Delve Balance Changes

I really hope GGG listens to the comments and doesn't nerf sunder (or nerfes it in a way previously mentioned (sunder lvl1 20% less range, sunder lvl20 0%).

Was really looking forward to playing Gladiator Sunder :(
xXP3PP1Xx wrote:
Why are you guys nerfing Vaal Earthquake builds... it was so hard to make them work in the first place now u most likely killed them... focking hell mate

It seems pretty clear that they don't want any perma-vaal build to work.

I understand that p.e. the auras where overpowered and some Vaal rightgeous fire shenanigans but Vaal Earthquake? The builds weren't even that strong in the first place just hella fun...
XD I wonder how expensive Soul Ripper will get in standard...
R.I.P. Kinetic Blast
Seems bad. Would love it if I could get refunded half of the money I spent on this game in exchange for my account being locked or something.

Everything in this game is worthless. Get chase items/high tier rares, watch them get nerfed or the builds you used them with completely removed, watch new items that are completely insane and obviously broken from the start get added, watch them exist for a league or two and then destroyed. Same patch they are destroyed, new shit is added that is obviously stupid.
If we are gonna have stupid item, then let people enjoy their old stupid builds also. Or don't make those super op items.

Also skills: kill them, leave them dead for years, bring them back OP, then nerf them right after.
Why bother? I guess to sell some MTX and get some attention for that particular league and rework...

Wish you could be competent instead and know how items you bring into the game will impact it, how to tune skills etc. This game has the worst balance out of any game I've played by far.
fesru wrote:
Seems bad. Would love it if I could get refunded half of the money I spent on this game in exchange for my account being locked or something.

Everything in this game is worthless. Get chase items/high tier rares, watch them get nerfed or the builds you used them with completely removed, watch new items that are completely insane and obviously broken from the start get added, watch them exist for a league or two and then destroyed. Same patch they are destroyed, new shit is added that is obviously stupid.
If we are gonna have stupid item, then let people enjoy their old stupid builds also. Or don't make those super op items.

Also skills: kill them, leave them dead for years, bring them back OP, then nerf them right after.
Why bother? I guess to sell some MTX and get some attention for that particular league and rework...

Wish you could be competent instead and know how items you bring into the game will impact it, how to tune skills etc. This game has the worst balance out of any game I've played by far.

I am backing up this.
If there has been one constant for as long as I have been playing PoE, it's that Trap Support and Remote Mine Support have always fucked this game raw. Real traps are never meta, it's always some spell crammed into a Trap or Mine that ruins everything. I am beyond tired of seeing this every other patch, where GGG continues to nerf everything around the problem while never actually addressing the root of it. Everything suffers because of two support gems. Something needs to be done.
This is a buff™
Uh oh...does that mean I'll actually have to CRAFT a spell damage/crit + attack speed sceptre now?!

RIP Brightbeak.
Doeas the instant cast will also affect Vaal version of Auras? like Vaal Haste?
Seems like absolutely nothing interesting to make me play it again so far.

The witches is still dead as a CI casters, there is everything nerfed beyond playable as spells.

The fun for the casters is shed away.
You need to buy more stash tabs, and play months to fill them with items which to be deleted by GGG.
Well, the only nerf is that I wont be linking my vaal summon skeletons. Im ok with this.

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