Delve Balance Changes

BlazeSTX wrote:
Seems like absolutely nothing interesting to make me play it again so far.

The witches is still dead as a CI casters, there is everything nerfed beyond playable as spells.

The fun for the casters is shed away.

>ci whispering ice can do uber elder without moving
pick one and only one.

If unplayable means you can no longer kill boss 3 screens away with KB overlap,then yes.

Yeah right. Gotta love that reality distorting.
CI users in incursion:
2% of total SC players, within those 2%: 47% are ocu, 2% ele, 1% nec.
4% of total HC players, within those 4%: 61% are ocu, less than 1% is ele and nec.

Most popular trees for witch (in case you might think they are all LL). Warmer colours - more often used:

So CI is totally fine, nothing to see here guys.
Buffing then nerfing then buffing then nerfing... seems you guys have no clue what to do... After seeing so many builds gutted and killed - feel less and less inclined to turn on PoE...
3.3 saw so many different skills get buffed, but when a few get nerfed people act like it is the end of the world.

You can't have a balanced game without both nerfs and buffs. If you only buff, power creep runs rampant. If you only nerf, the opposite happens. GGG still favors buffs over nerfs, and as a result there's still power creep, but they do enough nerfs that the power creep rate is slow enough that adding newer, harder content can balance it, mostly.

Nerf whining seems to be a universal thing that you'll see on the forums of any online game you care to choose. That's understandable, I suppose. People don't like to feel like they're losing something, and don't really comprehend how game development and overall game balance actually work. But it does get tiresome reading it.

It sucks when your favorite skill gets nerfed, if you're the sort of person who has a favorite skill (I prefer mixing it up myself), but some amount of nerfs is vital for the overall health and balance of the game.

I do not intend to be rude but what a bunch of crap you have written man!I cannot understand,how is it possible for you to see the fact that nerfing things is NOT balancing?Why do you people fail to understand that?Let me explain it to you so you can understand what i mean!Lets say for example you have 10 skills,from those 10 skills 2 are perfectly implemented,strong and people like them,thus they play them!You did a bad job on the other 8 Skills!How do you fix this situation?Do you downgrade the 2 good skills so people DO NOT actually have a choice,OR do you try to upgrade the 8 existing skills and make them attractive to the people on a level that they can compete with the other skills?Let me ask you another thing when you "know" so much in this game...WHY introduce a skill like Arc for example in a strong state,than nerf it and the skill got automaticly forgotten.Than buff it again and resurrect it so it is strong again and people start playing it,and than because people start playing again,well lets nerf everything around the skill so its less powerful again?This example has being repeating itself for most of the years of GGG's "balancing" history!If a skill is a meta,poeple like it,is is friendly and it is GG,it has to be nerft?But why?Isnt that the mindset of the game in the begging?Play,get stronger and better so you can WIN the game and play it!Whats the point in investing in a character,leveling it,spending your time and hopes on it,just so it gets nerft agter a while.Well you move to the next meta char,and guess what!?!?!Yup you guessed it,it gets destroyed too!Let me ask you another thing,how come Kb was fine for 4 years now?It NEVER got touched!One of a sudden,GGG understands there IS NO substitute for it,and they are incompetent of making one.Whats the next step?Destroy the skill so people maybe start using other skills!Last question for you,lets say you go to the store,and you find a bucket of shit instead of your normal everyday Coca Cola what do you do?You naturally go and buy Coca Cola at another store?Right?Well lets say that in the other store they also sell you a bucket of shit instead of Cola,would you buy it just because there is no more Cola and now you need to drink shit?Same thing as Skills my friend!I hope you understood my caricature of the Skill downgrading politics!WIsh you everything nice and good luck Exile!
I usually never post and mostly lurk through these forums to see whats what and what other people are doing with builds and such. Some skills are outright over powered. 2 shotting a phase from shaper or uber elder via ele hit or arc traps is by no means balanced. If a build can 2 shot a phase of the hardest content in the game and still be careless about the encounter due to the life regen it will imbalance any other build for delves. If the changes dont come the only people high in the ladders of delves will be those 2 builds. Some things do need to be balanced as mentioned above. Gl to all n have fun on the next league.
Last edited by zmedic16 on Aug 28, 2018, 1:44:47 PM
KillerFit wrote:
3.3 saw so many different skills get buffed, but when a few get nerfed people act like it is the end of the world.

You can't have a balanced game without both nerfs and buffs. If you only buff, power creep runs rampant. If you only nerf, the opposite happens. GGG still favors buffs over nerfs, and as a result there's still power creep, but they do enough nerfs that the power creep rate is slow enough that adding newer, harder content can balance it, mostly.

Nerf whining seems to be a universal thing that you'll see on the forums of any online game you care to choose. That's understandable, I suppose. People don't like to feel like they're losing something, and don't really comprehend how game development and overall game balance actually work. But it does get tiresome reading it.

It sucks when your favorite skill gets nerfed, if you're the sort of person who has a favorite skill (I prefer mixing it up myself), but some amount of nerfs is vital for the overall health and balance of the game.

I do not intend to be rude but what a bunch of crap you have written man!I cannot understand,how is it possible for you to see the fact that nerfing things is NOT balancing?Why do you people fail to understand that?Let me explain it to you so you can understand what i mean!Lets say for example you have 10 skills,from those 10 skills 2 are perfectly implemented,strong and people like them,thus they play them!You did a bad job on the other 8 Skills!How do you fix this situation?Do you downgrade the 2 good skills so people DO NOT actually have a choice,OR do you try to upgrade the 8 existing skills and make them attractive to the people on a level that they can compete with the other skills?Let me ask you another thing when you "know" so much in this game...WHY introduce a skill like Arc for example in a strong state,than nerf it and the skill got automaticly forgotten.Than buff it again and resurrect it so it is strong again and people start playing it,and than because people start playing again,well lets nerf everything around the skill so its less powerful again?This example has being repeating itself for most of the years of GGG's "balancing" history!If a skill is a meta,poeple like it,is is friendly and it is GG,it has to be nerft?But why?Isnt that the mindset of the game in the begging?Play,get stronger and better so you can WIN the game and play it!Whats the point in investing in a character,leveling it,spending your time and hopes on it,just so it gets nerft agter a while.Well you move to the next meta char,and guess what!?!?!Yup you guessed it,it gets destroyed too!Let me ask you another thing,how come Kb was fine for 4 years now?It NEVER got touched!One of a sudden,GGG understands there IS NO substitute for it,and they are incompetent of making one.Whats the next step?Destroy the skill so people maybe start using other skills!Last question for you,lets say you go to the store,and you find a bucket of shit instead of your normal everyday Coca Cola what do you do?You naturally go and buy Coca Cola at another store?Right?Well lets say that in the other store they also sell you a bucket of shit instead of Cola,would you buy it just because there is no more Cola and now you need to drink shit?Same thing as Skills my friend!I hope you understood my caricature of the Skill downgrading politics!WIsh you everything nice and good luck Exile!

That's unreadable. Please familiarize yourself with the enter key, and the spacebar.
You're not nerfing Ele Hit? Awesome. I really wanted to try it out, but I started Incursion like, two weeks ago, too little to make the build and truly enjoy it.
But I'm happy you're boosting normal traps, since I also wanted to make an explosive trap build as a league starter (awesome skill, exposions best! Shame, really, that Arc trap had it beat by miles. But now I can't wait for Delve!)
BlasczeM wrote:
You're not nerfing Ele Hit? Awesome. I really wanted to try it out, but I started Incursion like, two weeks ago, too little to make the build and truly enjoy it.
But I'm happy you're boosting normal traps, since I also wanted to make an explosive trap build as a league starter (awesome skill, exposions best! Shame, really, that Arc trap had it beat by miles. But now I can't wait for Delve!)

Patch notes are supposed to be out later today. I would not be surprised to see an ele hit nerf in them. Dev manifesto posts are not always exhaustive.

The most obvious way to nerf ele hit is to just make it pick an element, and do that element, rather than having it do all 3, but zero out the off-two at the end.
KillerFit wrote:
3.3 saw so many different skills get buffed, but when a few get nerfed people act like it is the end of the world.

You can't have a balanced game without both nerfs and buffs. If you only buff, power creep runs rampant. If you only nerf, the opposite happens. GGG still favors buffs over nerfs, and as a result there's still power creep, but they do enough nerfs that the power creep rate is slow enough that adding newer, harder content can balance it, mostly.

Nerf whining seems to be a universal thing that you'll see on the forums of any online game you care to choose. That's understandable, I suppose. People don't like to feel like they're losing something, and don't really comprehend how game development and overall game balance actually work. But it does get tiresome reading it.

It sucks when your favorite skill gets nerfed, if you're the sort of person who has a favorite skill (I prefer mixing it up myself), but some amount of nerfs is vital for the overall health and balance of the game.

I do not intend to be rude but what a bunch of crap you have written man!I cannot understand,how is it possible for you to see the fact that nerfing things is NOT balancing?Why do you people fail to understand that?Let me explain it to you so you can understand what i mean!Lets say for example you have 10 skills,from those 10 skills 2 are perfectly implemented,strong and people like them,thus they play them!You did a bad job on the other 8 Skills!How do you fix this situation?Do you downgrade the 2 good skills so people DO NOT actually have a choice,OR do you try to upgrade the 8 existing skills and make them attractive to the people on a level that they can compete with the other skills?Let me ask you another thing when you "know" so much in this game...WHY introduce a skill like Arc for example in a strong state,than nerf it and the skill got automaticly forgotten.Than buff it again and resurrect it so it is strong again and people start playing it,and than because people start playing again,well lets nerf everything around the skill so its less powerful again?This example has being repeating itself for most of the years of GGG's "balancing" history!If a skill is a meta,poeple like it,is is friendly and it is GG,it has to be nerft?But why?Isnt that the mindset of the game in the begging?Play,get stronger and better so you can WIN the game and play it!Whats the point in investing in a character,leveling it,spending your time and hopes on it,just so it gets nerft agter a while.Well you move to the next meta char,and guess what!?!?!Yup you guessed it,it gets destroyed too!Let me ask you another thing,how come Kb was fine for 4 years now?It NEVER got touched!One of a sudden,GGG understands there IS NO substitute for it,and they are incompetent of making one.Whats the next step?Destroy the skill so people maybe start using other skills!Last question for you,lets say you go to the store,and you find a bucket of shit instead of your normal everyday Coca Cola what do you do?You naturally go and buy Coca Cola at another store?Right?Well lets say that in the other store they also sell you a bucket of shit instead of Cola,would you buy it just because there is no more Cola and now you need to drink shit?Same thing as Skills my friend!I hope you understood my caricature of the Skill downgrading politics!WIsh you everything nice and good luck Exile!

That's unreadable. Please familiarize yourself with the enter key, and the spacebar.

Yup thought so,your like the little dogs,a lot of barking and when you find your self not in the right position you run away!Anyway tried my best to explain to you in a sense what a think!But hey,i will just let you be a hollowed head doggy and stay as you wish :) Good luck to you!
Last edited by KillerFit on Aug 28, 2018, 2:00:45 PM
BlasczeM wrote:
You're not nerfing Ele Hit? Awesome. I really wanted to try it out, but I started Incursion like, two weeks ago, too little to make the build and truly enjoy it.
But I'm happy you're boosting normal traps, since I also wanted to make an explosive trap build as a league starter (awesome skill, exposions best! Shame, really, that Arc trap had it beat by miles. But now I can't wait for Delve!)

Boosted? Have you read what they wrote? They are not boosted, they are nerfed to kingdom come and if you think at any point they will do any significant buff to traps you better lose those illusions now. For years GGG treated traps like trash and now that they managed to make traps viable in a single build they are nerfing it into being absolute garbage again. GGG doesn't understands anything about balance. They make some builds absurdly powerful and some stay like that (only a few) and everything else is nerfed into oblivion. What is good in nerfed, what isn't good also gets nerfed.

Build diversity has been killed slowly over the years. The only change we saw to this was the changes to traps in incursion and guess what, they are reverting those changes cause who the hell wants build diversity in PoE?
"The heavens burned
The stars cried out
And under the ashes of infinity
Hope, scarred and bleeding breathed it's last."
So new heralds are only playable by classes with the appropriate ascendancies? Awesome, nice job GGG...

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