[3.17] Hybrid's Molten Strike Jugg - Hold right click to TANK anything |MELT the Atlas|Divine Flesh|

droshi wrote:

POB has me at 18.8k armor and 90% phys reduction...in game says 22k armor but only 50% phys reduction? Even with charges or my main armor on/off...is that normal?

Any thoughts on Immortal Call vs Molten Shell vs Steelskin in the CWDT link? I feel like sometimes IC takes all the endurance charges at the wrong time. Right now I'm just leveling random stuff in my chest until I get a Kaom's.



34% less Elemental Damage taken
35% less Physical Damage taken
15% less Physical Damage taken per Endurance Charge removed

yes, it removes 5 endurance charges, but are way more tanky during this time.
also immortal call only procs when you take damage due to CWDT, so you will get those charges back fast enough.
with the jugg ascen you might be back to full charges even while immortal call is still up.

hey, in your current PoB there are so many skill gems, and not enough sockets.... what would be your suggestion of the most important ones?
like i have 14 sockets, but you suggest 16 skill gems..... (disregarding the main skill in the helmet...)
madchentanz wrote:
hey, in your current PoB there are so many skill gems, and not enough sockets.... what would be your suggestion of the most important ones?
like i have 14 sockets, but you suggest 16 skill gems..... (disregarding the main skill in the helmet...)

check again, they are disabled.
left them since everyone plays differently and its gear dependent.
if you have a fortify corruption on you sword you dont need it with your movement skill.
So, you have wave of conviction on your COH set up. Don't I have to manually cast wave of conviction? With COH, it doesn't seem to work. I see some post about imbalanced keystone, but you don't have in POB. Do we take it? Sorry if a repeat question, couldn't find another. Also, best for all resists to be same for wise oak?
Last edited by Strad1975#6969 on Jun 28, 2020, 12:01:17 PM
Strad1975 wrote:
So, you have wave of conviction on your COH set up. Don't I have to manually cast wave of conviction? With COH, it doesn't seem to work. I see some post about imbalanced keystone, but you don't have in POB. Do we take it? Sorry if a repeat question, couldn't find another. Also, best for all resists to be same for wise oak?

i dont understand what you mean by not working, the curse isnt being applied?

imbalanced guard is in the POB......
hybridboy wrote:
Strad1975 wrote:
So, you have wave of conviction on your COH set up. Don't I have to manually cast wave of conviction? With COH, it doesn't seem to work. I see some post about imbalanced keystone, but you don't have in POB. Do we take it? Sorry if a repeat question, couldn't find another. Also, best for all resists to be same for wise oak?

i dont understand what you mean by not working, the curse isnt being applied?

imbalanced guard is in the POB......

I reloaded the POB from front page. I mustve unclicked it by accident. tks
maciek2g wrote:
Can anyone who is actually playing this build in Harvest say how it works? Is <5ex budget enough to farm red maps and kill Shaper, Sirus, Elder, without tickling them for few long minutes?

I am playing this build in current harvest league. Even though the playstyle is exactly what I expected and I like it alot, I'm a bit disappointed about its damage and survivability.

I have to say that I'm a relatively new player and have not that much experience (It's my second season) and I did some small changes to the skill tree and gem setup. Didn't like those green tendrils from Nature's Patience, so I left it out and also the golem, cause I don't like pets.

My gear isn't that bad for one week playtime and I can farm red maps t11-14 pretty fast, but I'm lacking alot in Boss DPS (switching in wave of conviction for bossfights btw.) and even get oneshotted sometimes with 8k+ life. In Comparision with my Lacerate Gladiator on a state of a comparable investment from delirium league or my shitty geared Eartquake Gladiator the damage is kinda underwhelming and not what I hope it would be. Harvest Endfight took ages until the boss got bugged and I could not even finish it ^^

Try do get some more affordable updates for this build, like amulett anointment and watcher's eye jewel and test some other gem setups. I will then reconsider either continue playing this build or move on with earthquake, since the dmg potential seems to outshine this build by a huge amount.

Greetings, Venelar
Last edited by Venelar_#7200 on Jun 29, 2020, 12:08:02 PM

i used goldrim and tabula

and some other uniques to cap my res..

Maybe i am doing something wrong i am new to molten strike

i use the princess sabre
i dont get much dps

should i use some thing else to lvl up with than molten strike if so which one

i am new to this molten strike thingy
Level77 and loving this build!! btw anyone know any cheap/medium useful anointment ?
mistereudk wrote:

i used goldrim and tabula

and some other uniques to cap my res..

Maybe i am doing something wrong i am new to molten strike

i use the princess sabre
i dont get much dps

should i use some thing else to lvl up with than molten strike if so which one

i am new to this molten strike thingy

For leveling purposes, I would take out combustion and add ancestral call. Then I would upgrade your weapon with any sword with high aps and dps. At your level I would use lakishu's blade and dual wield it. decent aps and dps
Last edited by Strad1975#6969 on Jun 29, 2020, 9:00:47 PM

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