they make the experience MUCH WORSE? What's the point of apologizing in the first place? Are they actually apologize for making Delving too accessible? Is that it? Are they normal decent human being that has logic to begin with? Last edited by mic01851165#0058 on Sep 20, 2018, 11:49:16 PM
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" Is it really proportional ? How much is the significant sulfite boost from quality ? If it was proportional, the cost of delving would be the same relative to sulfite gains in maps, before factoring quality. Is it what is happening ? It does not seem like it. SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading. Last edited by Fruz#6137 on Sep 20, 2018, 11:44:40 PM
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Thanks for killing this league, GGG.
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