Summon Holy Relic

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Last bumped on Jul 28, 2024, 5:02:35 AM

This skill requires TOOLTIP. Or some LOT MORE informations about what it does and how and how much...
Last edited by CaMarchePas on Sep 10, 2018, 12:46:21 AM
The tooltip is too vague. It's missing the damage the nova deals, the cooldown of the nova, and the percentage of regen for both the player and minion. Please do a better job with minion tooltips in the future.
Can someone confirm to me whether the health regen from this skill applies to allies alone, or if it applies to you as well?

The tooltip says it grants regen to allies, but I never fully trust what tooltips says in this game...
i think we need more information about the regen/the aoe spell's damage/the aoe spell's cooldown/the minion's life
What pissing me most is we dont even know if the dmg and life regen scale with lvls. It looks like it does not so if movement speed is the only bonus, leveling it up is pretty useless and it is better to keep it low lvl for CWDT setup.
Last edited by LaughingManCZ on Sep 10, 2018, 1:05:46 PM
It does heal you as well; tested it by checking my life regen in defense tab both with and without the buff.

While I haven’t fully tested linking this to a bunch of supports, the heal is definitely noticable; I see it meaningfully healing my spectres, and I never see my tenp minions die besides from duration. As for its damage, it does not feel noticable at the moment in early maps, but I haven’t tried testing it with just punching enemies to trigger it yet. It’s hard to notice specific damage sources in my build anyways, with dominating blow, herald of purity, and phantasm on kill leading to huge groups of allies all the time.
I've been using two in a fated Geofri's linked to lvl 3 empower, mdmg and phantasm on kill. I'm using Infernal Blow myself, and the two novae are the extra damage i need to blow up packs in one swing (with acall for three main hit explosions). I feel its much better than people give it credit for, though it will never be a single-target minion due to its cooldown. Clear is great though, would be good with Cyclone as well.

The Phantasms are maybe not the best choice as a third support, but they do provide some sort of kill-counter to judge the skill's performance. In my testing it creates more Phantasms than either herald, which i've 4linked both.

Still testing if my theory is true that +lvls is one of the better ways to scale it, but it does seem likely that base dmg and regen values go up with level. I've not had any minions die on non-phys reflect maps without any investment in defensive minion nodes up to t12. I feel its definitely more than the utility skill its made out to be.
Last edited by Toverkol on Sep 11, 2018, 5:29:02 AM
CaMarchePas wrote:

This skill requires TOOLTIP. Or some LOT MORE informations about what it does and how and how much...

This, currently there is no "LEGIT" mean to build, except breaking the TOS and hack the game files to have ideas of damages and best support.

it l be super cool if we get some bones to chew,like for others minions where we have stats :)


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Need to know more info about it. It definitely dies way too quick, almost every time it gets 1 shoted.

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