3.4.3 Patch Notes

RIP delve league.
Drakaris wrote:
TonskiOne wrote:
Thank You
i want to play too, and its S*** that that we cant, but let em fix it
the 6.5 K atzurit delve is clearly a bug, like they said 2 k will be the limit, they will fix it, come down ppl
in an Hour or two we will play again and it will be great

No, they will not. It is 2k per segment, the 6.5k cost is from multiple segments i.e. the path is longer than a single segment. Someone posted on reddit 11k+ sulphite node from a long path at depth 477.

If this is the case this patch just ended delve league for me and possibly all league in the future! Complete shit patch!
Oblitus wrote:
happylittletree wrote:
I think what's happening here is, GGG is aware that this league kind of has to be good.

And now they are perhaps panicking a little bit and trying to balance it out ASAP to make sure it's good early on, while doing more harm than good.

Did they target those guys delving really far down with the sulphite changes?
I see it as a pain in the bum for casuals (the guys with less time) now, they have no real way to explore deep delves as they have to invest quite some time in farming the fuel now.

What are you talking about? This patch is a straight nerf for anyone who is not chaining 100++% IIQ T16 maps.

yup. theyve driven delve league into the ground. league is already over, except for the 4 or 5 guys whove already exploited their way to the top of the leaderboards. now theres no point of even trying to compete, or even to catch up, or even to see how far you can push your character and test your build strength in the delve because theyve turned it into too much of a grind, gated by rng sulphite nodes and nerfed the whole system. youre no longer fighting the delve difficulty, youre fighting the progression mechanics

it was fine the way it was before. i dont know why they had to change it. maybe too many people complaining about quarry farming i guess? big deal. nobody asked for this.
Last edited by idrankyourbeer#1700 on Sep 20, 2018, 7:40:10 PM
i'm happy that i skip this league.
happylittletree wrote:
Just to clarify:
When they said SEGMENTS are capped to a max cost of 2000 sulphite..

They don't mean from node to node!
They mean segments. They can have from one to who knows how many segments.

So if you see like an L shaped and rather short path between 2 nodes, that'd be 2 segments.

Edit: On another note.

Now I'm getting more than half the amount if I play alone than duo!

Atzurite isn't shared.

I don't like solo play all that much but this league really seems to encourage it :/

Please redefine "segment" my node drops from 292 to 293 costing 2500. 292-293 in my opinion is a "segment" and considering the cost per segment was capped at 2k in the fucking 900s. Why the actual fuck is this so called segment" costing this much for 1 in the 200's!?!?!
Last edited by DemonicSlayer2015#3472 on Sep 20, 2018, 7:52:04 PM
I am going to standart! I dont want run 3 t16 map for 1 delve run ,thx GGG! RIP Delve
DemonicSlayer2015 wrote:
happylittletree wrote:
Just to clarify:
When they said SEGMENTS are capped to a max cost of 2000 sulphite..

They don't mean from node to node!
They mean segments. They can have from one to who knows how many segments.

So if you see like an L shaped and rather short path between 2 nodes, that'd be 2 segments.

Edit: On another note.

Now I'm getting more than half the amount if I play alone than duo!

Atzurite isn't shared.

I don't like solo play all that much but this league really seems to encourage it :/

Please redefine "segment" my node drops from 292 to 293 costing 2500. 292-293 in my opinion is a "segment" and considering the cost per segment was capped at 2k in the fucking 900s. Why the actual fuck is this so called segment" costing this much for 1 in the 200's!?!?!


I really want to know what a "segment"(s) they mean in patch note.
Где оптимизация?! - кричали они. Игра кал! Крис - нехороший человек! Я ухожу, здесь всё куплено и ничего уже не будет лучше! - раздавалось из толпы.
Они ненавидели, они страдали, они были готовы уйти. Но у каждого из них было по 36 выполненных челенджей.
DemonicSlayer2015 wrote:
happylittletree wrote:
Just to clarify:
When they said SEGMENTS are capped to a max cost of 2000 sulphite..

They don't mean from node to node!
They mean segments. They can have from one to who knows how many segments.

So if you see like an L shaped and rather short path between 2 nodes, that'd be 2 segments.

Edit: On another note.

Now I'm getting more than half the amount if I play alone than duo!

Atzurite isn't shared.

I don't like solo play all that much but this league really seems to encourage it :/

Please redefine "segment" my node drops from 292 to 293 costing 2500. 292-293 in my opinion is a "segment" and considering the cost per segment was capped at 2k in the fucking 900s. Why the actual fuck is this so called segment" costing this much for 1 in the 200's!?!?!

Some nodes are further away in distance than others, that's why traveling between varies in costs.

I think GGG rolled the dice or used a RNG to make up fucked up numbers that just dont add up anymore. You earn more sulphite now, but have to spend even more than before just to prevent people from farming the quarry? In fact, now we can even spend less time in the mine and have to farm maps even more..WTF is the point? People want to spend more time in the mine and less in maps, do you freaking understand that GGG?

With this patch this league is fucked, fuck the mine, fuck delving fuck farming sulphite really. Such a good idea, had really so much potential. It's really beyond my understanding how you actually can ruin it in this kinda epic way. Congratz GGG, if there was an Oscar for game development, i would vote for you guys.
Last edited by RaZeR1976#6427 on Sep 20, 2018, 8:03:57 PM
DemonicSlayer2015 wrote:
happylittletree wrote:
Just to clarify:
When they said SEGMENTS are capped to a max cost of 2000 sulphite..

They don't mean from node to node!
They mean segments. They can have from one to who knows how many segments.

So if you see like an L shaped and rather short path between 2 nodes, that'd be 2 segments.

Edit: On another note.

Now I'm getting more than half the amount if I play alone than duo!

Atzurite isn't shared.

I don't like solo play all that much but this league really seems to encourage it :/

Please redefine "segment" my node drops from 292 to 293 costing 2500. 292-293 in my opinion is a "segment" and considering the cost per segment was capped at 2k in the fucking 900s. Why the actual fuck is this so called segment" costing this much for 1 in the 200's!?!?!

Your opinion is worthless. With "segment" they mean a portion of a line of a given lenght they decide, one or more segments create the path that goes from a delve to another.

That being said, I'm farming T15 and 16 and still have to do way too much mapping in order to do just a pinch of delve. Let us enjoy the new content!

I appreciate the efforts put into that but I really hope an hotfix will rebalance costs and sulph gains asap as I kinda feel too bored to farm them up and delving deeper was my goal, being that the core of the league
Early to bed, early to rise, fishing all day, making up lies.
RaZeR1976 wrote:
It's really beyond my understanding how you actually can ruin it in this kinda epic way.

It's like Midas' gift, but it turns not into gold. Usually, there are dozens of white knights to defend even most stupid decisions, but now even they are on another side of the barricades.
Organic chemistry is a weird thing. If you add a spoon of shit to a barrel of jam you'll get a barrel of shit.

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