US|| <GUARD> Blackguard. Recruiting for guild and private league

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Last edited by Inksm3ar#5479 on Jan 11, 2020, 4:36:01 PM
✪ What server do you connect to(not league): Texas
✪ How long have you played: since 2017 (1600 hours+)
✪ What do you like in the game (are you a labrunner,mapper,delver etc.): Maps/Delve/Group Play/Currency farming (duh)
✪ How many characters do you create per league approximately?:2-4
✪ What you hope to get out of the guild:
A Group of players to play with and to learn more about this game and what its like to be in a guild.
✪ anything else that you would like us to know or a question you might have.:
I've been playing this game solo for a long time, and I'd love to change that up. I have a few friends from other games who play this very casually and would love to see what playing with a guild is like. This isn't the only game I play but I dump tons of hours into the game. I'm a very chill guy just looking for friends to help me progress in the game further. Specifically i'm very interested in group play for league start.
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✪ What server do you connect to(not league): DC/Texas

✪ How long have you played: 1 Year

✪ What do you like in the game (are you a labrunner,mapper,delver etc.): Currently Trying To Do End Game. This the first league I've made it to do end game content. Shaper/Uber Elder/ LvL 6 Sirus Deathless so far.

✪ How many characters do you create per league approximately?: 1-2

✪ What you hope to get out of the guild: LvL 100 / Sirus LvL 8 Deathless / All End Game Bosses

✪ anything else that you would like us to know or a question you might have.:
Played Solo most the year that I have played. A few friends who casually play here and there but this league I'm dedicated to it. Sooo much fun!
✪ NAME(IGN): JanusMCPhanusPack

✪ What server do you connect to(not league): Washington DC

✪ How long have you played: On and off for about 4-5 years

✪ What do you like in the game (are you a labrunner,mapper,delver etc.): Really enjoy mapping and trying new/interesting character builds.

✪ How many characters do you create per league approximately?: Typically have 1 main one then maybe 1 or 2 others to just try out different builds.

✪ What you hope to get out of the guild: Decent community experience, people to BS with, help eachother out with builds, crafting, helping new people get into the game etc.

✪ Anything else that you would like us to know or a question you might have: Kind of curious as to the population of this guild, other than that I really like the 21+ requirement.
✪ NAME(IGN): InDeepThoughts
✪ What server do you connect to(not league): Cali/Texas
✪ How long have you played: Beta
✪ What do you like in the game (are you a labrunner,mapper,delver etc.): All
✪ How many characters do you create per league approximately?: Too Many
✪ What you hope to get out of the guild: Friends
✪ anything else that you would like us to know or a question you might have.: Multi games aside POE

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