[3.17] Hybrid's Molten Strike Jugg - Hold right click to TANK anything |MELT the Atlas|Divine Flesh|
so i have never been able to complete POE (as in kill guardians/shaper/uber elder) yes i know....i just hit plateau and loose interest when i cant scale properly and/or stuff that i have to purchase to get to the next level is really expnsive...
however, i am hoping with this build i can finally kill everything! |
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Does the leech changes affect this build?
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How will you manage leech without the watcher's eye during league start?
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so i got a royal burgonet elder helm with the ms enchant for 20ex. figured id try to chaos spam a helmet upgrade for me.
about 3200 chaos, and all of my alch, scouring and alteration orbs gone so far this is the best ive managed to come up with so far wouldnt mind some dex or resist on it. im missing out on a bit of life from my old helm but im still sitting at 10,268 life which is decent i guess. my old helm had me at like 10,394. i also had 29 dex and 22 lightning rest on my old helm as well. everything was all well except no ms enchant. to make the new helm work i had to craft 29 dex onto my boots so i can run blood rage max level, and sitting in my hideout my resists are 102/95/102 before any flasks or endurance charges. is this enough for all content? is this going to matter anymore with the 90% max resistance thing going on with the new patch? i dont want to lose my enchants on the rest of my gear, the 20 fire+cold on my boots was all i could afford. level 20 blood rage, im sitting at 155 dex right on the mark after i crafted 29 dex onto the boots. im trying to figure out whats more important at this point? running level 20 blood rage, or having a higher resistance overcap i thought anything above 110 is recommended for like evading curses on higher level maps, and remaining capped out against other nasty map mods or something??? that was my understanding. afraid to annul this one after i had 3 or 4 decent ones go south on me and remove immolate or concentrate and their co-mod instead of one of the 2-3 useless ones i wanted gone using exalts got me the armor roll, block and stun and item quality :( if it was dex or any resist or high life i would be alot happier. too scared to annul at this point gave up on uber lab trying to get the enchant myself. theres gotta be a more practical way to go about this other than chaos spamming, alc + scour, transmute/alteration/augment/regal/exalt 3200 chaos or so and all my alchs,scours and alterations gone, and ive got maybe a dozen with immolate + conc at most, but they were all rolled with other useless mods and annulling fucked them, think im about ready to give up. theres gotta be an easier way to craft this helm. im about ready to give up on spamming the shit out of this with chaos orbs. if anyone seems to like my helm for whatever reason and wants to trade me for your MS elder helm if it would work for me, i'd be more than willing. really need one armor based with the ms enchant + level 18+ immolate + conc + decent life roll, any kind of resist over 20 or dex, and an open suffix i could use for dex or resist. unfortunately all the helms i could find that i can make work are all over 90 exalts, well over my budget and ive been looking for months. i especially the ones with +3 molten strike, and 30% more elemental damage as well which i can only ever dream of affording those gg helmsany time soon. i figured i could try to craft one, but i think ive hit a wall and im pretty stuck with what i should be doing here Last edited by idrankyourbeer#1700 on Mar 7, 2019, 3:26:06 AM
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" Let´s say search for tectonic slam build threads, since there are multiple? |
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Last edited by idrankyourbeer#1700 on Mar 7, 2019, 5:36:06 AM
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" no. " you dont need to cuz you have LGOH and regen. leech is for higher end content. " your helmet is perfectly fine! if you have a curse immunity flask you dont need to wory too much about overcapping. " you think im happy with the rarity and stun recovery mods? hehe getting the perfect helmet could cost you thousands of exalts. your setup is fine, just enjoy it :) |
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i replaced my silver flask with a cinderswallow urn
i also might want to swap my sulphur flask for a bottled faith down the road, even if i have to wait for the next league to end just to use it. but if i do that, id have to swap my cinderswallow urn back to the silver flask to remove bleed. but the fact of the matter is that by using 4 unique flasks, id only have one normal one for either bleed or curse removal. i wouldnt be able to use the cinderswallow urn or the bottled faith if i want to have flasks to remove both effects. so its a bit of a tradeoff i have corrupted blood immunity corrupted onto my wildfire because that shit is just downright nasty when i dont notice it in higher maps, but i still get hit with bleed from time to time. just not enough to ever be an issue for me and often i dont even flask and i just sustain right through it. and ive never even ran a curse flask. i just was never too concerned about it i guess. its hard for me to keep track of my debuffs, im running my pc to my 55 inch sony x930e and its hard to notice all the effects. i have to go out of my way to even look for the buffs and debuffs at the top of my screen. im probably cursed alot but i dont even know what the hell is going on i just keep trucking through it i guess i dont know what effect is more important to remove, curse or bleed? the 3 other unique flasks are pretty much required. i need another one for bleed or curse. and that leaves me with cinderswallow or a bottled faith, depending on if i want to focus on damage or sustain. but i cant have both, otherwise i would have no bleed or curse removal but yeah thats pretty much where im at. what is the max res overcap i should be aiming for is my real question im trying to figure out here and nice helm by the way. ill never be able to afford that. even the +3 helms are all seem to be over 90+ exalts to start with. seen one for 80 the other day though, think it was an evasion based one or something. but anything i would really want will forever remain out of my reach. i think im down to like 15 exalts or so now :( maybe ill just save up my riches and try to get a +3 helm one day and maybe chaos spam that to death? who knows? but ill probably never get one already crafted that i can make any use of. id have to buy a shit tonne of those purple essences and have a fuck load of exalts and annuls just to try, because if im already balls deep i'd at least want the 30% more ele damage to go along with imm/conc/life. yeah not really happening. ill probably have grey hair on my balls before i ever even get a mirror to drop Last edited by idrankyourbeer#1700 on Mar 7, 2019, 6:07:07 AM
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" stop worrying about the helmet, you dont need that extra projectile nor the 30% more damage mod. about the flasks: curse is more important as bleed isnt dangerous for us once you cant be inflicted with corrupted blood. 75+34=109, thats the res you need to have in order to stay capped at ele weakness maps. once you get there, you dont need curse immunity too much. Last edited by HybridBoy#6125 on Mar 7, 2019, 6:25:59 AM
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yeah thanks i knew there was something up with 109
but im gonna swap the bleed remove with a curse. youre right, bleed has been useless for me the whole time and i neveer even thought of that i guess now i gotta get my resistances topped up again. its gonna be a bit of a trick. |
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