[3.17] Hybrid's Molten Strike Jugg - Hold right click to TANK anything |MELT the Atlas|Divine Flesh|
" when the league ends i will need to do some testing on STD with gear i have in league. i think the build will be about the same but cant promise anything :) " its not that big of a deal, and for bosses they should have about the same dps. |
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" The rings you mention, along with resistances and life are extremely expensive. I cannot get them. Maybe I can get one of them. Anyway, I am giving up on this build. It's a failure to me. Unless I need to spend a huge amount of currency to make it work, which I don't have. It's neither tanky, nor has any good DPS. I am gonna sell the things I got for it, and hope I don't lose too much/ Last edited by KatKira#1749 on May 10, 2020, 2:57:05 AM
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are there cheaper cluster jewels to use instead of those you recommended?
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" My lifepool is between 6.6k and 7k, depending on i f I roll with the 3 x mana reg/life + 1 armor/life node or spec those 4 nodes into dps nodes instead. I most often go for the more durable build, since my damage is already more than fine. |
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" okay, what do you think about taking kaoms heart and the elder helmet which is recommended in that build? |
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is the life gained on hit necessary? cuz i don't have enough currency to buy the rings with lgoh + res, should i use the gluttony belt and give up the armor or use the thief's torment?
And how much of a penalty is not having armor in this build? Last edited by TIZIO123#5483 on May 10, 2020, 1:57:19 PM
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My build uses pretty much the same gear and same 6L as this build, except that I like legacy Loreweave's 80% Maximum Resistances and use it instead of Kaom's Heart. With good min max, I manage to have 8k life which is tanky enough with all the damage mitigation the build has.
You don't need to copy my gear as I think this build's recommended gear is very solid. What I would like to share here is my use of the new cluster jewels which might assist you fine tune your build. I used in total 3 x Large Cluster Jewels and 6 x Medium Cluster Jewels. The 2 x Large Cluster I used are "Attack Damage while holding a Shield" ones. Their "Strike Leader" and "Advance Guard" nodes cover my loss of "Ignore all Movement Penalties" from "Art of the Gladiator" and "+2 to Melee Strike Range" from "Master of the Arena" nodes on the Skill Tree. The other key nodes from those 2 x Large Cluster can be filled with anything one likes. I suggest "Gladiator's Fortitude" since this build focus on life pool. The other Large Cluster I used is "Fire Damage" with "Master of Fire", "Vengeful Commander" and "Disorienting Display". "Vengeful Commander" gives big dps increase. "Master of Fire" gives us a lower % Fire Exposure than Wave of Conviction, but is reliable. I think the really powerful jewels are the Medium Cluster ones. I used 2 x "Projectile Damage" Medium Cluster, both with "Repeater" and "Eye to Eye". Those 2 nodes are no brainer. They give very good attack speed and increased damage. (Unfortunately, the effect of the 2 x 35% Projectile Damage to Nearby Enemies cannot be shown by PoB.) I used 1 x "Increased Effect of Your Curses" Medium Cluster with "Wish for Death" and "Evil Eye". "Wish for Death" gives us Culling Strike which is very useful. I used 3 x "Fire Damage over Time Multiplier" Medium Cluster. Each of them has "Cooked Alive". The 3 x "Cooked Alive" nodes together with our Combustion gem and the "Holy Dominion" node on Skill Tree give us 100% Chance to Ignite. In addition to the guaranteed ignite, the "Cooked Alive" nodes grant 3 x "Enemies Ignited by you have -10% to Fire Resistance". That is huge dps increase (unfortunately PoB cannot show the effect of it). The other nodes that go with "Cooked Alive" can be anything depending on whether you want to be more offensive or defensive. Since a lot of skill points had been spent on the 3 cluster groups, it is difficult to get to the "Constitution" life cluster on Skill Tree. I suggest if you want more life, you can pick "Flow of Life" to go with "Cooked Alive" on the Medium Cluster. Personally, I won't go for any Small Cluster because we need to give up 1 jewel socket plus 2 x skill points to get the major node of that Small Cluster. This is not economical at all (unless you don't have any decent jewel to fill the jewel socket). This is my PoB link: https://pastebin.com/njVwQRmr I hope my post can stimulate your thoughts on how Cluster Jewels can help min max your build. I welcome any suggestions or comments on the Cluster Jewels I used since there are so many variations of them out there. Last edited by Alfred2000#7648 on May 10, 2020, 10:51:42 PM
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Just got destroyed by sirius on a5 even though I wasn't facetanking anything. Any glaring issues that u can see with my build?
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" Very impressive damage numbers! looks very min-maxed. from the testing i did in POB with the cluster jewels i found that: 1. the attack nodes on the large cluster grant the best dps, and also save some points on the tree due to life and mana leech nodes. 2. for the medium cluster, repeater and eye to eye is the best dps option. 3. for the small cluster fettle just give alot of life that its hard to pass on that. i also found that using more that one cluster setup is less ideal, there are still good nodes on the tree for this build and by using 2-3 cluster setup you just dont have enough points left for them. i feel like alot of the other nodes from the cluster jewels arent that great\efficient. for example, cooked alive grant -10% fire res, which is good, but eye to eye node will get you more overall dps. also, stacking ignite chance to 100% is not efficient since we already have ~60% chance to ignite and we attack very fast plus throwing tons of balls, there is no way a boss wont get ignited with that setup. another example is advance guard, doesnt add much to total dps, with the stampede setup the movement speed has no effect and the ignore armor penalties also kinda useless due to stampede AND we can take that on the tree with art of the gladiator that add much more (attack speed and dex). so 2-3 cluster jewel setup is kinda forcing you do "fix" things in an inefficient way IMO. but i will do more testing to see if there is a good way to improve without sacrificing too much on other aspects. because what bothers me the most with your setup is the very low regen, with blood rage your net regen is ~100. would love to see a video of your build in action :) btw, you can still use cindersmallow for a good dps boost, even tho you have an onslaught boots. Last edited by HybridBoy#6125 on May 11, 2020, 4:32:15 AM
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This is probably one of the most garbage builds Ive tried.
Switch a loooooooooooot with this build. use diff. items. diff. cluster. spend around 30ex to make it work. simply garbage build and cant recommend. |
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